Its so refreshing to see white people finally change course in this country!!

Well she is a racist and shows it with every thread she puts up. how bout no one post on her threads
so they just die off...seeing how it has yet to
First off, I could give a rats fuck about you nuts not responding to my post...contrary to popular beliefs, there are people here with real brains and to be honest with you, I wish all you white fucks would put me on ignore, cause I'm sick of talking to a fuckin brick wall.
tig, I think you exaggerate white people's level of giving a shit about what color you are. We are busy with our lives, our work, our families, our daily routines to care about your shade. You dwell in hate and it effects your body and soul, not others.

Have you ever considered living in a country that isn't predominantly the color you hate?

Let me get this straight, a overwhelming majority of rednecks and I quote...voted for Trump to make america white again, your words, not mine. And I'm the one hatin?
For the last 8 years white people have gone over and beyond to divide this country and support racist behaviors by both politicians and law enforcement. You have degraded Obama to no end, disrespected his family and especially his wife, made the lives of muslims and latino's a living hell, are responsible for more mass murders in the last 8 years than anytime in our nations history, with 29 babies on your notch, you have whined and moaned ever since that black man took the white house and YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU BITCHES ARE BUSY LIVING YOUR LIVES??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!! SELL THAT SHIT TO A RETARD, I AIN'T BUYIN IT!!
Well she is a racist and shows it with every thread she puts up.
Bitch, I'm in the best company money can buy.....welcome to you too, racist mop!! Crowded ain't it?

So you're in the habit of hiring escorts?
Do me a favor, don't give up your day job!!

I dont have a day job Aunt Jemima.
Most dick divers work at night, my bad!!
I know a lot of Trump voters around here, and none of them ever said anything about making America white again. They said basically what I and others have said is that we are tired of politicians failing to do the jobs they were elected to do. Been going on for years.
tig, I think you exaggerate white people's level of giving a shit about what color you are. We are busy with our lives, our work, our families, our daily routines to care about your shade. You dwell in hate and it effects your body and soul, not others.

Have you ever considered living in a country that isn't predominantly the color you hate?

Let me get this straight, a overwhelming majority of rednecks and I quote...voted for Trump to make america white again, your words, not mine. And I'm the one hatin?
For the last 8 years white people have gone over and beyond to divide this country and support racist behaviors by both politicians and law enforcement. You have degraded Obama to no end, disrespected his family and especially his wife, made the lives of muslims and latino's a living hell, are responsible for more mass murders in the last 8 years than anytime in our nations history, with 29 babies on your notch, you have whined and moaned ever since that black man took the white house and YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU BITCHES ARE BUSY LIVING YOUR LIVES??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!! SELL THAT SHIT TO A RETARD, I AIN'T BUYIN IT!!

You're nuts.
Trump doesn't need to make America white again. It already is white, and I know that, so not my words.
Too busy running my own life to make anybody else's life a living hell. And haven't murdered anyone.
Haven't a clue what you mean about 29 baby notches. And I don't whine. But I am allowed an opinion and here it is:
I could care less what color that lying traitor in the White House is. He is a real piece of garbage. I base that on his actions, not his color. He has caused more damage to this country than any other human on earth. He is repugnant. And his protege, Hillary is equally repugnant, so there goes your, "It's because of color" argument.
Well she is a racist and shows it with every thread she puts up.
Bitch, I'm in the best company money can buy.....welcome to you too, racist mop!! Crowded ain't it?

So you're in the habit of hiring escorts?
Do me a favor, don't give up your day job!!

I dont have a day job Aunt Jemima.
Most dick divers work at night, my bad!!

Hmmm...I have no idea what a dick diver is and the fact that you do is telling.
Personally i'm retired after working hard for thirty years.
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!

Awwwww, STILL butthurt over the election............poor, poor, stupid,stupid snowflake.
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!

Awwwww, STILL butthurt over the election............poor, poor, stupid,stupid snowflake.
I double dog dare you to take my 2017 challenge posting.
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!

I gather that you hate whites then? :dev3:
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!
When you post something truthful, on that day the forum will come to a stop.

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