It's bullshit you don't have the right to waive your rights

Sorry but no

One full time employee gets paid for 2000 hours of work plus that employees costs more than his salary alone

52 hours of overtime spread out over a year among several employees is nowhere near as expensive as hiring a 2000 hour employee for 52 hours of work

Then that's 52 hours of work that shouldn't get done each year.

As the Steward I suggest my don't guys work OT. I won't until the department is properly staffed. I've made that very clear to the Company for several years. A couple do work some OT but nowhere near what the Company wants us to work.

It's none of your business if a guy has more ambition than you and wants to earn some time and a half

But then again as a country we seem to have more people like you who just want to to the bare minimum.

Tell me if you were paying a guy to build you a house would you want him to barely meet codes or exceed them?
It's none of your business if a guy has more ambition than you and wants to earn some time and a half

But then again as a country we seem to have more people like you who just want to to the bare minimum.

Tell me if you were paying a guy to build you a house would you want him to barely meet codes or exceed them?

Actually as the Steward it IS my business to know how much time my people are working.

If i hired someone to do ANYTHING for me there would be a written contract with the expectation that they meet all local, state, and federal regulations while doing the work along with all provisions of the Construction Documents and Specifications included in their bid. Anything they do sbove or beyond thst is at their expense, not mine, unless a,change order has been agreed to.
It's none of your business if a guy has more ambition than you and wants to earn some time and a half

But then again as a country we seem to have more people like you who just want to to the bare minimum.

Tell me if you were paying a guy to build you a house would you want him to barely meet codes or exceed them?

Actually as the Steward it IS my business to know how much time my people are working.

If i hired someone to do ANYTHING for me there would be a written contract with the expectation that they meet all local, state, and federal regulations while doing the work along with all provisions of the Construction Documents and Specifications included in their bid. Anything they do sbove or beyond thst is at their expense, not mine, unless a,change order has been agreed to.

No it really is none of your business how much OT a man decides to work.

Just because you like to eke by with the bare minimum doesn't mean other people have such low standards.

SO you're fine with a house being barely up to code got it>

BTW I'm not satisfied with barely up to snuff products but you reap what you sow
As the Steward I suggest my don't guys work OT. I won't until the department is properly staffed.

so you're the libNazi who decides what properly staffed is? Why not encourage the free market? Suppose a guy has a sick kid he needs to pay for and needs the extra work?
No it really is none of your business how much OT a man decides to work.

Just because you like to eke by with the bare minimum doesn't mean other people have such low standards.

SO you're fine with a house being barely up to code got it>

BTW I'm not satisfied with barely up to snuff products but you reap what you sow

Considering that I have to negitiate the next contract it is definitely my business. I have to protect myself and the other current/future employees in the department.

I am not going to waste my money for something nicer than what I need or whst is,required by law.
so you're the libNazi who decides what properly staffed is? Why not encourage the free market? Suppose a guy has a sick kid he needs to pay for and needs the extra work?

I am the elected representative for this Department. They know they can remove ne at any time but none of them wabt to take on that responsibility.

If someone needs more money find a different job which pays more or get a second job. For reference the average salary in the department (4 classifications) is $35-36 an hour with great benefits.
so you're the libNazi who decides what properly staffed is? Why not encourage the free market? Suppose a guy has a sick kid he needs to pay for and needs the extra work?

I am the elected representative for this Department. They know they can remove ne at any time but none of them wabt to take on that responsibility.

If someone needs more money find a different job which pays more or get a second job. For reference the average salary in the department (4 classifications) is $35-36 an hour with great benefits.

are you a lib union man?
Chuckling still, after 40 years, about a union technician who, by contract, got a 50-cent an hour pay raise. Enough to destroy his eligibility for the subsidized mortgage for which he had applied. Destroyed it by what amounted to about 4 of those 50-cents.

He wasn't allowed to waive the raise or any part of it.

Regulations, you know, for his own good.
No it really is none of your business how much OT a man decides to work.

Just because you like to eke by with the bare minimum doesn't mean other people have such low standards.

SO you're fine with a house being barely up to code got it>

BTW I'm not satisfied with barely up to snuff products but you reap what you sow

Considering that I have to negitiate the next contract it is definitely my business. I have to protect myself and the other current/future employees in the department.

I am not going to waste my money for something nicer than what I need or whst is,required by law.

If someone wants to work OT it is none of your business. Seriously if you stuck your nose in my business by telling me I shouldn't work OT for time and a half I'd tell you to go fuck yourself.

And if you knew how piss poor minimum codes really are you'd be singing a different tune
If someone wants to work OT it is none of your business. Seriously if you stuck your nose in my business by telling me I shouldn't work OT for time and a half I'd tell you to go fuck yourself.

And if you knew how piss poor minimum codes really are you'd be singing a different tune

The OT one of these guys worked 2 weeks ago just cost me my 4-10 hour day schedule which I've been on for four years. As of next Monday I have to go back to a 5-8 hour days schedule which will really fuck up my life. I told my boss this will likeky force me to change employers. Until then he's been told not to even ask about my availability for OT or special projects.

I've worked in architecture and structural design. I'm well aware of the codes. I just dont plan to ever own a home.
If someone wants to work OT it is none of your business. Seriously if you stuck your nose in my business by telling me I shouldn't work OT for time and a half I'd tell you to go fuck yourself.

And if you knew how piss poor minimum codes really are you'd be singing a different tune

The OT one of these guys worked 2 weeks ago just cost me my 4-10 hour day schedule which I've been on for four years. As of next Monday I have to go back to a 5-8 hour days schedule which will really fuck up my life. I told my boss this will likeky force me to change employers. Until then he's been told not to even ask about my availability for OT or special projects.

I've worked in architecture and structural design. I'm well aware of the codes. I just dont plan to ever own a home.

I'm sure you won't be missed if you quit. No one misses the people who do just enough to not get fired.
My single biggest problem with labor protection laws comes down to this. They never take the worker's personal judgment into consideration. They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load. They don't accept that maybe some people might prefer to work for less than the legal minimum wage for some reason. Maybe they want to be competitive in a secondary job. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making as much as more valuable employees. The law doesn't know their situation. Then there's the fact that working as a minor is so heavily regulated. I mean, yeah, forcing ten year olds to work in a textile mill is bad. Nobody but the most rabid capitalist denies that. But, you know, some of us actually wanted a job at 13.

I went to work picking beans, strawberries, peaches and cherries in the summer. I was 11 at the time.

My kids worked with me in my business when they were 9.
It's just bullshit liberals take it upon themselves to decide the lowest wage you're allowed to ask for or whether you're allowed to volunteer your time at work without requiring compensation. It's bullshit liberals literally won't allow you to live without buying insurance from them. It's bullshit they think they know what's best for you and enforce it through the law. That's all I'm saying here. Do you realize they've even been talking about making vacation mandatory? It already is in the military. You get yourself and your entire chain of command shit on for breaking use or lose. A right isn't a right if you're not allowed to exercise it. It's just an obligation with a prettier name.

Dude, you need to put down the Libertarian Kool-Aid or whatever Koch-brothers shit you've been reading.

There is a reason why there's a minimum wage law. It's to keep THE RICH from doing what they did during the Great Depression- firing everyone so they could hire people who would work cheaper. Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, but the notion behind it is sound, to keep a recession from being a race to the bottom.

Same thing with mandetory insurance. Its' to protect the rest of us from your irresponsibility. Because if you crack up your car, the rest of us end up paying for your property and medical costs.

As for vacation- reality is, if people don't take vacations, they tend to get less productive. They get stressed out, they make mistakes. That's why the Military enforces leave.

Horseshit. My brother has been denied leave (as of last week) sixteen times. He has more than 90 days accrued leave (and is LOSING leave time), and simply can't take any! Other than 2 weeks when he transferred, he hasn't had more than a 2-day pass in damn near 4 years!
I think it's ridiculous that a person can't work through breaks or lunch if he wants.

I worked in a shop as a teenager that was run like a prison

The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop working for 15 minutes
The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop for lunch

It was like working with a fucking flock of mindless sheep

I asked if I could work through my lunch break so I could punch out at 3 instead of 330 and was told I couldn't

Who the fuck cares if a person wants to skip lunch?

I'm still pissed about the damn new DOT regulation that I MUST take my lunch break within 8 hours after clocking in. That has totally fucked up my work day about twice a week.
It is to get ahead of the pack dumb ass...

To set yourself apart, to be quicker to be smarter than anyone else and the fringe benefits come with it.

What fringe benefits? I'm talking a SALARY position. There is no additional pay for doing this. Promotional opportunities are based on time with the company and nothing else. So as far as I can see, it's a complete and utter waste of time.

In fact, it got so bad that our entire Engineering/Design Department decided to UNIONIZE in 2007 because of it.

Sorry but promotions are NOT solely based om time in the company.

When I was working for other people I was at times promoted over people with more seniority.

He works in a union shop. All that matters is how long he has warmed his chair.

I didn't say they would use force. I said they would force them.

You know the difference between a noun and a verb?
Yep. Are you suggesting that forcing someone to do something isn't the same as using force??

Yes I am.

"Dude, you either work 60 hours a week or you're fired" = forced to do something
"Dude, you either work 60 hours a week or we take you and your family and shoot you all in the head" = using force.

See the difference?

Ahh.. ok. I wouldn't usually consider the first one force, but if that's what you meant, I can roll with that. It's the same way an employee could "force" a company to give them a raise. "Give me a raise and more vacation or I quit!"

Yeah, exactly.

The point being that if you can only work 40 hours a week then the company can't make you work more. If you can volunteer to work more, the company can force you to work more hours. So, it's not actually a good thing.

Also, the same people who advocate workers "volunteering" to work much more at the same ones telling parents they need to parent their children, make their school lunches, help them with their homework, discipline then, be great parents. How do they do that when they're working all the time?

I don't think working more than forty hours a week is necessarily a good idea. I wouldn't agree to do it. My point is that we don't have any right to make that call for someone else. If someone else does want to work more, it's none of my business, and I certainly don't think there should be a laws, that use real force, to stop them.

Shit...unless I didn't work a full week, I haven't done LESS than 40 hours a week in damn near ten years!

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