‘It’s a big, big swing’: Trump loses ground with white voters

Hillary won Illegals and frauds in CA, that was her entire popular vote margin

You can keep repeating that lie for the rest of your life if you want but it will never make it true

CA, i) 20MM "Registered voters", ii) Illegals are given drivers licenses and iii) 5,000,000 mail in ballots. But no voter fraud.


You assclowns have had four years to prove your alleged fraud by illegals and yet, none of you have been able to, but keep lying to yourself if that's what helps you sleep at night, QAnon retard.
Hillary won Illegals and frauds in CA, that was her entire popular vote margin

You can keep repeating that lie for the rest of your life if you want but it will never make it true

CA, i) 20MM "Registered voters", ii) Illegals are given drivers licenses and iii) 5,000,000 mail in ballots. But no voter fraud.


You assclowns have had four years to prove your alleged fraud by illegals and yet, none of you have been able to, but keep lying to yourself if that's what helps you sleep at night, QAnon retard.

Why did they stop the recount in Detroit MI? Hmmm?

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts
Does Biden not allow people at his rallies? Why does Trump have thousands and Joe seems to be talking to nobody and dancing with a cell phone in his ear?
Because there should be no rallies for the sake of public safety. Biden is right, Trump is wrong.
He couldn't get 10 people to a rally, of course he wants to stop them....
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has rn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Most of those white voters being college educated suburban women, and seniors.

Trump will lose the popular vote. That's an absolute 100% safe bet in Vegas. But with voter suppression tactics by Republican governors and state legislatures, the electoral college, which is the only way a Republican is winning, is always in question.
Does Biden not allow people at his rallies? Why does Trump have thousands and Joe seems to be talking to nobody and dancing with a cell phone in his ear?

Because Biden isn't a malignant narcissist who is willing to kill people to stroke his Ego.

Narcissist? Mr. Biden? Nearly no one outside of the USA knows, who Mr. Biden is. So how can he be a narcissist? It would had been easy for him to change this.

But Donald Trump is without any doubt a narcissistic psychopath. And when I speak about narcissism in his context then I think about people like Anders Behring Breivik - and not about sissies, who like to look nice and sit in front of a mirror. The narcissist Adolf Hitler - the most famous German of his thousand years empire - was not shy to do the greatest extended suicide the world ever had seen.

The USA - and the whole world - is in an extremely dangerous situation, because Donald Trump is president of the first and only superpower of the world. He broke many safety bolts in international politics, without being able to replace them. He supports all authoritarian autocrats worldwide - directly and indirectly. This man is an idiot - and hopefully not a coffin nail of the western world. He knows not what he is doing on what reasons. In his brain is only hay - eh sorry: money. But money is only an illusion. Money is a good motivator - that's all. It's a psychological crook. With or without money theoretically we are able to do the same things. Money tells no one what's senseful to do on what reason - except on reason of money. But that's not enough.
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You assclowns have had four years to prove your alleged fraud by illegals and yet, none of you have been able to, but keep lying to yourself if that's what helps you sleep at night, QAnon retard.
If the states refuse to release their voter rolls for comparison there isnt much anyone can do, dude
The dog-shit GOP beat the fuck out of the Dems in the 2018 Senate race, and many Rs quit/retired from The House, leaving the GOP running way more seats than usual. The 2018 election was all about the house and Rs retiring. Nothing more.
In addition to that over 18 million Republicans did not vote in the 2018 elections that did vote in 2016.

The Democrats had only 4 million fail to return to the polls in 2018.

So 14 million Republicans and more will show up and give the Dims a swift kick in the ass as they deserve in this election.
Does Biden not allow people at his rallies? Why does Trump have thousands and Joe seems to be talking to nobody and dancing with a cell phone in his ear?
Because there should be no rallies for the sake of public safety. Biden is right, Trump is wrong.
He couldn't get 10 people to a rally, of course he wants to stop them....
Because there should be no rallies for the sake of public safety. Biden is right, Trump is wrong.
Trump called it "the plague", but he's willing to pack in his sheep together like sardines.

This is a true sociopath, and his sheep think he really cares about them. A group psychosis, last seen in Europe, 90 years ago.
If that's true, why is Biden copying all of Trump's "populist" policies?

he isn't. but never mind.

Trump called it "the plague", but he's willing to pack in his sheep together like sardines.

This is a true sociopath, and his sheep think he really cares about them. A group psychosis, last seen in Europe, 90 years ago.

One more time, Mitlaufer Mac was all for Trump six months ago when things were going well...
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

You're thinking of Benito Cuomo, Dictator of NY. Conservatives not welcome in "his" State

After Trump, Conservatives probably won't be welcome anywhere.

That was the plan under a Hillary dictatorship. It would have ended very badly for you Progressives.

Same with Biden, only it will end much, much worse if you think we'll let Chinese postmarked mail in ballots decide this election
Does Biden not allow people at his rallies? Why does Trump have thousands and Joe seems to be talking to nobody and dancing with a cell phone in his ear?

Because Biden isn't a malignant narcissist who is willing to kill people to stroke his Ego.
No he's only willing to start wars and drone people to stroke his ego.
Oh and he spies on opponents campaigns......yes the Obama admin, which he was a part of, DID THAT........what a piece of shit
The Dim’s should be ashamed of themselves, but then again one must first have a sense of decency.
Nope, they care not about that....because the media and hollywood are in their pocket
and as long as they move the cause forward, it's all they care about

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