‘It’s a big, big swing’: Trump loses ground with white voters

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Being from Las Vegas, you can find a bookie and lay some bets. You'll be rich as Trump.
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Being from Las Vegas, you can find a bookie and lay some bets. You'll be rich as Trump.
Well they are going to try and steal it ...not a bad idea

Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

You crack me up The only group where biden has a lead are the idiots that have trouble soiling them self
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Okay. This really made me laugh.
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Politico?.....FUCKING POLITICO?!?

Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

OMG...whites cast nearly 3/4 of the vote nationally EVERY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION

Obama received 43% of the white vote in '08
That dropped to 39% in '12, he lost 5 million votes from '08
In '16, Hillary only got 27% of the white vote, there were 7.6 million more voters then '12
and she didn't even beat Obama's vote total in 2012...with 7.6m more voters


Republicans gained votes from whites, blacks, asians, others and hispanics in '12
then again in '16
Democrats on the other hand lost votes from the same in '12 then again in '16

If you think Joe is gonna turn things around after the 4 year side show
we have all been privy to, you are sadly mistaken
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Yea, Biden has the meth head vote in his pocket.

Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Yea, Biden has the meth head vote in his pocket.

These people have demons...that one on the bottom, 2nd from the left...
He reminds me of the Joker
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

Then you deserve Biden and you can live in California in every state !!
SS ? Lol
If that was true ..then you would be executed
Does Biden not allow people at his rallies? Why does Trump have thousands and Joe seems to be talking to nobody and dancing with a cell phone in his ear?
Probably because it is retarded to go stand with thousands of maskless blowhards for a rally in the middle of a pandemic... also because Trump is an entertainer and Biden is a boring politician
I think Trumps win will be bigger than 2016...even with late mail in ballots.....Trump will win states no one expects or will predict....

So perhaps you should take care what could be wrong, if 80% of your people will vote for Donald Lukashenko and Putins hacker in the 62 states of the USA.
Yet another sign that the S.S. Trump is sinking. Even if he does manage to gain a few more Hispanic and black voters, he can't win with a substantial loss with white voters.

But Trump’s rhetoric does not appear to be resonating with white America to the degree it did in 2016. That year, whites cast nearly three-quarters of the vote nationally, and Trump won those voters by about 15 percentage points, according to Pew Research. Four years later, Biden has torn into that advantage, though to what degree is uncertain. The latest Morning Consult poll showed Trump now beating Biden among white likely voters nationally by just 5 percentage points. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday put Trump up among white voters by 9 percentage points, while a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll on Friday showed Biden and Trump essentially tied with white voters.

I never understood why Donald Trump got more than only one vote. By the way: We had in Germany since 1957 never problems with postal voting. In case of postal voting you have a document, a ballot. So it is not any problem to prove manipulations and/or to count again and again and again ... - until the result will be absolutelly clear. But what happens with electronic paper or documents after someone manipulated it? Such documents are like an original as long as no one is able to ask the person, who gave the vote - what's impossible to do. May it be Trump is indeed not president of the USA, but only a swindler?
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I would say this looks like Trump will win on reason of the this what I call "Amtsinhabereffekt" ("office holder effect"). In the last second people are often not sure to go really a new way and then they vote for the office holder.

For a real result you had to compare data which are in the same distance of the election date and to correlate the results with other similar situations to get a light idea what perhaps really will happen. The problem: How to compare the situation 2 month before the last elections and 2 month before the next elections? ...

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