It Stinks: the Intelligence Coup of the Century

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The Washington Post reported the U.S. and German intelligence operations reading secret communications from 120 countries. The publication refers to the documents of the CIA and the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) of Germany.

Since the 1970s, the CIA and BND have been receiving information from Crypto AG, a Swiss cryptographic equipment manufacturer.

Since 1958, the CIA, and then the BND, controlled the activities of Crypto AG through the front company, Minerva, in Liechtenstein. The Swiss authorities were aware of the US and German activities.

A question for the panic mongers who constantly talk about "American values":

IS customer fraud our national value???

The CIA is as crooked an establishment as the Mafia- AND it is funded by extorted money just like the Mafia does.
The CIA is as crooked an establishment as the Mafia- AND it is funded by extorted money just like the Mafia does.

There is formal logic and it has its own laws. The CIA is a STATE institution and only two conclusions can be drawn from this: the US is a mafia state OR the CIA is a “state in a state”...

I am NOT a citizen of the mafia state, AM I???

Can someone suggest a third conclusion ???
I love how the Russian posters are all working overtime to discredit the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. Keep up the good work. You're proving that right wingers need to be shown the door.
Look up Project Echelon

Yes, only within the framework of this project more than thirty thousand people work.

I think we should rethink the essence of our state, understand who owns it and governs, and how "THEY" see us, ordinary citizens of this country, which we seem to mistakenly consider "ours."

I think that those who invented the fairy tale about " the chosen” crossed the “red line”. I wonder IF ANYONE of them read about what happened in the country during the years of the Great Depression and at the last stage of the Vietnam massacre.

Memoirs of the former Minister of Defense McNamara quite clearly indicate WHAT can happen in the country if "SOMEONE" crosses this red line ...
The Washington Post reported the U.S. and German intelligence operations reading secret communications from 120 countries. The publication refers to the documents of the CIA and the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) of Germany.

Since the 1970s, the CIA and BND have been receiving information from Crypto AG, a Swiss cryptographic equipment manufacturer.

Since 1958, the CIA, and then the BND, controlled the activities of Crypto AG through the front company, Minerva, in Liechtenstein. The Swiss authorities were aware of the US and German activities.

A question for the panic mongers who constantly talk about "American values":

IS customer fraud our national value???

I consider that a good thing that helps keep our country safe
This report found that:
"The ECHELON system forms part of the UKUSA system but unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the cold war, ECHELON is designed for primarily non-military targets: governments, organisations and businesses in virtually every country. The ECHELON system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and then siphoning out what is valuable using artificial intelligence aids like Memex to find key words. Five nations share the results with the US as the senior partner under the UKUSA agreement of 1948, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia are very much acting as subordinate information servicers.

"Each of the five centres supply "dictionaries" to the other four of keywords, phrases, people and places to "tag" and the tagged intercept is forwarded straight to the requesting country. Whilst there is much information gathered about potential terrorists, there is a lot of economic intelligence, notably intensive monitoring of all the countries participating in the GATT negotiations. But Hager found that by far the main priorities of this system continued to be military and political intelligence applicable to their wider interests. Hager quotes from a "highly placed intelligence operatives" who spoke to the Observer in London. "We feel we can no longer remain silent regarding that which we regard to be gross malpractice and negligence within the establishment in which we operate." They gave as examples. GCHQ interception of three charities, including Amnesty International and Christian Aid. "At any time GCHQ is able to home in on their communications for a routine target request," the GCHQ source said. In the case of phone taps the procedure is known as Mantis. With telexes its called Mayfly. By keying in a code relating to third world aid, the source was able to demonstrate telex "fixes" on the three organisations. With no system of accountability, it is difficult to discover what criteria determine who is not a target." (12)

ECHELON - SourceWatch
The CIA is as crooked an establishment as the Mafia- AND it is funded by extorted money just like the Mafia does.

There is formal logic and it has its own laws. The CIA is a STATE institution and only two conclusions can be drawn from this: the US is a mafia state OR the CIA is a “state in a state”...

I am NOT a citizen of the mafia state, AM I???

Can someone suggest a third conclusion ???
most if not all other intelligence agencies are dirty and crooked when they deem it need be .......were just keeping up with them .and they're just keeping up with us and everyone else ...its a vicious cycle.
I just hope our Deep State spooks can walk and chew gum at the same time, since their principal activity seems to be spying on trump

If they manage to find a little time to spy on our enemies thats a good thing
Hey, that's what spies do. It's not all hot cars and hotter chicks.

If they manage to find a little time to spy on our enemies thats a good thing
What they do best is stir up shit and make false accusations to perpetuate themselves- that's when they're not busy with drugs and over throwing gov't's that refuse to bow to them.
I just hope our Deep State spooks can walk and chew gum at the same time, since their principal activity seems to be spying on trump

If they manage to find a little time to spy on our enemies thats a good thing

Trump is YOUR enemy, even if you don't realize it.
The Washington Post reported the U.S. and German intelligence operations reading secret communications from 120 countries. The publication refers to the documents of the CIA and the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) of Germany.

Since the 1970s, the CIA and BND have been receiving information from Crypto AG, a Swiss cryptographic equipment manufacturer.

Since 1958, the CIA, and then the BND, controlled the activities of Crypto AG through the front company, Minerva, in Liechtenstein. The Swiss authorities were aware of the US and German activities.

A question for the panic mongers who constantly talk about "American values":

IS customer fraud our national value???

Good job! Kudos to the CIA and NSA for doing their job..and keeping us one step ahead of our enemies..and those who may one day be our enemies.

I love how the Russian posters are all working overtime to discredit the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. Keep up the good work. You're proving that right wingers need to be shown the door.

Both Echelon and 5 Eyes were used extensively by the US Gov. Grow up idiot

It sounds HONEST and THINKED. But in this case, we have NO right to expose ourselves as “model democracy” and Christian "purity".

I am very worried by the fact that a very definite part of American society REALLY considers itself to be “exceptional” and “God-chosen” (we are already grown-up and wise by experience and we do not believe in such chauvinistic “tales).

BUT with SUCH ideology, it is half a step to extreme Nazism. Permissiveness in political affairs as well as in day to day life there is a terrible thing. Let's not forget what the Nazi ideology in Germany led to. The Nazis also talked about their "exclusivity", massively shooting and strangling representatives of other peoples with Cyclon

The psychologically difficult historical legacy of America, the American genocide of the Native Indians allows us to say that in our nation (if we can talk about the existing "nation", which I doubt very much), there is a genetic predisposition to violence against OTHERS


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