It occurred to me today why liberals are so concerned about "global hunger"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
So many fallacies where does one start?

Well let's just do one...

You never did prove what those people in the store did for living.
Price variations from conglomerate food supplies have cheaper prices due to bulk trading and chain locations..
Walmart is all imports even the air you breathe is from a sweatshop in SE Asia....
Sounds like Trader Joes or Wegman' do liberals eat that shit? Sprout sandwiches and watercress soup :puke:
Do you think Hillary's driver could find an Aldi's? Did John Kerry ever eat a ramen noodle in his entire life?
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
Progressivism is a mental illness, They obviously cannot see the forest through the trees or they just don’t give a shit.
They desire power above all things, and the way to power is through healthcare/socialist entitlement programs, firearm registration/confiscation and Taxation without representation...
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
So why do Republicans care so much about "needy billionaires"?

They don't care about you.
The only way to show you care about starving people is to fast yourself into an early grave or buy your groceries from Walmart.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
So why do Republicans care so much about "needy billionaires"?

They don't care about you.

Obviously they don't. But they do seem to care an awful lot about contributing to candidates who would confiscate their wealth and line them all up against the wall, if they could get away with it.

Wealthy liberal elitists love socialism, but they don't seem to understand the ramifications of what would happen to them, if their little socialist circle-jerk ever came to fruition. They would be among the first to end up in a mass grave, along with the academics, entertainers, minorities, and those of Jewish descent.

History has proven that to be true, sadly too many times over.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

The Undercover Economist.

Really good book that addresses this very issue. Most of these big corporations are liberal as we know. They really really want to do two things...make a huge profit and push liberalism. But they have a problem...the price elasticity of demand. . Wouldn't it be great if they could ask a price for their goods which most people could pay but be free to ask for a higher price from rich people?
And yes you have hit on the solution. The author of the book above uses Starbucks as an example but Whole Foods will do as well. Starbucks will sell you a cup of coffee for a certain price. Any more and people would walk on by. But if you have money to burn they will do you the favor of slapping a "fair trade" label on the cup and sell it to you for twice as much. That way you can feel good and they make a bigger profit.
Ahh the contented liberal :)

I recommend the book for common sense economics. Its a quick read and a popular format rather than a heavy scholarly one. His explanation of why poor countries are poor and how elite do gooders keep them that way is especially good.
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That folks is why they are called limousine liberals. The party of the working class my patoutee. The elite ruling class, and the impoverished minions. Has Bernie ever had an actual job in his life? He has a nice summer home and a sweet ride though. Spreading bs made him rich.
That folks is why they are called limousine liberals. The party of the working class my patoutee. The elite ruling class, and the impoverished minions. Has Bernie ever had an actual job in his life? He has a nice summer home and a sweet ride though. Spreading bs made him rich.

Bernie has three homes. Pelosi has at least that many. Pocahontas Warren has enough houses that she claims to have lost track of one. Socialism is lucrative. In fact socialism is always a hobby of the rich. Have you seen all the billionaires running around pushing for a "basic income"? Its a new trendy way to package socialism and the financial press always gets wet and creamy when they can brag a that another billionaire has come out for socialism.
Cognitive dissonance. Somehow they fail to notice that all the support for socialism in the US comes from billionaire businessmen and wealthy celebrities. No matter how many times they themselves report it they never seem to grasp that simple fact.

What billionaires and business titans say about cash handouts in 2017 (Hint: lots!)

Billionaire Warren Buffett on helping the poor: 'A rich family does not leave people behind'

Bill Gates says it's too early for basic income, but over time 'countries will be rich enough'

Mark Zuckerberg supports universal basic income. What is it?

A Billionaire Is Helping Fund a Massive Universal Basic Income Project

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