It Must Be Tough Being Trump's Lawyers


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
How many lawyers has Trump gone through now? They are the fastest growing sector of the American economy.

I hope they get paid well. At least the ones not in prison, I mean.

Cheating senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs at a fake university, bilking investors of billions of dollars, paying off porn stars with illegal campaign contributions, colluding with the Ukraine for personal political gain in exchange for foreign aid.

And now the dumb shit wants to actually read his confession on the air!

Trump says he wants to read Ukraine call transcript in TV 'fireside chat'

Comrade Donald just can't keep his fat mouth shut!

I imagine for Trump's lawyers it must feel like this:

Donald Trump wants to read the Ukraine call transcript to the country. That's a terrible idea - CNNPolitics

Trump has never seemed to understand how dangerous the transcript is to him and his political future. Since he authorized its release, he has repeatedly pointed to it as evidence that his call with Zelensky was "perfect."

In intraoffice emails, I bet Trump's lawyers use this emoji a LOT: :bang3:
Will he read the complete transcript?
I hope he doesn’t for the same reasons I rarely waste time responding to your posts.
Donald Trump wants to read the Ukraine call transcript to the country. That's a terrible idea - CNNPolitics

Trump has never seemed to understand how dangerous the transcript is to him and his political future. Since he authorized its release, he has repeatedly pointed to it as evidence that his call with Zelensky was "perfect."

In intraoffice emails, I bet Trump's lawyers use this emoji a LOT: :bang3:
Will he read the complete transcript?
Just the incomplete memorandum, with about an hour's worth of asides, whines, lies, red herrings, logical fallacies, diversions, sloganeering, jingoism, and just a tad bit of rimming Putin's anus. With lots and lots of bumper sticker phrases for the parrots thrown in.
It's E-Z being Trump's lawyers.
They only need to defend against sour-grape Democrat flicked boogers!

Poor, poor sad.

Donald Trump wants to read the Ukraine call transcript to the country. That's a terrible idea - CNNPolitics

Trump has never seemed to understand how dangerous the transcript is to him and his political future. Since he authorized its release, he has repeatedly pointed to it as evidence that his call with Zelensky was "perfect."

In intraoffice emails, I bet Trump's lawyers use this emoji a LOT: :bang3:
Another example of Trump’s arrogance, hubris, and comprehensive stupidity.
They are afraid that if regular Americans hear (or read) the transcript for themselves (instead of being told what it says by the presstitute media), they'll realize what a joke this "impeachment" inquiry is.

Trump sets the bait, the Anti-Trump jackasses dutifully swallow it. Every. Fucking. Time.


The idiot Trump wants to re-enact his crime on live television.

Too funny.

What part of "there is no crime" don't you understand? No matter how many times the democrats repeat their bullshit there are experts who know the law. Here are two Law professors who both say the Ukraine call is not a crime and is not impeachable. Both Dershowitz and Turley are Law experts and the democrats pushing impeachment are partisan hacks.

Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: 'Political Sin' Not a Crime
Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin" – legal expert Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday during an appearance on Newsmax TV.

Per Jonathan Turley:
Trump's Ukraine transcript: Unwise words but no proof of a crime

The idiot Trump wants to re-enact his crime on live television.

Too funny.

What part of "there is no crime" don't you understand? No matter how many times the democrats repeat their bullshit there are experts who know the law. Here are two Law professors who both say the Ukraine call is not a crime and is not impeachable. Both Dershowitz and Turley are Law experts and the democrats pushing impeachment are partisan hacks.

Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: 'Political Sin' Not a Crime
Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin" – legal expert Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday during an appearance on Newsmax TV.

Per Jonathan Turley:
Trump's Ukraine transcript: Unwise words but no proof of a crime

Goldilocks wanted to testify for Mueller too

but the fat sob puss'd out.

imagine that -
How many lawyers has Trump gone through now? They are the fastest growing sector of the American economy.

I hope they get paid well. At least the ones not in prison, I mean.

Cheating senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs at a fake university, bilking investors of billions of dollars, paying off porn stars with illegal campaign contributions, colluding with the Ukraine for personal political gain in exchange for foreign aid.

And now the dumb shit wants to actually read his confession on the air!

Trump says he wants to read Ukraine call transcript in TV 'fireside chat'

Comrade Donald just can't keep his fat mouth shut!

I imagine for Trump's lawyers it must feel like this:

mmm .. I wonder who's paying Trump's lawyers, Trump or the American taxpayers .. and you gotta wonder how much money has been wasted on these nonsensical and, "loser Democrat investigations."

Then there's the fact that democrats are, "absolute legislative losers" in the interest of the American people, yup, just sitting on their butts, whining and wasting time and money screwing over the taxpayers .. :eusa_snooty:
How many lawyers has Trump gone through now? They are the fastest growing sector of the American economy.

I hope they get paid well. At least the ones not in prison, I mean.

Cheating senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs at a fake university, bilking investors of billions of dollars, paying off porn stars with illegal campaign contributions, colluding with the Ukraine for personal political gain in exchange for foreign aid.

And now the dumb shit wants to actually read his confession on the air!

Trump says he wants to read Ukraine call transcript in TV 'fireside chat'

Comrade Donald just can't keep his fat mouth shut!

I imagine for Trump's lawyers it must feel like this:

mmm .. I wonder who's paying Trump's lawyers, Trump or the American taxpayers .. and you gotta wonder how much money has been wasted on these nonsensical and, "loser Democrat investigations."

Then there's the fact that democrats are, "absolute legislative losers" in the interest of the American people, yup, just sitting on their butts, whining and wasting time and money screwing over the taxpayers .. :eusa_snooty:

the same people who investigated Hillary 9 F'M TIMES


waste not, want not.
How many lawyers has Trump gone through now? They are the fastest growing sector of the American economy.

I hope they get paid well. At least the ones not in prison, I mean.

Cheating senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs at a fake university, bilking investors of billions of dollars, paying off porn stars with illegal campaign contributions, colluding with the Ukraine for personal political gain in exchange for foreign aid.

And now the dumb shit wants to actually read his confession on the air!

Trump says he wants to read Ukraine call transcript in TV 'fireside chat'

Comrade Donald just can't keep his fat mouth shut!

I imagine for Trump's lawyers it must feel like this:

mmm .. I wonder who's paying Trump's lawyers, Trump or the American taxpayers .. and you gotta wonder how much money has been wasted on these nonsensical and, "loser Democrat investigations."

Then there's the fact that democrats are, "absolute legislative losers" in the interest of the American people, yup, just sitting on their butts, whining and wasting time and money screwing over the taxpayers .. :eusa_snooty:

the same people who investigated Hillary 9 F'M TIMES


waste not, want not.

upload_2016-7-12_14-18-25.png ... :)

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