It just gets better - no deal off the table

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
UK can stop Brexit by revoking Article 50, Europe's top court rules

The UK has the legal power to stop Brexit by unilaterally revoking Article 50, the EU's top court has ruled.

The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage.

The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted, even if Theresa May's deal is voted down by MPs next week.

In their judgment released on Monday morning the panel of judges said it would be “inconsistent with the EU treaties’ purpose of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe to force the withdrawal of a member state” against its wishes.

The court went even further than its advocate general and said the UK could even revoke Article 50 if the period had been extended. This is significant because it means time could be bought to hold a referendum or general election whose result could see Brexit cancelled

Strangely enough it actually strengthens Mays hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ganed time in orde to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrows vote will happen ?
Strangely enough it actually strengthens May[']s hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ga[í]ned time in orde[r] to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrow[']s vote will happen ?

I don't see how that is supposed to strengthen May's hand. She wants her deal pushed through, and with other options more likely and other paths open subsequent to the ruling, her deal - rejected by a substantial majority of Britons - is even less likely to win out than before. Or so I would see it.
Strangely enough it actually strengthens May[']s hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ga[í]ned time in orde[r] to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrow[']s vote will happen ?

I don't see how that is supposed to strengthen May's hand. She wants her deal pushed through, and with other options more likely and other paths open subsequent to the ruling, her deal - rejected by a substantial majority of Britons - is even less likely to win out than before. Or so I would see it.
Mays main objective is to retain power. She is lukewarm on brexit. She neednt hold the vote now. The court has stopped the clock so its not her deal or no deal.She now has options.
In light of that I would be astonished if she puts her shitty deal to a vote. Uness she is looking to resign.
Mays main objective is to retain power. She is lukewarm on brexit. She neednt hold the vote now. The court has stopped the clock so its not her deal or no deal.She now has options.
In light of that I would be astonished if she puts her shitty deal to a vote. Uness she is looking to resign.

May has committed to two things: Honoring the referendum, and her deal is the only deal available (other than no deal). The EU has already pointed out that there won't be any changes to the deal. Thus boxed in, she has no (additional) options, just an extended time frame.

Those ever reading the tea leaves mostly suggest that she's going to lose the vote, and by a wide margin. Assuming that's true (and I certainly don't have better information on that), cancelling the vote will likely be seen as defeat without even putting up a fight. Certainly, holding the vote in four weeks, or in four months, won't change the outcome, right? I don't see how it could. So, she loses either way, and looks even more like a loser if she folds.

That said, politically speaking, May is a dead woman walking. And she's still walking because none of the Tory bigwigs wants to shove her aside and take over while this Brexit thing is still in the making, and its fallout would hang like a rotting carp around their necks forever. Or so would be my assessment.

Darn if I knew how Britain will get out from under that rock. She's going to be severely damaged, a few limbs missing and what not.
UK can stop Brexit by revoking Article 50, Europe's top court rules

The UK has the legal power to stop Brexit by unilaterally revoking Article 50, the EU's top court has ruled.

The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage.

The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted, even if Theresa May's deal is voted down by MPs next week.

In their judgment released on Monday morning the panel of judges said it would be “inconsistent with the EU treaties’ purpose of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe to force the withdrawal of a member state” against its wishes.

The court went even further than its advocate general and said the UK could even revoke Article 50 if the period had been extended. This is significant because it means time could be bought to hold a referendum or general election whose result could see Brexit cancelled

Strangely enough it actually strengthens Mays hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ganed time in orde to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrows vote will happen ?

After all these protests in France, are you really this dumb?
In light of that I would be astonished if she puts her shitty deal to a vote.

It would seem, you got that one exactly right:

Theresa May has postponed the final vote on her Brexit deal, according to sources.

If the development is confirmed it will be seen as a clear admission by the prime minister that she does not believe she can get the unpopular withdrawal agreement through the House of Commons.​
The vote will be/is cancelled.
The 'deal' is essentially scuttled. England now will either leave with no deal or re-do the vote.
UK can stop Brexit by revoking Article 50, Europe's top court rules

The UK has the legal power to stop Brexit by unilaterally revoking Article 50, the EU's top court has ruled.

The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage.

The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted, even if Theresa May's deal is voted down by MPs next week.

In their judgment released on Monday morning the panel of judges said it would be “inconsistent with the EU treaties’ purpose of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe to force the withdrawal of a member state” against its wishes.

The court went even further than its advocate general and said the UK could even revoke Article 50 if the period had been extended. This is significant because it means time could be bought to hold a referendum or general election whose result could see Brexit cancelled

Strangely enough it actually strengthens Mays hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ganed time in orde to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrows vote will happen ?

After all these protests in France, are you really this dumb?
I dont see the link with Brexit.
UK can stop Brexit by revoking Article 50, Europe's top court rules

The UK has the legal power to stop Brexit by unilaterally revoking Article 50, the EU's top court has ruled.

The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage.

The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted, even if Theresa May's deal is voted down by MPs next week.

In their judgment released on Monday morning the panel of judges said it would be “inconsistent with the EU treaties’ purpose of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe to force the withdrawal of a member state” against its wishes.

The court went even further than its advocate general and said the UK could even revoke Article 50 if the period had been extended. This is significant because it means time could be bought to hold a referendum or general election whose result could see Brexit cancelled

Strangely enough it actually strengthens Mays hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ganed time in orde to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrows vote will happen ?

After all these protests in France, are you really this dumb?
I dont see the link with Brexit.
So. . . yes?
UK can stop Brexit by revoking Article 50, Europe's top court rules

The UK has the legal power to stop Brexit by unilaterally revoking Article 50, the EU's top court has ruled.

The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage.

The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted, even if Theresa May's deal is voted down by MPs next week.

In their judgment released on Monday morning the panel of judges said it would be “inconsistent with the EU treaties’ purpose of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe to force the withdrawal of a member state” against its wishes.

The court went even further than its advocate general and said the UK could even revoke Article 50 if the period had been extended. This is significant because it means time could be bought to hold a referendum or general election whose result could see Brexit cancelled

Strangely enough it actually strengthens Mays hand.Although she loses the no deal bogeyman she has ganed time in orde to find a solution. I wonder if tomorrows vote will happen ?

After all these protests in France, are you really this dumb?
I dont see the link with Brexit.
So. . . yes?

Did you have a point ?
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "
ZZZZZZ, scaremongering again. At least you havent mentioned Soros.
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "

Lies and delusional nonsense.
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "
ZZZZZZ, scaremongering again. At least you havent mentioned Soros.

So what you are saying is that you deny that the two biggest members of the EU don't favor creating an EU army?

Are you saying that they haven't put aside 5 million Euros for the creation of this army?

Are you saying that an armored EU vehicle wasn't seen crushing demonstrators?

IOW, are you denying all these FACTS?

This is essentially your response. . . .

Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "

Lies and delusional nonsense.
Prove any of those facts aren't true. Otherwise, your post is nonsense.
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "
ZZZZZZ, scaremongering again. At least you havent mentioned Soros.

So what you are saying is that you deny that the two biggest members of the EU don't favor creating an EU army?

Are you saying that they haven't put aside 5 million Euros for the creation of this army?

Are you saying that an armored EU vehicle wasn't seen crushing demonstrators?

IOW, are you denying all these FACTS?

This is essentially your response. . . .


Mate, stop worrying about stuff that will never happen. 5 million euros buys you fuck all.
Yeah, you are completely and totally brainwashed, with no critical thinking capacity in that noggin of yours.

The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism

". . . Conclusion

To sum up:

  • The European Union’s two major figureheads are both in favour of an EU army.
  • The European Union’s flag is painted on armoured vehicles repressing anti-government protests in France.
  • The European Union is putting aside £4.6 millio (5 million Euros) to “help people recognise disinformation”.
  • The European Union wants to pressure social media companies into “shutting down” accounts that spread “fake news”.
  • The European Union wants Google to alter their algorithm, to promote news that praises the EU and demote sites critical of it.
  • The European Union wants us to understand that this is about “transparency” and is definitely NOT censorship.

Does this sound like an organization of which we want to be a part? Are we supposed to like the proposed multi-national EU “defense force” putting down anti-EU marches on the streets of Barcelona or Rome? To cheer on the idea that the EU Army could be sent into non-cooperative member-states to remove “dangerous” elected leaders because they are a threat to “equality”?

We won’t even be able to get to truth of those matters, because the EU will be supplying lists of “fake news” social media accounts to Twitter and Facebook, who will dutifully shut them down. While Google alters and re-alters their algorithm to make sure any news covering EU repression of democracy is pushed so far down the results pages it may as well not exist. . . "
ZZZZZZ, scaremongering again. At least you havent mentioned Soros.

So what you are saying is that you deny that the two biggest members of the EU don't favor creating an EU army?

Are you saying that they haven't put aside 5 million Euros for the creation of this army?

Are you saying that an armored EU vehicle wasn't seen crushing demonstrators?

IOW, are you denying all these FACTS?

This is essentially your response. . . .


Mate, stop worrying about stuff that will never happen. 5 million euros buys you fuck all.

It buys a whole lot of trolls if you convert it to rubles. In fact a real troll army.

Not as much with EU wages though.

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