It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
lol his campaign definitely colluded with Russia. His dumbass son voluntarily proved that.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
Thank you for confirming the OP. We truely appreciate your assistance.
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

You really are quite the 'tard, aren't you? Here, let me help you out with some definitions.........................

See more synonyms on
  1. a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something: a pledge of aid; a pledge not to wage war.
  2. something delivered as security for the payment of a debt or fulfillment of a promise, and subject to forfeiture on failure to pay or fulfill the promise.
  3. the state of being given or held as security: to put a thing in pledge.
See more synonyms on
noun, plural oaths [ohth z, ohths] /oʊðz, oʊθs/.
  1. a solemn appeal to a deity, or to some revered person or thing, to witness one's determination to speak the truth, to keep a promise, etc.: to testify upon oath.
  2. a statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
  3. a formally affirmed statement or promise accepted as an equivalent of an appeal to a deity or to a revered person or thing; affirmation.

So, what you did in school was a pledge, not an oath, because it was a promise of allegiance to the flag, but was not sworn to a deity. An oath is a solemn promise that is sworn to something revered or a deity.

Yes, what I did in school was say a PLEDGE, not an oath.

What I did whenever I reenlisted was an OATH, not a pledge.

It would help if you understood the difference. And, I swore to God that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and are one of the domestic ones because you don't believe in free speech.

Way to go if one wants to prove he's a hippie faggot.

Billy is derp and can go fuck himself.
Lol you know I’m right. That’s why you resort to acting like a child.

Nawsuh, you're simply an idiot.
Then it shouldn’t be hard for you to explain why I’m wrong.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
trump yesterday.jpg
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
lol his campaign definitely colluded with Russia. His dumbass son voluntarily proved that.
Prove it troll.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

I know, $145 million in payoffs from partners of Russian oligarchs. Just awful!!!
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

I know, $145 million in payoffs from partners of Russian oligarchs. Just awful!!!
Didn't happen. Next.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
I'll concede once there's a conviction.

unlike leftists, I assume innocence.
We know that the Russian scandal was invented by the obama team and the FBI as insurance to remove Trump from office. That's what they said.

Now we know that FBI agents vowed that they would not allow a Trump presidency to exist. That's what they said.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.

Actually, allowing a foreign government to help with a federal election IS illegal. That is why they are looking into whether or not Russia helped Trump win the election.

Interesting sidebar.....................the biggest help Trump got for his campaign probably came from the dude that he fired.................Comey. One of the findings of the commission is that Comey's actions in regards to how he handled the Hillary investigation had a large impact on the election in Trump's favor. And.........Comey wasn't even trying to help Trump.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Lol okay so if I provided you the transcript of Donnie Junior’s conversation with a Russian lawyer you would say “yeah you got me. His campaign colluded with Russia.”
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

Yeah, they can't concede the flatness of earth either. Because they aren't delusional like yourself.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Lol okay so if I provided you the transcript of Donnie Junior’s conversation with a Russian lawyer you would say “yeah you got me. His campaign colluded with Russia.”
Just because Trump Jr talked to a lawyer from Russia does not in any way prove anything.
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Well I think Democrats are pussies to allow the idea that Hillary is owned by Wall Street because she gave a couple of speeches. Absolutely ridiculous. Everything she ever did was investigated by everyone and nothing was ever found about anything. All phony scandals...
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