It is Now Time for the Races to Separate

Blacks are on the segregation bandwagon driving it

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.
= you don't have the backbone to deal with having your nonsense rubbed in your nose.
then deal with this

Cuntore: "The 'races' are NOT going to separate. At every opportunity in human history the exact opposite has happened"

Me: You said racial separation never happens

Cuntore: No, I did not.
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Lots of blacks given a chance have turned out a lot smarter than you. Or are you saying you are smarter than every black?

They could be the way they are because of generations of abuse and neglect.

But it does seem black guys are genetically prone to cheating. Maybe overall they aren't as smart so what? I wasn't a good student either. What would you do to me? Lol

First of all we are talking populations, so that means statistical distributions, not anecdotes. You don't know 'how smart' I am and you must quantify 'lots'

All available data including IQ tests, GREs, SATs,, PISA, and most importantly real world results in the workplace point to consistent underachievement. That is what I mean by lower IQ, we simply have no other measure of such things.
All this can be improved but not in one generation. Or not in a year or even 4

educators have been trying for over 40 years

"Educators" don't change economics, history, social and cultural expectations, geography, crime, or family composition. Regardless, ultimately students deserve to be taken as individuals, not the embodiment of some arbitrary categorization.

how would you know?...

I would know because, unlike you, I have not been hiding behind the couch all my life, frightened by all those scary people who look superficially different (oh no!). I would know because I have been a teacher for over 20 years.

Any other questions?
Here is how conversations with untwhore go:

Cuntore: "The 'races' are NOT going to separate. At every opportunity in human history the exact opposite has happened"

Me: You said racial separation never happens

Cuntore: No, I did not.

Your failure of reading comprehension is remarkable. Go ask an adult to help you.
Liberal NAZIs will not leave people like me alone

Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy | New York Post
That's my idea! Allow blacks who want to work to leave the ghettos.

Blacks make up 15% of the population. If your town only has 1% blacks, what up wit DAT?

all to often they don't want to work, and all you do is trash the target neighborhood with the influx of criminals

again, if the suburb accepts section 8, fine, but the suburb should have the right to say no to section 8
And many do! Richer neighborhoods.

They should only do this in neighborhoods that need workers. The city next to mine has lots of jobs and lots of low income housing/apartments

If I were a young single person with no criminal record who wanted to work my way up the economic ladder, there are literally dozens of ways I could do it in my locale. The problem is that young blacks are not motivated, a large fraction are criminals, and there are too many single moms. Blacks are self destructive. Mexicans come here illegally and find work, there is opportunity for those who are willing and able.
When I was between jobs I did black mold removal and carpentry work. Hard jobs. Dirty jobs. Minimum wage jobs. Anything's better than nothing.

Why is it easier for someone who doesn't speak English? I guess they understand step one is to get a job. Any job.

Cuntore [sic]: "The 'races' are NOT going to separate. At every opportunity in human history the exact opposite has happened"

Me: You said racial separation never happens

Cuntore [sic]: No, I did not.

Where do you see the words "racial separation never happens" in my statement, you drooling idiot?
Blacks are on the segregation bandwagon driving it

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?
Blacks are on the segregation bandwagon driving it

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?

Go learn something about the actual person instead of just masturbating to stormfront all day.
Blacks are on the segregation bandwagon driving it

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?
Do you blame them? 65 years later the GOP still hates black people. They certainly don't mind it being open season on them or that a lot of companies still descriminate
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?

Go learn something about the actual person instead of just masturbating to stormfront all day.

hey slope head. I read his autobiography
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?
Do you blame them? 65 years later the GOP still hates black people. They certainly don't mind it being open season on them or that a lot of companies still descriminate

the feeling is mutual.
RE black on white crime rate
Yes you are the other side of the coin. Malcolm x is on the other side

Malcolm called for blacks to take their misery into white neighborhoods, I am calling for nothing like that. He is a violent muslim, I am a peaceful atheist who just wants to get away from this multicultural/multiracial nightmare.

Malcolm X did not call for violence.

by any means necessary Malcom x that hated the white devil?

Go learn something about the actual person instead of just masturbating to stormfront all day.

hey slope head.....

What the hell do you mean by this?

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