It COULD have been "President" Kerry!

Wasnt he still a goof before he broke his leg though? Whats that got to do with shit?

I love his pointing bike helmet.

Yeah bicyclists wear those helmets and it has nothing to do with his ability to be a leader. Only idiots would think it has any correlation. See your post.

Yeah. Everybody, even a know nothing like you, realizes that bicyclists do wear helmets. Damn, that marijuana has fried your last brain cell.

Hey, dick breath. Try to think. Get a sober adult to help you with that. The fact that bike riders wear helmets doesn't mean they need to look like pathetic complete assclowns, like ol' Lurch and you.

Lurch looked pretty funny wearing that spermatozoa outfit, too.
This man COULD have been a U.S. Pesident!

Thank GOD the American electorate occasionally is smarter than that.

Of course, they did put Obumbler into Office. So they do make some mistakes.
Let us know how many miles you are biking in the Swiss Alps when you are 71.

^ Appallingly pathetic defense of Lurch, even by a Lurch cock gobbling sycophant liberal such as you, g5.000.

Oh. That mean old Ilar insulted my hewo, John F'n I voted for it BEFORE I voted against it back stabbing coontbag "Lurch" Kerry.

Fuckin' dipshit can't even ride a bike without breaking his leg. Fuckin' twit loser lib that he is.
This man COULD have been a U.S. Pesident!

Thank GOD the American electorate occasionally is smarter than that.

Of course, they did put Obumbler into Office. So they do make some mistakes.
Let us know how many miles you are biking in the Swiss Alps when you are 71.

What does that have to do with anything?

NOT a thing. That's why g5.000, the pathetic lib, went there.

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