Issues on which I disagree with the right

Hegelian dialectic isn't an answer..."Moving away" isn't an answer.

I like you....But your "evil of two lessers" game is one that I stopped playing over 20 years ago....You're not going to suck me back into it again.

When you can come back with something to move toward, and show me RESULTS -not empty promises and happy talk- then we can have an honest conversation.

Donald Trump brought us much of what he said he would. Secured border, addressing unfair trade, great economy, everything was better.

Sometimes it's not the lesser of two evils, it's who and what party identifies with your concerns the most. I'm a conservative Republican and vote R's straight down the ticket, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they stand for. However I don't agree with anything with the Democrat party.

If you're looking for a party that has the slightest chance in hell at winning something that agrees with every item on your list, you'll be looking for the rest of your life.
Sometimes it's not the lesser of two evils, it's who and what party identifies with your concerns the most.
This is fair. I have no beef with people who vote D or R and actually agree with the practices and goals of those parties. The people I consider cowards are those who are voting dishonestly, voting for a bad candidate instead of the one the actually prefer out of fear.

If you really think your candidate will make a good leader - will be a net positive for the country and actually improve things - then your vote is legit. But those who offer up the LO2E excuse aren't part of the problem. They ARE the problem.
If you're looking for a party that has the slightest chance in hell at winning something that agrees with every item on your list, you'll be looking for the rest of your life.
I'm looking for a candidate who reflects "most", or hell, even a significant chunk, of my values. Ds and Rs don't even come close.
Donald Trump brought us much of what he said he would. Secured border, addressing unfair trade, great economy, everything was better.

Sometimes it's not the lesser of two evils, it's who and what party identifies with your concerns the most. I'm a conservative Republican and vote R's straight down the ticket, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they stand for. However I don't agree with anything with the Democrat party.

If you're looking for a party that has the slightest chance in hell at winning something that agrees with every item on your list, you'll be looking for the rest of your life.
Though a dam sight better than neocons, populism is a poor substitution for real honest liberty.

Now, I will stipulate that -as Rumsefeld said- you have to fight the war with the army that you have, not the army you want....Having said that, populism is still just trimming around the margins, even though more boldly so than the establishment is comfortable with.

Want to secure the border?....End the welfare state NOW.....Then those who come here will be pulling their weight.

Want to end the unfair trade with China?....Screw tariffs and end ALL trade NOW, and let the US companies positioned there choose whose side they're on....The CCP has been waging economic warfare on the world and it's way past time to take decisive action.

Caving in and signing bloated budgets with trillion dollar deficits is not an economically sound practice to continue...Those budgets should have vetoed and the congress forced to get spending priorities in order.

I accepted talk for over 20 years....The time for talk and trimming around the edges is over.

The GOP's mission is either deliver or join the democrats.
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Donald Trump brought us much of what he said he would. Secured border, addressing unfair trade, great economy, everything was better.

Sometimes it's not the lesser of two evils, it's who and what party identifies with your concerns the most. I'm a conservative Republican and vote R's straight down the ticket, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they stand for. However I don't agree with anything with the Democrat party.

If you're looking for a party that has the slightest chance in hell at winning something that agrees with every item on your list, you'll be looking for the rest of your life.

Pretty much a representation of what the first Republican President said:

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854)
Though a dam sight better than neocons, populism is a poor substitution for real honest liberty.

Now, I will stipulate that -as Rumsefeld said- you have to fight the war with the army that you have, not the army you want....Having said that, populism is still just trimming around the margins, even though more boldly so than the establishment is comfortable with.

Want to secure the border?....End the welfare state NOW.....Then those who come here will be pulling their weight.

Want to end the unfair trade with China?....Screw tariffs and end ALL trade NOW, and let the US companies positioned there choose whose side they're on....The CCP has been waging economic warfare on the world and it's way past time to take decisive action.

Caving in and signing bloated budgets with trillion dollar deficits is not an economically sound practice to continue...Those budgets should have vetoed and the congress forced to get spending priorities in order.

I accepted talk for over 20 years....The time for talk and trimming around the edges is over.

The GOP's mission is either deliver or join the democrats.

The GOP spending is at least more pragmatic than the Democrats spending. And it doesn't seem like you understand how our system works. I'm a Republican and we are the majority. Some of my fellow Republicans would disagree with the bill I'm going to vote for. That means we have to get the approval of some Democrats. They are not going to support us because they are such nice people. They may be persuaded if they get something too. And therein lies the problem.

Look at the 13 backstabbers that voted for the last Democrat pork bill. We Republicans got nothing out of it, but they will be getting money for their state for going along with the Democrats, which I hope ends their political careers. But that's how it works.

The late economist, Dr. Walter E Williams put it best when he said "I'm going to run for public office. My agenda will be I will bring no money back to our state. Would you vote for me?"

So we are a large part of the problem as well. We all need federal money because we made the huge mistake of allowing the feds to confiscate most of the taxation, and redistribute the money the way they see fit, which as I just demonstrated, often times comes at a price. Then there is the media. When we near a government shutdown when Republicans want to cut spending and Democrats want to spend more, who does the media blame for the shutdown? I defy you to show me one article from the past where the headline read "Democrats shutdown government."

Quit trade with China and the price of our goods double which would greatly create inflation. Illegals don't get benefits outside of their children. If we want to stop illegals, make being here a felony which carries a minimum of five years in federal prison for the first offense. Of course no politician would ever have the balls to introduce or support such a bill.
This is fair. I have no beef with people who vote D or R and actually agree with the practices and goals of those parties. The people I consider cowards are those who are voting dishonestly, voting for a bad candidate instead of the one the actually prefer out of fear.

If you really think your candidate will make a good leader - will be a net positive for the country and actually improve things - then your vote is legit. But those who offer up the LO2E excuse aren't part of the problem. They ARE the problem.

The problem is we allow everybody to vote. The founders were on the right track when they considered not doing that. If we only allowed people to vote that had even a minimal knowledge of politics and issues, we would have much better leadership; a very simple test before being allowed to vote. You need to answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly or you don't get to vote that year. The Democrats are pushing for the opposite with mail-in voting. They highly rely on the stupid and politically ignorant to put them across the finish line. It's how they have the White House and Congress today.
The GOP spending is at least more pragmatic than the Democrats spending. And it doesn't seem like you understand how our system works. I'm a Republican and we are the majority. Some of my fellow Republicans would disagree with the bill I'm going to vote for. That means we have to get the approval of some Democrats. They are not going to support us because they are such nice people. They may be persuaded if they get something too. And therein lies the problem.

Look at the 13 backstabbers that voted for the last Democrat pork bill. We Republicans got nothing out of it, but they will be getting money for their state for going along with the Democrats, which I hope ends their political careers. But that's how it works.

The late economist, Dr. Walter E Williams put it best when he said "I'm going to run for public office. My agenda will be I will bring no money back to our state. Would you vote for me?"

So we are a large part of the problem as well. We all need federal money because we made the huge mistake of allowing the feds to confiscate most of the taxation, and redistribute the money the way they see fit, which as I just demonstrated, often times comes at a price. Then there is the media. When we near a government shutdown when Republicans want to cut spending and Democrats want to spend more, who does the media blame for the shutdown? I defy you to show me one article from the past where the headline read "Democrats shutdown government."

Quit trade with China and the price of our goods double which would greatly create inflation. Illegals don't get benefits outside of their children. If we want to stop illegals, make being here a felony which carries a minimum of five years in federal prison for the first offense. Of course no politician would ever have the balls to introduce or support such a bill.
Pragmatic schmagmatic....They're barely discernible from one another on spending and we both know it.

The 13 backstabbers are exactly why I refuse to support ANY republican...The effort is wasted when there's no cohesion on principle and intellectual honesty.

Like I told PC, when you get your party actually moving in the right direction, we can talk....Until such a time, it's nothing but talk from the hapless corrupt GOP.
The problem is we allow everybody to vote. The founders were on the right track when they considered not doing that. If we only allowed people to vote that had even a minimal knowledge of politics and issues, we would have much better leadership; a very simple test before being allowed to vote. You need to answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly or you don't get to vote that year. The Democrats are pushing for the opposite with mail-in voting. They highly rely on the stupid and politically ignorant to put them across the finish line. It's how they have the White House and Congress today.
That's pretty much impossible to implement. Who gets to write the rules defining who gets to vote? The party in power? Lovely.
That's pretty much impossible to implement. Who gets to write the rules defining who gets to vote? The party in power? Lovely.

Not at all. Bipartisan. The questions can't be political, and in fact multiple choice: Who is the VP today? What party does he or she belong to? The US debt is A) 250 billion. B) a trillion dollars. C) five trillion dollars. D) 29 trillion dollars. What party is in leadership of the House? What party is in leadership of the Senate? Our federal government is funded through A) payroll taxes B) sales taxes. C) federal income tax collections.

Now, these are just a few off the top of my head. Nothing political, just the very simple questions that anybody who votes should know.
Pragmatic schmagmatic....They're barely discernible from one another on spending and we both know it.

The 13 backstabbers are exactly why I refuse to support ANY republican...The effort is wasted when there's no cohesion on principle and intellectual honesty.

Like I told PC, when you get your party actually moving in the right direction, we can talk....Until such a time, it's nothing but talk from the hapless corrupt GOP.

The last true GOP spending bill was mostly designed around rebuilding our military. Our US Constitution charges our representatives with the duty to protect this country. What's in the last Democrat bill? Electric car charging stations for our highways. Funding for green cars and public transportation. Tearing down bridges they deemed as racist even though fully functional and rebuilding them so they are no longer racist. Grants to colleges for transportation research. 350 million for wildlife crossing pilot program and the list goes on and on. Read it for yourself.

The last true GOP spending bill was mostly designed around rebuilding our military. Our US Constitution charges our representatives with the duty to protect this country. What's in the last Democrat bill? Electric car charging stations for our highways. Funding for green cars and public transportation. Tearing down bridges they deemed as racist even though fully functional and rebuilding them so they are no longer racist. Grants to colleges for transportation research. 350 million for wildlife crossing pilot program and the list goes on and on. Read it for yourself.

Waste by degrees.....The waste, duplication, weapons systems demanded by nobody, and plain old graft could be wrung out of Pentagon budgets and there'd still be billions to spare to keep the military strong, with no spending increase at all.

There again, we have republicans talking a mean game of fiscal responsibility, then proving that it's just another gaslight job.
Waste by degrees.....The waste, duplication, weapons systems demanded by nobody, and plain old graft could be wrung out of Pentagon budgets and there'd still be billions to spare to keep the military strong, with no spending increase at all.

There again, we have republicans talking a mean game of fiscal responsibility, then proving that it's just another gaslight job.

Well China created a supersonic missile and we don't have one. Obviously spending is needed to keep up with our foes.

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