Issues on which I disagree with the right

And you know this how? Because the media tells you so? Are you familiar with the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy?
not sure your point here? Explain. Are you saying a libertarian candidate gets more than 1%? ok, maybe 2%. I'll concede that possibility. Still unclear on where you're headed here.

BTW, I do know that no one wins with 1% of the votes. Tell us how that works where 1% of ballots constitutes a win.
Nothing you'd comprehend.
that's what someone with no point says. Gotcha.

you should consider this, if you believe everyone around here is stupid but you, perhaps, it is you that is actually the stupid one. Something for you to consider.
I'd indulge your stupidity, and copy-n-paste it for you. But I don't like you much, and I'm betting your scroll wheel works. Give it a try!

You've outed yourself as being less than astute when it comes to politics.

And, remaining so is your choice.

What more is there to say?
The Libertarian Party is full of dem shills and derive most of their funding from dem intrests.

The reason for Fast Terry's governor win in 2013 here in Virginia was due to a dem shill "Libertarian" that played the spoiler. The bulk of his funding came from the dems.....That and the RPV was ineffective due to infighting.

That said there should be a bit of a small L Libertarian in every right-leaning voter.

I, like the OP, do not want to see abortion banned but restricted......Mississippi's upcoming 15 week argument to SCOTUS shows a lot of common sense to me but if you can't have one without the other as far as a state determining it's own course on the abortion issue then RvW has to go as it was a piss-poor decision on it's merits to start with.

I despise all politicians getting the US involved in overseas conflicts that don't really concern the US.....What-ifs are not worth a single serviceman's guts to grease the cogs of the .mil industrial complex.

I guess the only honest broker in the whole of congress is Rand Paul and he has a (small L) Libertarian streak in him that shows....We need a lot more like him.
The LP is nothing more than a debating society that has taken to nominating GOP retread losers, like Bob Barr, Gary Johnson, and Bill Weld....Meanwhile, they shrink from supporting people like Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, who could get more coverage for their issues than any of their 2%-er goofball nobodies....That's primarily why I left and stopped voting altogether.

They've mistaking standing for something for actually doing something.
that's what someone with no point says. Gotcha.

you should consider this, if you believe everyone around here is stupid but you, perhaps, it is you that is actually the stupid one. Something for you to consider.
It's certainly possible. Thanks for the advice.
This can be the start of debate, or just a bit of disclaimer for me.

I'm libertarian. As I predicted in the introductions thread, I seem to be disagreeing with progressives/leftists on here and thus may appear to some of you to be right-wing. So, here's where I'm not right-wing:

Pretty much any right-wing belief that opposes liberty or equality of opportunity, or that favors government involvement in areas in which the government should butt out.

So - even though I wish there were far fewer abortions, or even no abortions - I don't favor banning them.

I don't favor prayers in public schools, because I think the 1A does not allow government officials to establish a religion in a tax-funded institution.

As a libertarian, I'd like to see government get out of the business of licensing marriage, but if they do license marriage, it should be available to all sexes, all perceived genders and in any number - barring under-age marriage. Libertarianism is for adults.

I don't favor the war on drugs.

I don't favor the wars in the middle-east.

I don't favor going to war to protect Taiwan.

The MIC has been wagging the dog far to long, IMHO.
Im very right wing and I agree with all of that, except the war on drugs.
again, it's truly very simple, voting for a person that would receive only 1% of all votes, is actually a concession to one or the other side of the two parties you dislike. It really does nothing to further any program or even get any business done in DC to your beliefs. You seem to flip out when someone points that fact out to you. It's just a fact.
Dropping out is another option....One I've taken.

If there's anything that playing the "Rs vs. Ds" game has taught me, it's that expecting the change you want to come from people over whom you have no influence, let alone control, is a bigger loser's game than just saying "fuck it", dropping out, and disconnecting yourself from the system as much as practicable.
At the very least they are folks either too lazy or too fearful of doing due diligence, and picking which party is closer to freedom.
Your party is only "closer to freedom" because you're speeding away from it taking the scenic route, instead of the interstate freeway.

Come back to guys like me when y'all actually begin moving toward freedom, and we can talk.
But that's the same as voting Democrat! Or so I am told.
While you might see the word frequently enough, you won't find many libertarians on this board.
Actually, for most of the posters here it's more a case that when they do see them, they are just assigned to the other team. This is especially true for all the uneducated leftists here who do not follow any actual principles other than utter and complete conformity.

When 95% of the posters here simply draw the world into two camps where never the twain shall meet, the uber-partisanship drowns out everything else.
Your party is only "closer to freedom" because you're speeding away from it taking the scenic route, instead of the interstate freeway.

Come back to guys like me when y'all actually begin moving toward freedom, and we can talk.
Did you say 'freedom'?????

You'd rather vote for the one that uses censorship?
I'd rather not accept a false dichotomy and focus my attentions on things under my control.

There are only two choices for an adult.

Perfection is not part of the equation.



.....Or this.....


Tough choice......take your time.

Now stop you nonsense.

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