Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Morning update from the Northern front | Targeted countermeasures village of Dajal in the Nabatiyeh region of southern Lebanon

And COGAT says that it transferred 200 trucks of aid to the UN on Monday:

The stories are not only inconsistent, they are seemingly contradictory. If the UN is receiving and distributing aid from the northern Gaza crossings, then UNRWA is being deceptive in implying that the UN is not receiving anything.
But what is really insane is that the media is not mentioning COGAT's claims at all. Which indicates that COGAT is telling the truth, and the truth contradicts the holy Narrative of Israel blocking aid to Gaza. You could be sure that if COGAt were lying, there would be reporters all over the place to expose how evil the IDF in misleading everyone.

And we see that in the news coverage all the time. Look again at the New York Times article above, implying that Israel closed Kerem Shalom for an extended period. Yet it was only closed for about a day. Egypt has refused to send some 650 truckloads of aid rotting in the hot sun in Egyptian Rafah through Kerem Shalom. Even a US official gingerly noted that on Tuesday:

A senior Biden administration official briefing reporters offers very rare criticism of Egypt over what they said was Cairo’s withholding of UN humanitarian assistance from Gaza.
What should be going into Kerem Shalom is the UN assistance, which is now in Egypt. Egypt is holding that back until the Rafah crossing situation settles out,” the senior administration official says.
“We do not believe that aid should be held back for any reason whatsoever. Kerem Shalom is open. The Israelis have it open. And that aid should be going through Kerem Shalom,” the official adds.

We all know this but it took weeks to for any official to mention what everyone knows and barely criticize Egypt. And the media has been all but silent on Egypt's refusal to send aid.
The news media is well aware of COGAT. They quote them for other information all the time. Their refusal to report COGAT's statistics that show that not only has aid been entering Gaza, but more aid than before the Rafah invasion, can only be because the media doesn't want the world to know anything but anti-Israel lies.

(full article online)

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The main point should have been the evidence that proves that Hamas and other Gazans abused women, and then the article should note how some of the stories that were reported immediately were inadvertent errors that came about because ZAKA responders are tasked with recovering body parts and blood, not forensics, and there was simply no manpower to treat each murder as a proper crime scene when Jewish law mandates treating the body with respect and burying it quickly.

Beyond that, has AP or any major new organization ever systematically shown that Hamas knowingly lies in its own statements, a pattern from the beginning of the war that would show that lying is part of Hamas' very strategy and the media has been its puppet? Hamas lies by default and Israel tells the truth by default - has AP ever investigated their relative track records? Of course not. It still gives them both equal weight,and in fact puts Israeli statements through much more rigorous tests than it does for Hamas. This story is not written in a vacuum - it implies Israeli disregard for the truth while I cannot recall any major media writing about Hamas the same way.

Indeed, Hamas is thrilled with the story, putting out its own press release saying that AP has now debunked all the evidence of sexual assault on October 7.

The [Hamas] movement indicated, in its comment on the American agency’s report, this evening, Wednesday, that the Israeli allegations about sexual violence were used for the purpose of demonizing the resistance, and to cover up the humanitarian behavior that appeared to the world regarding the resistance’s good treatment of Zionist prisoners during their detention in Gaza .

The movement stressed that this report, as well as many reports issued by international media and human rights bodies, which refuted these allegations and proved that they are pure lies and blatant fabrications, requires US President Biden and other officials in some European countries to apologize and stop repeating these false accusations against the resistance and the Palestinian people.

In its statement, the movement called on Ms. Pramila Patten, the UN Special Envoy for Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas, to re-evaluate and review its report in which it accused the Palestinian resistance of committing sexual violence, after relying on Zionist narratives that were proven to be baseless, and without conducting any professional investigations into these false allegations.

Even here Hamas is lying, since the story did not debunk every accusation and, at least elliptically, mentions that the evidence for sexual assault is strong. Will AP issue a statement refuting Hamas' interpretation of the story? Or will it allow itself to be an instrument in spreading pure hate even further?

AP's reporting is as unconscionable as a report cherry picking inconsistencies in accounts of the Holocaust over the years without stating clearly that the Holocaust is an incontrovertible fact and that its deniers have a track record of hate. Just as with the Holocaust, antisemites denied the rape reports first and looked for evidence to justify their position later - their motivations are not seeking truth but attempting to cast doubt on it.

As it is, AP has just increased the amount of antisemitism in the world. And it seems inconceivable that the reporters and editors were not aware that this is how the story would be used.

(full article online)


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