IsraelPalestine-Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef Round 2 (Round 1 broke the Internet and received 20 million views)


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May 12, 2022

Here’s the major difference between today’s conflict, and the many many other conflicts in the holy land. Today you have social media, and perhaps the good parts of social media information from both sides is easily accessible all over the world, including here in America.

Youssef is widely known in the Arab world. He was a heart surgeon for 12 years turned into a comedian during the Arab spring in Egypt. He is an Egyptian. And he is gaining popularity in the west.

But long story short Youssef has opened up a door… talking about how things like being forced to condemn Hamas Or condemn Israel’s IDF doesn’t get anyone anywhere. … thats been going on for years… but new groundbreaking ideas are being brought forth

Like how perhaps the strongest contingent of critics of Israel are Jews all over the world like the ones who protested of the Capitol Hill…. And they’re called “self hating Jews” for it by people who claim to be Zionist supporters of Israel …Zionists like Ben Shapiro , Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley who have the harshest words and amateur language to use toward Jewish critics of Israel.

Youssef condemns antisemitism strongly … the worst antisemitism was from far right white people wrt Nazi Germany and their allies in Italy, and Ukraine and other parts of Europe. The collaboration of many Europeans to take part in the holocaust in WW2 we’re 6 million Jews were killed , which was only stopped by the heroic Soviets, American, and British and Chinese people who stood for the allied cause.

Youssef is at the forefront of new ideas being discussed on this current Israel Palestine conflict that in previous conflicts the world much of it certainly was not aware of due to technology not being where it is at today. Wow what a game changer there is nothing Hamas or Israeli IDF can do to prevent the truth getting out.
the IDF or Hamas can no longer engage in propaganda and get away with it

There are those today in America and the West a small portion of our population, who want to make Arabs the new antisemites. They are recklessly, tossing around words like the holocaust and antisemitism calling Arabs the new Nazis. That is insane on its face and makes absolutely zero sense.

In WW2 The white Christian Nazis from Germany, from Austria, from Italy, from France, from Ukraine, slaughtered 6 million Jews. …opposing them were many Christians from Partisian groups in Italy, and Ukraine, and of course, the allies America, England, China, and the Soviet union and other Ally’s.

As World War II is raging Jews found refuge in Muslim majority countries. They even found refuge in the grand mosque of Paris. Some 15,000 Muslims fought for the axis powers. Over 1 million Muslim fought for the Ally’s.

Yet the Prime Minister of Israel, in a monstrous way, suggested that a Muslim gave hitler The idea for the holocaust that Muslims were behind the holocaust of World War II. A totally insane idea that is a disgrace to the legacy of World War II…. Netanyahu was roundly criticized by jews all over the world for his stance. It’s lead to a number of miss guided people, repeating all sorts of lies about World War II ie Muslims being on the side of Nazis.

But after World War II, various ideas in Europe were thrown around as to what to do with Jews. Do they put them in Madagascar, do they put them in Argentina, do they put them in Palestine, which was 3 1/2% Jewish in 1917….

And so long story short you had the creation of Israel in 1948 a wave of Jewish immigration to the holy land from various parts of Europe. The unfortunate part of that was things like the Nakba, the annihilation of Palestinians. A documentary shows how some jewish soldiers, who took part in that massacre Bragged about ripping Muslim fetuses from women. They would have bets on if it would be a boy or girl, some Jewish zionists, who took part of the massacre , celebrate their actions years after it took place others regretted it.

But there could never be any comparison of anything happening in today’s conflict to the holocaust. There’s not Nazis in Palestine. There’s not Nazis in Israel. There were millions of Nazis in Europe in World War II all white Christians 99% of them. And they gave the Jewish people there Worst ever massacre. So people need to stop recklessly using terms like antisemitism and the holocaust. They’re doing it for political purposes some don’t know any better there misled, but it should be stopped.

hope is that with the advent of technology, perhaps some kind of a peaceful solution, maybe one state solution will prevail in the holy land. Maybe one state maybe 2 state who knows…. The US politicians should play the role of peacemakers , diplomacy.
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the IDF or Hamas can no longer engage in propaganda and get away with it
Bull shit. Your media sources tell whatever narrative they want without any regard for the effects on war or peace. Israel is in a fight for its survival and if Netanyahu heeds the call from Biden to "pause for long enough to get the hostages released" then he deserves everlasting shame. Israel needs to be as brutal and relentless as they can be and they need to tell Tater to kiss their ass. OBAMA aka HNIC, will do whatever he can to take Israel's current government down and he needs to be publicly exposed for his efforts. Make the thugs in DC have to OPENLY force Israel to stand down. Let the world know who is calling the shots. Frankly, I'd rather see nukes flying than to know that big eared, pervert MFer got his way again. Israel needs to tell DC that they can get on board the train or get the hell out of the way because IF NECESSARY, Israel will use nukes to prevail in this war.
Bull shit. Your media sources tell whatever narrative they want without any regard for the effects on war or peace. Israel is in a fight for its survival and if Netanyahu heeds the call from Biden to "pause for long enough to get the hostages released" then he deserves everlasting shame. Israel needs to be as brutal and relentless as they can be and they need to tell Tater to kiss their ass. OBAMA aka HNIC, will do whatever he can to take Israel's current government down and he needs to be publicly exposed for his efforts. Make the thugs in DC have to OPENLY force Israel to stand down. Let the world know who is calling the shots. Frankly, I'd rather see nukes flying than to know that big eared, pervert MFer got his way again. Israel needs to tell DC that they can get on board the train or get the hell out of the way because IF NECESSARY, Israel will use nukes to prevail in this war.
Leave franklin alone-----even dogs have to make a
living----everything he says has been said before and
written before. I read the islamo nazi propaganda
as a child----actual child---like starting about age 8.
I lived in a part of the USA close to little enclaves of
nazi supporters. The town was littered with their seedy little pamphlets. Of course as a little child I did not quite understand the nature that which I
read, to wit, ISLAMO NAZI CRAP. no other way to describe it----some of the authors
were even escapees from the Nuremburg trials living
in Syria or Egypt. ISLAMO-NAZI is an apt term.
The same propaganda is actually TAUGHT in muslim
schools and mosques ---as it seems,
thruout the world as I learned as an adult having
encountered educated muslims from just about
everywhere. There is nothing you can do about
Franklin. Unfortunately, many USA christians are
actually PRIMED to believe it just as German
christians were and muslims are---the lessons of
their childhoods.
Wow what a game changer there is nothing Hamas or Israeli IDF can do to prevent the truth getting out.
Excellent OP except I suggest that your last sentence is totally misplaced .
Because of the internet/social media, the roles of misinformation , disinformation and propaganda have hugely grown in importance .
The levels of deceit and lying are sky high, as are new practises and technologies to ensure that only manipulated narratives reach the Sheeple .

As with everything "newness" holds both the capacity for Good and Evil , imho .

As current examples of deliberately false narratives , you have only to take the beheaded babies and Shani Louk deceptions to see the propaganda success of directed and controlled lies .
As current examples of deliberately false narratives , you have only to take the beheaded babies and Shani Louk deceptions to see the propaganda success of directed and controlled lies .
the babies and Shani Louk are not REALLY DEAD???

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