Israeli settlements using Palestinian child labour, report says

Palestinian children as young as 11 are being employed under dangerous conditions in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank in breach of international law, a human rights group said on Monday.

Hundreds of child labourers are working in farms and agricultural businesses in thestrategically sensitive Jordan Valley for just £13 a day, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch, which documented cases of young people suffering work-related ill health and injuries.

The 74-page report, Ripe For Abuse: Palestinian Child Labour in Israeli Agricultural Settlements in the West Bank, says economic hardship is forcing some children to drop out of school to work in the farms to support their families.

It records instances of children working outdoors in 100F (38C) temperatures while enduring even hotter conditions inside greenhouses.

“Israel’s settlements are profiting from rights abuses against Palestinian children,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa director.

“Children from communities impoverished by Israel’s discrimination and settlement policies are dropping out of school and taking on dangerous work because they feel they have no alternatives, while Israel turns a blind eye.”

Some 38 children and 12 adults working on seven settlement farms were interviewed for the report, which states that children and young people are employed to pick, clean, and pack a range of crops including asparagus, tomatoes, aubergines, sweet peppers, onions, and dates.

Much of the produce is exported to EU countries and the United States, the report said.

Israeli settlements using Palestinian child labour report says - Telegraph

David Elhayani, head of the Jordan Valley regional council, said Hard work makes them too tired to throw stones
Yeah, and I was employed to cut grass in 100 degree weather when I was 12. I'm American and proud that I has my own grass cutting business at an age where folks like you were playing video games all day. ROFL

Can anyone raised on a farm say they did not help? Picking vegetables or rinsing them for packing is hardly dangerous work. I used to love climbing trees to get to the fruit, now I use a ladder to get to some of the figs and apricots I have growing in my back yard. The others trees I keep short enough to reach. Cactus is the most dangerous to pick and clean. Racking to keep the ground clear of fallen fruit is my least like job.

Child labor in and of itself is not a bad thing. I was either working or competing around the world since I was six.
It does not make sense to hire kids when there are adult that can do the work. Pay scale is set by law over there. It does not make sense to loose their right to export by off the books to cut corners.
The story was refuted almost as soon as it came out.

As for find kids climbing date palms almost anywhere else in the middle east. With those elevated basket machines (cherry pickers?) there is no need on modern Israeli farms to shimmy up palm trees like telephone poles.

This is just so much nonsense propaganda, but what else is new?
Not only that, but you will not find the anti-Semites refusing to eat fruit and vegetables picked by some young Mexican kids either here in the U.S. or down in Mexico. If the Palestinian parents allow their children to work for the Jews, then how evil those Jews are. Such hypocrites some of these posters are.

Very true. In fact we are all wearing clothes manufactured by labourers, often children, in poor third world countries. But it only matters if it is Jews. Again, these are not true liberals but anti-semites.

Stanford just reject the BDS movement. Israel is making it a crime.
People are sick with the persecution and disruption of providing palestinians with good jobs at better pay. Sick of the abuse and disruption of companies that benefit not just Israel but the PA as well. Companies that are not prejudice but that value the palestinians as equals. Companies that help to develop the WB. Companies that do more for the palestinians it hires than the PA does.
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.

Not that long ago in the UK the schools were shut for half term in October during what was known as potato picking week. People used to gather at designated street corners and get picked up by local farmers to pick potato's. This before the automatic potato pickers of today, so the tractor lifted the plants and the pickers went out and picked the potato's into boxes, baskets and sacks. Many a time children as young as 7 or 8 would be taken as well to do the gleaning of missed potato's . So it is not just happening in Israel it happens all over the world and the OP was just posting his usual anti semitic Jew hating
That was 60 years ago Phoenall..steve
Palestinian children as young as 11 are being employed under dangerous conditions in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank in breach of international law, a human rights group said on Monday.

Hundreds of child labourers are working in farms and agricultural businesses in thestrategically sensitive Jordan Valley for just £13 a day, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch, which documented cases of young people suffering work-related ill health and injuries.

The 74-page report, Ripe For Abuse: Palestinian Child Labour in Israeli Agricultural Settlements in the West Bank, says economic hardship is forcing some children to drop out of school to work in the farms to support their families.

It records instances of children working outdoors in 100F (38C) temperatures while enduring even hotter conditions inside greenhouses.

“Israel’s settlements are profiting from rights abuses against Palestinian children,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa director.

“Children from communities impoverished by Israel’s discrimination and settlement policies are dropping out of school and taking on dangerous work because they feel they have no alternatives, while Israel turns a blind eye.”

Some 38 children and 12 adults working on seven settlement farms were interviewed for the report, which states that children and young people are employed to pick, clean, and pack a range of crops including asparagus, tomatoes, aubergines, sweet peppers, onions, and dates.

Much of the produce is exported to EU countries and the United States, the report said.

Israeli settlements using Palestinian child labour report says - Telegraph

David Elhayani, head of the Jordan Valley regional council, said Hard work makes them too tired to throw stones
Yeah, and I was employed to cut grass in 100 degree weather when I was 12. I'm American and proud that I has my own grass cutting business at an age where folks like you were playing video games all day. ROFL

Can anyone raised on a farm say they did not help? Picking vegetables or rinsing them for packing is hardly dangerous work. I used to love climbing trees to get to the fruit, now I use a ladder to get to some of the figs and apricots I have growing in my back yard. The others trees I keep short enough to reach. Cactus is the most dangerous to pick and clean. Racking to keep the ground clear of fallen fruit is my least like job.

Child labor in and of itself is not a bad thing. I was either working or competing around the world since I was six.
It does not make sense to hire kids when there are adult that can do the work. Pay scale is set by law over there. It does not make sense to loose their right to export by off the books to cut corners.
The story was refuted almost as soon as it came out.

As for find kids climbing date palms almost anywhere else in the middle east. With those elevated basket machines (cherry pickers?) there is no need on modern Israeli farms to shimmy up palm trees like telephone poles.

This is just so much nonsense propaganda, but what else is new?
Not only that, but you will not find the anti-Semites refusing to eat fruit and vegetables picked by some young Mexican kids either here in the U.S. or down in Mexico. If the Palestinian parents allow their children to work for the Jews, then how evil those Jews are. Such hypocrites some of these posters are.

Very true. In fact we are all wearing clothes manufactured by labourers, often children, in poor third world countries. But it only matters if it is Jews. Again, these are not true liberals but anti-semites.

Stanford just reject the BDS movement. Israel is making it a crime.
People are sick with the persecution and disruption of providing palestinians with good jobs at better pay. Sick of the abuse and disruption of companies that benefit not just Israel but the PA as well. Companies that are not prejudice but that value the palestinians as equals. Companies that help to develop the WB. Companies that do more for the palestinians it hires than the PA does.
Give Palestine independence and ALL will be resolved.....but Israel won't have that......they need slave labour to improve their lagging economy
I blame the parents. Child labour all over the world (if that what this is and not just earing some pocket money), only occurs when parents tolerate it or even encourage it. I would have less kids if I couldn't support them.
Gee how clever you are Link I Loo........NOT
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Advocate for a free Palestine?

Whatever for?

I fully support the complete Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinians need to pack up and leave.

There is no more Palestine.

Merely Rump (Residual) Palestine.

A ghostly echo of its former unincorporated shape - non-contiguous slivers and scraps of land - insufficient to fashion a sustainable nation-state - lacking the resources and funds and political maturity to make a go of it - and so given-over to hatred of the Jews of Israel - even prior to 1948 - that they've turned into a pack of feral and mad dogs.

Even their Arab-Muslim neighbors (Jordan, Egypt) have given up on them, and blockade them and fence them off and now hold them at arms' length.

Rump Palestine is in a state of advanced decrepitude and impotency akin to that of Biafra, some decades ago. It's a still-birth. It's a non-starter. It doesn't exist.

Its supporters would like everyone else to believe that this is going to have a happy ending for the so-called and diverse and artificial 'Palestinian People'.

But there IS no happy ending in sight for these foolish descendants of the tribesman and town-folk who abandoned their homes and ran away a lifetime ago.

It's over.

Rump Palestine is rather like a chicken with its head freshly cut off.

It runs around the barn-yard, flapping its wings and kicking-up dust and spraying blood all about the place, but it's still as dead as Julius Caesar.

And, like that headless chicken, soon enough, the silly thing will run out of synaptic energy, figure out that it's dead, then lie down decently, and go still.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the Arab-Muslim Palestinians who stand against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza.

That's been tried, time and again, with the same result, every time.

The neighboring Arab-Muslim countries 'gave at the office' - in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 - and they've had enough - understandably.

The EU needs to kiss Arab ass from time to time, in order to keep the oil flowing, but, behind the scenes, they do no more than theyabsolutely have to, against Israel, the minimum needed to keep the oil flowing.

The Euros do this because they, too, and rightfully, suffer from a collective and generations-spanning Holocaust Guilt, and secretly delight in seeing someone triumph over their ancient Crusading nemesis and modern-day oil-energy blackmailers.

But, in the final analysis, neither the EU nor the US will do much, to twist the arm of Israel, in connection with the political Neanderthals that we call 'Palestinians'.

Like Biafra, it's time for the so-called Palestinians to close-up shop, turn off the lights, and pack it in.
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Advocate for a free Palestine?

Whatever for?

I fully support the complete Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinians need to pack up and leave.

There is no more Palestine.

Merely Rump (Residual) Palestine.

A ghostly echo of its former unincorporated shape - non-contiguous slivers and scraps of land - insufficient to fashion a sustainable nation-state - lacking the resources and funds and political maturity to make a go of it - and so given-over to hatred of the Jews of Israel - even prior to 1948 - that they've turned into a pack of feral and mad dogs.

Even their Arab-Muslim neighbors (Jordan, Egypt) have given up on them, and blockade them and fence them off and now hold them at arms' length.

Rump Palestine is in a state of advanced decrepitude and impotency akin to that of Biafra, some decades ago. It's a still-birth. It's a non-starter. It doesn't exist.

Its supporters would like everyone else to believe that this is going to have a happy ending for the so-called and diverse and artificial 'Palestinian People'.

But there IS no happy ending in sight for these foolish descendants of the tribesman and town-folk who abandoned their homes and ran away a lifetime ago.

It's over.

Rump Palestine is rather like a chicken with its head freshly cut off.

It runs around the barn-yard, flapping its wings and kicking-up dust and spraying blood all about the place, but it's still as dead as Julius Caesar.

And, like that headless chicken, soon enough, the silly thing will run out of synaptic energy, figure out that it's dead, then lie down decently, and go still.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the Arab-Muslim Palestinians who stand against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza.

That's been tried, time and again, with the same result, every time.

The neighboring Arab-Muslim countries 'gave at the office' - in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 - and they've had enough - understandably.

The EU needs to kiss Arab ass from time to time, in order to keep the oil flowing, but, behind the scenes, they do no more than theyabsolutely have to, against Israel, the minimum needed to keep the oil flowing.

The Euros do this because they, too, and rightfully, suffer from a collective and generations-spanning Holocaust Guilt, and secretly delight in seeing someone triumph over their ancient Crusading nemesis and modern-day oil-energy blackmailers.

But, in the final analysis, neither the EU nor the US will do much, to twist the arm of Israel, in connection with the political Neanderthals that we call 'Palestinians'.

Like Biafra, it's time for the so-called Palestinians to close-up shop, turn off the lights, and pack it in.

And we all know about the people of Biafra, they were virtually exterminated by the Nigerians,an independent people who fought for their rights......much like the Palestinian situation today......yeah due to Israel's insatiable appetite of Stealing Palestinian land.

I think people with your mentality (or lack of) should watch your I said Kondie "Put your brain into Gear before opening your Racist Mouth" ........You disappoint me.....It is people like you with your slant on other people that did such a great job for Hitler in the DEATH CAMPS...What a fucking Irony.steve
Last edited:
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Advocate for a free Palestine?

Whatever for?

I fully support the complete Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinians need to pack up and leave.

There is no more Palestine.

Merely Rump (Residual) Palestine.

A ghostly echo of its former unincorporated shape - non-contiguous slivers and scraps of land - insufficient to fashion a sustainable nation-state - lacking the resources and funds and political maturity to make a go of it - and so given-over to hatred of the Jews of Israel - even prior to 1948 - that they've turned into a pack of feral and mad dogs.

Even their Arab-Muslim neighbors (Jordan, Egypt) have given up on them, and blockade them and fence them off and now hold them at arms' length.

Rump Palestine is in a state of advanced decrepitude and impotency akin to that of Biafra, some decades ago. It's a still-birth. It's a non-starter. It doesn't exist.

Its supporters would like everyone else to believe that this is going to have a happy ending for the so-called and diverse and artificial 'Palestinian People'.

But there IS no happy ending in sight for these foolish descendants of the tribesman and town-folk who abandoned their homes and ran away a lifetime ago.

It's over.

Rump Palestine is rather like a chicken with its head freshly cut off.

It runs around the barn-yard, flapping its wings and kicking-up dust and spraying blood all about the place, but it's still as dead as Julius Caesar.

And, like that headless chicken, soon enough, the silly thing will run out of synaptic energy, figure out that it's dead, then lie down decently, and go still.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the Arab-Muslim Palestinians who stand against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza.

That's been tried, time and again, with the same result, every time.

The neighboring Arab-Muslim countries 'gave at the office' - in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 - and they've had enough - understandably.

The EU needs to kiss Arab ass from time to time, in order to keep the oil flowing, but, behind the scenes, they do no more than theyabsolutely have to, against Israel, the minimum needed to keep the oil flowing.

The Euros do this because they, too, and rightfully, suffer from a collective and generations-spanning Holocaust Guilt, and secretly delight in seeing someone triumph over their ancient Crusading nemesis and modern-day oil-energy blackmailers.

But, in the final analysis, neither the EU nor the US will do much, to twist the arm of Israel, in connection with the political Neanderthals that we call 'Palestinians'.

Like Biafra, it's time for the so-called Palestinians to close-up shop, turn off the lights, and pack it in.

And we all know about the people of Biafra, they were virtually exterminated by the Nigerians,an independent people who fought for their rights......much like the Palestinian situation today......yeah due to Israel's insatiable appetite of Stealing Palestinian land.

I think people with your mentality (or lack of) should watch your I said Kondie "Put your brain into Gear before opening your Racist Mouth" ........You disappoint me.....It is people like you with your slant on other people that did such a great job for Hitler in the DEATH CAMPS...What a fucking Irony.steve
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.


What does any of that have to do with the points previously outlined?

Did those tribesmen and town-folk not abandon their homes and run away, rather than fight, in 1948?

Did not the neighboring Arab-Muslim nations try to kill-off Israel in 1948, 1967 and 1973, and been badly mauled for their trouble?

Do those same nations not now (1) live in peace with Israel and (2) wall-off the bat-shit-crazy Palestinians?

Is not what is left of Rump Palestine non-viable as a parcel of land upon which to build a nation-state?

Is not the EU doing only the bare-bones minimum it needs-to, to keep Arab oil flowing, while holding off on anything more dramatic against Israel?

Is not the US the continued friend and ally of Israel - Obumble's recent fumblings notwithstanding?

Is it not true that there is no longer any Arab cavalry (rescuing Arab force sufficient to dislodge the Jews of Israel or to force a decision in favor of the so-called 'Palestinians') coming to the rescue of the Palestinians?

Given present and foreseeable circumstances, would not a Palestinian man not be better off, picking up his family, and leaving, for more peaceful and safer environs, in which he can build a healthy and prosperous future for himself and his family?

Those are the points being outlined in my most recent here.

If you dispute those, fine, have at it.

But spare me your transparent and pretended collegiality and your veiled (and not so veiled) allegations and emotionalism and so-called advice.

Not interested.
From your own link...

UPDATE: A correction has been issued for this article regarding the claim that 160 children have died in Hamas tunnels. The figure is inaccurate. The figure represents the total number of deaths in the tunnels recorded by Hamas authorities as of 2012.
Uh oh, toasty lost a nut on this one!
like you said before he is named right cause he is always getting TOASTED everyday here.:biggrin:
From your own link...

UPDATE: A correction has been issued for this article regarding the claim that 160 children have died in Hamas tunnels. The figure is inaccurate. The figure represents the total number of deaths in the tunnels recorded by Hamas authorities as of 2012.
Uh oh, toasty lost a nut on this one!
like you said before he is named right cause he is always getting TOASTED everyday here.:biggrin:
Toasted by who ? you??

Look at your username ? You are known by most posters here to be a demented conspiracy theorists who never posts any facts. Not to mention you spell like a third grader :lol:
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.

Not that long ago in the UK the schools were shut for half term in October during what was known as potato picking week. People used to gather at designated street corners and get picked up by local farmers to pick potato's. This before the automatic potato pickers of today, so the tractor lifted the plants and the pickers went out and picked the potato's into boxes, baskets and sacks. Many a time children as young as 7 or 8 would be taken as well to do the gleaning of missed potato's . So it is not just happening in Israel it happens all over the world and the OP was just posting his usual anti semitic Jew hating
That was 60 years ago Phoenall..steve

Then this makes me over 80, want to try again. It happened during my Children's childhood, just not as much. Children to this day in the UK start work as young as 12 doing simple tasks on farms and for shops. There is even legislation on who can work what and when depending on age
Yeah, and I was employed to cut grass in 100 degree weather when I was 12. I'm American and proud that I has my own grass cutting business at an age where folks like you were playing video games all day. ROFL

Can anyone raised on a farm say they did not help? Picking vegetables or rinsing them for packing is hardly dangerous work. I used to love climbing trees to get to the fruit, now I use a ladder to get to some of the figs and apricots I have growing in my back yard. The others trees I keep short enough to reach. Cactus is the most dangerous to pick and clean. Racking to keep the ground clear of fallen fruit is my least like job.

Child labor in and of itself is not a bad thing. I was either working or competing around the world since I was six.
It does not make sense to hire kids when there are adult that can do the work. Pay scale is set by law over there. It does not make sense to loose their right to export by off the books to cut corners.
The story was refuted almost as soon as it came out.

As for find kids climbing date palms almost anywhere else in the middle east. With those elevated basket machines (cherry pickers?) there is no need on modern Israeli farms to shimmy up palm trees like telephone poles.

This is just so much nonsense propaganda, but what else is new?
Not only that, but you will not find the anti-Semites refusing to eat fruit and vegetables picked by some young Mexican kids either here in the U.S. or down in Mexico. If the Palestinian parents allow their children to work for the Jews, then how evil those Jews are. Such hypocrites some of these posters are.

Very true. In fact we are all wearing clothes manufactured by labourers, often children, in poor third world countries. But it only matters if it is Jews. Again, these are not true liberals but anti-semites.

Stanford just reject the BDS movement. Israel is making it a crime.
People are sick with the persecution and disruption of providing palestinians with good jobs at better pay. Sick of the abuse and disruption of companies that benefit not just Israel but the PA as well. Companies that are not prejudice but that value the palestinians as equals. Companies that help to develop the WB. Companies that do more for the palestinians it hires than the PA does.
Give Palestine independence and ALL will be resolved.....but Israel won't have that......they need slave labour to improve their lagging economy

Then why hasn't it been resolved as they achieved independence in 1988, Or do you mean give them all of Palestine and wipe out the Jews, then go and work for them as unpaid slaves so they an live as they are now. All the Palestinians want is money for doing nothing and 12 million dead Jews
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Haven't you heard, Palestine is free if you submit two box tops from an Iranian grad missile case.

Why hasn't the P.A. negotiated a free Palestine in the last 27 years, as it is that easy to achieve. Why do islamomorons think that a free Palestine has to be given away by other people who don't have the authority to give it, when all it takes is to negotiate a settlement
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Advocate for a free Palestine?

Whatever for?

I fully support the complete Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinians need to pack up and leave.

There is no more Palestine.

Merely Rump (Residual) Palestine.

A ghostly echo of its former unincorporated shape - non-contiguous slivers and scraps of land - insufficient to fashion a sustainable nation-state - lacking the resources and funds and political maturity to make a go of it - and so given-over to hatred of the Jews of Israel - even prior to 1948 - that they've turned into a pack of feral and mad dogs.

Even their Arab-Muslim neighbors (Jordan, Egypt) have given up on them, and blockade them and fence them off and now hold them at arms' length.

Rump Palestine is in a state of advanced decrepitude and impotency akin to that of Biafra, some decades ago. It's a still-birth. It's a non-starter. It doesn't exist.

Its supporters would like everyone else to believe that this is going to have a happy ending for the so-called and diverse and artificial 'Palestinian People'.

But there IS no happy ending in sight for these foolish descendants of the tribesman and town-folk who abandoned their homes and ran away a lifetime ago.

It's over.

Rump Palestine is rather like a chicken with its head freshly cut off.

It runs around the barn-yard, flapping its wings and kicking-up dust and spraying blood all about the place, but it's still as dead as Julius Caesar.

And, like that headless chicken, soon enough, the silly thing will run out of synaptic energy, figure out that it's dead, then lie down decently, and go still.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the Arab-Muslim Palestinians who stand against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza.

That's been tried, time and again, with the same result, every time.

The neighboring Arab-Muslim countries 'gave at the office' - in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 - and they've had enough - understandably.

The EU needs to kiss Arab ass from time to time, in order to keep the oil flowing, but, behind the scenes, they do no more than theyabsolutely have to, against Israel, the minimum needed to keep the oil flowing.

The Euros do this because they, too, and rightfully, suffer from a collective and generations-spanning Holocaust Guilt, and secretly delight in seeing someone triumph over their ancient Crusading nemesis and modern-day oil-energy blackmailers.

But, in the final analysis, neither the EU nor the US will do much, to twist the arm of Israel, in connection with the political Neanderthals that we call 'Palestinians'.

Like Biafra, it's time for the so-called Palestinians to close-up shop, turn off the lights, and pack it in.

And we all know about the people of Biafra, they were virtually exterminated by the Nigerians,an independent people who fought for their rights......much like the Palestinian situation today......yeah due to Israel's insatiable appetite of Stealing Palestinian land.

I think people with your mentality (or lack of) should watch your I said Kondie "Put your brain into Gear before opening your Racist Mouth" ........You disappoint me.....It is people like you with your slant on other people that did such a great job for Hitler in the DEATH CAMPS...What a fucking Irony.steve

What Palestinian land would that be, remember that the LoN gave the land to the Jews and not the arab muslims. They received trans Jordan instead. But they made a hash of that didn't they and ended up stateless and hated for their sins.
Netanyahu has said that he is not going to allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. Why should the Palestinians negotiate for something that is not on the table for negotiation?
Human Rights Watch?

If they told me that the sun rose in the east, I would ask for a second opinion.

But, assuming for the sake of argument that there is even some tiny shred of validity to the article...

Did the Israelis 'draft' or 'conscript' that child labor?

Or did their Palestinian parents send them to work in those fields and on those projects?

And why did the Israelis in-charge or those farms and/or projects allow them to work?

Are they really contributing that much to such efforts?

Are those Israeli employers really saving that much money by employing some of those kids?

Or are the Israelis trying to help a variety of worthy Palestinian families to bring in a little more money under these trying circumstances?

Hell, whom amongst us have not held part-time jobs as school-kids?

Hell... amongst our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents... how many of us had (recent) ancestors who were obliged to quit school in order to work, in order to help their impoverished families?

When you spend decades making stupid political and military decisions, and lose every war that you ever started against your more powerful neighbor, your world is eventually going to turn to shit, and your kids will have to quit school, and get jobs - most likely.

Sad, but not entirely unpredictable.
Then advocate a free Palestine,if you care so much...really Kondie,some of us have a need(at times) to put your brain into gear,before opening your mouth friend.....just sayin .......steve

Advocate for a free Palestine?

Whatever for?

I fully support the complete Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael.

The Palestinians need to pack up and leave.

There is no more Palestine.

Merely Rump (Residual) Palestine.

A ghostly echo of its former unincorporated shape - non-contiguous slivers and scraps of land - insufficient to fashion a sustainable nation-state - lacking the resources and funds and political maturity to make a go of it - and so given-over to hatred of the Jews of Israel - even prior to 1948 - that they've turned into a pack of feral and mad dogs.

Even their Arab-Muslim neighbors (Jordan, Egypt) have given up on them, and blockade them and fence them off and now hold them at arms' length.

Rump Palestine is in a state of advanced decrepitude and impotency akin to that of Biafra, some decades ago. It's a still-birth. It's a non-starter. It doesn't exist.

Its supporters would like everyone else to believe that this is going to have a happy ending for the so-called and diverse and artificial 'Palestinian People'.

But there IS no happy ending in sight for these foolish descendants of the tribesman and town-folk who abandoned their homes and ran away a lifetime ago.

It's over.

Rump Palestine is rather like a chicken with its head freshly cut off.

It runs around the barn-yard, flapping its wings and kicking-up dust and spraying blood all about the place, but it's still as dead as Julius Caesar.

And, like that headless chicken, soon enough, the silly thing will run out of synaptic energy, figure out that it's dead, then lie down decently, and go still.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the Arab-Muslim Palestinians who stand against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza.

That's been tried, time and again, with the same result, every time.

The neighboring Arab-Muslim countries 'gave at the office' - in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 - and they've had enough - understandably.

The EU needs to kiss Arab ass from time to time, in order to keep the oil flowing, but, behind the scenes, they do no more than theyabsolutely have to, against Israel, the minimum needed to keep the oil flowing.

The Euros do this because they, too, and rightfully, suffer from a collective and generations-spanning Holocaust Guilt, and secretly delight in seeing someone triumph over their ancient Crusading nemesis and modern-day oil-energy blackmailers.

But, in the final analysis, neither the EU nor the US will do much, to twist the arm of Israel, in connection with the political Neanderthals that we call 'Palestinians'.

Like Biafra, it's time for the so-called Palestinians to close-up shop, turn off the lights, and pack it in.

And we all know about the people of Biafra, they were virtually exterminated by the Nigerians,an independent people who fought for their rights......much like the Palestinian situation today......yeah due to Israel's insatiable appetite of Stealing Palestinian land.

I think people with your mentality (or lack of) should watch your I said Kondie "Put your brain into Gear before opening your Racist Mouth" ........You disappoint me.....It is people like you with your slant on other people that did such a great job for Hitler in the DEATH CAMPS...What a fucking Irony.steve

What Palestinian land would that be, remember that the LoN gave the land to the Jews and not the arab muslims. They received trans Jordan instead. But they made a hash of that didn't they and ended up stateless and hated for their sins.

No, the LoN did not give anything to the Jews.

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