Israeli Police viciously kill artistic Arab


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I don’t care if this upsets you
The poor Palestinian was unarmed and had autism
The teachers ran out and told the armed Israel forces not too shoot
I can find a link

Israel police said they thought he had a gun. Lol
Now he is dead and Israel has blocked the story
It’s hard for me to keep supporting a nation that kills so fast without trying to examine the facts .
It seems their thug cops really enjoy killing !
I am very angry .right now
I will be sharing this story around this web page !
I am Jewish but this is an outrage
Happened May 31, 2020

Israeli Forces Kill Unarmed Autistic Palestinian Man
The shooting death of an unarmed autistic Palestinian man by Israeli forces is drawing angry condemnations from Arab residents and leaders and is further raising tensions in the region as Israel prepares to annex parts of the occupied West Bank

The shooting drew broad condemnations and revived complaints alleging excessive force by Israeli security forces. On social media, some compared the shooting to police violence in the U.S.
Relatives identified the deceased man as Iyad Halak, 32. They said he suffered from autism and was heading to the school for students with special needs where he studied each day when he was shot.
“They killed him in cold blood,” Halak's mother, Rana, told Israel's Channel 12 TV.

Happened May 31, 2020

Israeli Forces Kill Unarmed Autistic Palestinian Man
The shooting death of an unarmed autistic Palestinian man by Israeli forces is drawing angry condemnations from Arab residents and leaders and is further raising tensions in the region as Israel prepares to annex parts of the occupied West Bank

The shooting drew broad condemnations and revived complaints alleging excessive force by Israeli security forces. On social media, some compared the shooting to police violence in the U.S.
Relatives identified the deceased man as Iyad Halak, 32. They said he suffered from autism and was heading to the school for students with special needs where he studied each day when he was shot.
“They killed him in cold blood,” Halak's mother, Rana, told Israel's Channel 12 TV.

It was an execution. !!
What kind of a psychopathic human being can just kill and unarmed man and live with himself !
The cops must be in jail for life but nothing will happen
I just heard this and it’s very shocking
I am sure nobody will even read it
If you actually dig into this story, you will find the officers who did the shooting were private security contractors, not Israeli border police.

That being said, Palestinian armed attacks on Israeli police and soldiers happen on a frequent basis. 43 this year alone.

I can't really blame the Israeli Border Force Police for being vigilant. They are literally fighting for their lives.
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I am not happy
I don’t like seeing innocents die
The Palestinians are human beings !
Yes, they are human beings. I guess that means we’re all alike, because we’re all human beings. Who needs to defend culture? We’re just all humans anyway. So let’s have Israel drop its borders and welcome any and all to become full citizens and be able to vote. I’m sure it will all turn out good, since they’re all human beings.
Yes, they are human beings. I guess that means we’re all alike, because we’re all human beings. Who needs to defend culture? We’re just all humans anyway. So let’s have Israel drop its borders and welcome any and all to become full citizens and be able to vote. I’m sure it will all turn out good, since they’re all human beings.

When did I say they should open borders ??

I am only referring to their “ shoot first mentality “
And how they killed an innocent man and the utter evilness
When did I say they should open borders ??

I am only referring to their “ shoot first mentality “
And how they killed an innocent man and the utter evilness

The area between Palestinian territories and Israel contains dozens of check points. These check points allow Palestinians to pass from their own territories into Israel to obtain, free of charge, medical care and education opportunities that aren't provided by their own leaders in their territories.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians pass through these check points to jobs in Israel that aren't available where they live. Thousands of tons of medicine, fuel, food, and other goods pass from Israel into the Palestinian Territories annually through these check points.

Despite how vital these checkpoints are to The Palestinians, there have been thousands of armed attacks on Israeli Police and border forces by Palestinians (including women and children ... even intellectually handicapped children). Dozens of Israeli Border Force personnel have been killed or wounded by these attacks.

Yet, Israel keeps the checkpoints open because they represent a vital economic lifeline to The Palestinians.

If someone enters these areas, they have to comply with the rules set down to protect the lives of Israel Border Forces. Rules, made necessary, by those thousands of attacks made on those forces by Palestinians.

Not doing so, can get someone killed. You have to question, why an Autistic Palestinian adult, who could not be trusted to respond to necessary instructions, was allowed to enter, alone, into those areas with the permission ... perhaps even encouragement ... of his family?
I don’t care if this upsets you
The poor Palestinian was unarmed and had autism
The teachers ran out and told the armed Israel forces not too shoot
I can find a link

Israel police said they thought he had a gun. Lol
Now he is dead and Israel has blocked the story
It’s hard for me to keep supporting a nation that kills so fast without trying to examine the facts .
It seems their thug cops really enjoy killing !
I am very angry .right now

Oh so now there were "teachers" and not just the one in the block?

I tell ya, each time they tell the story it's different,
they've already told at least 4-5 versions and each one more ridiculous than the other.

You say it's hard for you to support a nation "that kills so fast without facts",
but yourself jump to conclusions "without examining the facts".

The police officer stationed at the old city gate received a report about a suspect armed militant heading towards his direction. When asked to stop the man, who was alone, started running towards the populated city area, and hid in a storage facility. After a shot in the leg, he reached towards his pocket and was shot another 2-3 times. The teacher of this man was in the building nearby at the time.

As much as it is unfortunate that the man had problems with communication,
the officer had sufficient suspicion of threat to civilians and himself, and acted
in a measured manner following instructions.

If this would happen in some distant parking lot, I could understand arguments about better options, but this was inside a densely populated tourist area.
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