Israel says it broke up Hamas terror plot

You forgot the part where Muslim animals who sided with the nazis went on a similar genocidal campaign against all the ancient Jews in their countries, causing a mass exodus and escape from Muslim nations to Israel and the rest of the world.

Horseshit. The Jews in mIddle Eastern countries didn't leave until after the war and they weren't welcome after their co-religionists stole Palestine.
Let me also ask you guys to ignore the one calling himself JoeB131. He is usually the one to push the nonsense of "go back to Europe" in any thread exposing Palestinian terrorism, he comes up with no valid points, and all he wants is to piss you people off with his stupidity. Don't feed the troll and ignore him, maybe he'll take the hint and go away.

go the fuck back to Europe.... no one wants you there.
Two Million! Ha ha ha. The number was much less, and it was the Arabs who brought this upon themselves by attacking Israel. Pali supporters have very little grasp on reality and facts.

So when the Palestinians INEVITABLY get the upper hand on the Zionists, are you going to be totally down with whatever they do? Or are you going to demand, "Save us, Uncle Sam. Save Us!"
Bullshit. You believe anything you read as long as it vilifies Israel.
No, I give the benefit of the doubt, until I see additional evidence that leads me to a different conclusion. Since you've provided no such evidence, there is no reason for me to change my position.

You, on the other hand, automatically reject any criticism of Israel as bullshit, no matter whether you have any evidence or not.
Can you provide a source for your statement?
I already did.

It's not my problem if you don't click the link I provide.

I read what you provided. It is nothing but general statements and then Articles from The Convention on the Rights of the Child. There is nothing specific just a propaganda filled pile of innuendo.
Yes really, you fucking illiterate moron. Majority of Isrselis are Jews who escaped Arab / Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. So you can say they are home.

The European Jews came to the land of their ancient ancestors, was by order of those who controlled the land the British, and sanctioned by the UN and League of Nations.

European Jews invaded Palestine and expelled the Christians and Muslims that were living there. It doesn't matter if another European country or the UN approved of the expropriation of land and ethnic cleansing, it was a crime. The Pope approved and sanctioned the invasion of Latin America by Portugal and Spain. It did not make it right.

European Jews invaded Palestine and expelled the Christians and Muslims that were living there. <FALSE> . It doesn't matter if another European country or the UN approved of the expropriation of land and ethnic cleansing, it was a crime. <BULLSHIT> The Pope approved and sanctioned the invasion of Latin America by Portugal and Spain. It did not make it right. <IRRELEVANT CRAP>

You can deny the facts all you want moron, it does not change them.

What facts other than those from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS that have no basis in reality. How about a link from a non partisan source to support your claims. You could try your Anglo-American report that you rely on so heavily, it does say that the majority of arab muslims were illegal immigrants you know

You lie again it says the majority of the illegal immigrants were the Jews and shows that Jewish population grew from legal and illegal immigration while the Christian and Muslim populations grew through natural growth as per below:

View attachment 34453

Do explain how the Jews could be illegal immigrants when it was part of the mandate to encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine. It was only the British Jew hatred that wanted to stop the migration because they would lose oil supplies from the arabs, so they sent thousands to their deaths in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like a kindergarten.
And still there are more Jews outside if Israel and living in the west than there are in Israel after migrating from the west. At least 1 million that were savagely evicted from their homes and property by ISLAMONAZI SCUM


2 million Palestinians were displaced from their homes by the Zionists. How is that not worse?

LINK from a non partisan source, as even the best sources put the numbers at less than 200,000 based on census data and arab league sources.
"The terror cells were getting orders from Hamas leaders in Turkey, while the operatives got their training outside Israel and were then smuggled back in to carry out the attacks, the Shin Bet said."

Always needs to be a terrorist plot or some missile shot at civilians. These people are animals.
Israel tortures children and yet, you call Pals the animals?

On August 22, B’Tselem headlined “Abuse and torture in interrogations of dozens of Palestinian minors in the Israel Police Etzion Facility.”

Previous articles discussed torturing, abusing, and otherwise mistreating Palestinian children young as 10. Sometimes younger. In July, Israel arrested and terrorized a five-year old boy
Someone who tortures a 5 year old boy is more of an animal than some mythical terrorist you can't even name.

And all the sources for these alleged tortures are Palestinians, which is where B'tselem got its details from. Care to provide a non partisan source for these allegations
I read what you provided. It is nothing but general statements and then Articles from The Convention on the Rights of the Child. There is nothing specific just a propaganda filled pile of innuendo.
You're saying this isn't specific?
The interrogator made me go into a room. He grabbed my head and started banging it against the wall. Then he punched me, slapped me and kicked my legs. The pain was immense, and I felt like I couldn’t stand any longer. Then he started swearing at me. He said filthy things about me and about my mother. He threatened to rape me, or perform sexual acts on me, if I didn’t confess to throwing stones. His threats really scared me, because he was very cruel and it was just the two of us in the room.
You're just a piece of shit troll playing word games.

Go fuck yourself!
And all the sources for these alleged tortures are Palestinians, which is where B'tselem got its details from. Care to provide a non partisan source for these allegations
Shove that non partisan rap up your ass! These were testimonials from eye-witnesses who experienced the torture.

Why don't you just take your own life you fuckin' loser and give this planet a break?
I read what you provided. It is nothing but general statements and then Articles from The Convention on the Rights of the Child. There is nothing specific just a propaganda filled pile of innuendo.
You're saying this isn't specific?
The interrogator made me go into a room. He grabbed my head and started banging it against the wall. Then he punched me, slapped me and kicked my legs. The pain was immense, and I felt like I couldn’t stand any longer. Then he started swearing at me. He said filthy things about me and about my mother. He threatened to rape me, or perform sexual acts on me, if I didn’t confess to throwing stones. His threats really scared me, because he was very cruel and it was just the two of us in the room.
You're just a piece of shit troll playing word games.

Go fuck yourself!

Fucking myself is much better than discussing this with you, however, is that the 5 year old you were so passionate about?
LINK from a non partisan source, as even the best sources put the numbers at less than 200,000 based on census data and arab league sources.

Guy, you like to pretend that there never were any Palestinians.

STOP LYING as I said nothing of the sort

But the evidence points to the first Palestinians being the Jews up until 1960 when Arafat stole the term to give the arab muslims some legitimacy in their false claims for the land. To call an arab muslim a Palestinians was a serious crime until very recently as it was a derogatory term used for the Jews.
You forgot the part where Muslim animals who sided with the nazis went on a similar genocidal campaign against all the ancient Jews in their countries, causing a mass exodus and escape from Muslim nations to Israel and the rest of the world.

Horseshit. The Jews in mIddle Eastern countries didn't leave until after the war and they weren't welcome after their co-religionists stole Palestine.

Nope, and yes, you just admitted that middle Eastern Jews are indeed a majority in Israel.

But by your logic, you Mooooslems should all get killed and kicked out of US and all Western nations because of 9-11 and other terrorist acts your Mooooooslem coreligionists have committed.

Muslim savages don't like be treated the way they treat others. It's time we give them a taste of their own medicine.
Let me also ask you guys to ignore the one calling himself JoeB131. He is usually the one to push the nonsense of "go back to Europe" in any thread exposing Palestinian terrorism, he comes up with no valid points, and all he wants is to piss you people off with his stupidity. Don't feed the troll and ignore him, maybe he'll take the hint and go away.

go the fuck back to Europe.... no one wants you there.

How about Arabs go back to the countries they Israel from.

Oh sorry they won't take them back. They don't want them. I wonder why? Perhaps because they look at what happened in Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, etc. Just how many Palestines are there?
Two Million! Ha ha ha. The number was much less, and it was the Arabs who brought this upon themselves by attacking Israel. Pali supporters have very little grasp on reality and facts.

So when the Palestinians INEVITABLY get the upper hand on the Zionists, are you going to be totally down with whatever they do? Or are you going to demand, "Save us, Uncle Sam. Save Us!"

Palestinians get the upper hand on Israel? Yeah, keep jerking yourself off to that.

Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia have declared Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas terrorist organizations. Yup, it sure looks like they're getting the upper hand. :lmao:

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