Israel saves the world again


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
On the eve of the US and West contemplating bombing Syria's Assad, shouldn't the world be thanking Israel for bombing Assad's secret nuclear site a few years ago? As usual it was met with condemnation. After all, why shouldn't a genocidal brutal dictator have access to nuclear weapons?

Lets also not forget that prior to Sadam Hussein's invasion of Kuwaitnand Desert Strom I, Israel had already bombed the Iraqi nuclear plants in yet another heroic mission. God Bless Israel.

Operation Orchard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Orchard[2][3] (Hebrew: מבצע בוסתן*, Mivtza bustan) was an Israeli airstrike on a nuclear reactor[4] in the Deir ez-Zor region[5] of Syria carried out just after midnight (local time) on September 6, 2007. The White House and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later confirmed that American intelligence had also indicated the site was a nuclear facility with a military purpose, though Syria denies this.[6][7] An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) investigation reported evidence of uranium and graphite and concluded that the site bore features resembling an undeclared nuclear reactor. IAEA was initially unable to confirm or deny the nature of the site because, according to IAEA, Syria failed to provide necessary cooperation with the IAEA investigation.[8][9] Syria has disputed these claims.[10] In April 2011, the IAEA officially confirmed that the site was a nuclear reactor.[4]
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Madman Assad has threatened an immediate attack and bombardment of Tel Aviv as a default target in the event of an attack by the US, Great Britain, France, and other Western and Arab countries. even though Israel will not be part of the operation.. I think he forgets what the Israelis are capable of. Be that as it ma'am the Isrseli Air Force will be ready to strike back with a powerful counterattack that will teach a lesson to all those that ever decide to ever mess with it.

Report: Assad threatens to attack Tel Aviv in case of NATO strike - Israel News, Ynetnews

Report: Assad threatens to attack Tel Aviv in case of NATO strike
In meeting with Turkish FM, Syrian president discusses possibility of NATO strike, says 'I won't need more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets to Golan to fire at Tel Aviv'.

According to the Fars news agency, the Syrian president stressed that Damascus will also call on Hezbollah in Lebanon to launch a fierce rocket and missile attack on Israel, one that Israeli intelligence could never imagine.







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We're holding Israel in reserve in case Iran starts making noises like they want to jump in.

If Iran jumps, we'll just whisper in Israel's ear...

Israel will say "BOO!" to the Iranians...

The Iranians will piss their pants and run back home across the border...

Gives 'em a chance to flex their muscles without being 'show-ey' about it...
We're holding Israel in reserve in case Iran starts making noises like they want to jump in.

If Iran jumps, we'll just whisper in Israel's ear...

Israel will say "BOO!" to the Iranians...

The Iranians will piss their pants and run back home across the border...

Gives 'em a chance to flex their muscles without being 'show-ey' about it...

Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria.
Madman Assad has threatened an immediate attack and bombardment of Tel Aviv as a default target in the event of an attack by the US, Great Britain, France, and other Western and Arab countries. even though Israel will it be part if the operation.. I think he forgets what the Israelis are capable of. Be that as it ma'am the Isrseli Air Force will be ready to strike back with a powerful counterattack that will teach a lesson to all those that ever decide to ever mess with it.

Report: Assad threatens to attack Tel Aviv in case of NATO strike - Israel News, Ynetnews

Report: Assad threatens to attack Tel Aviv in case of NATO strike
In meeting with Turkish FM, Syrian president discusses possibility of NATO strike, says 'I won't need more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets to Golan to fire at Tel Aviv'.

According to the Fars news agency, the Syrian president stressed that Damascus will also call on Hezbollah in Lebanon to launch a fierce rocket and missile attack on Israel, one that Israeli intelligence could never imagine.








"...Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria."
Yeah, but that's when the Israelis were dealing with Syria on their own...

You know how the Arabs jump up-and-down and shoot sparks when the US AND the Israelis both show up to the dance...

Once (if) we jump in, best to ask the Israelis to cover the back door with Iran, rather than pour even more gasoline on the fire, unless it's absolutely necessary (unless Iran starts feeling froggy and decides to jump)...

After we pull back out again, the Israelis can bomb Syrian military convoys 24 x 7, for all I care...
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"...Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria."
Yeah, but that's when the Israelis were dealing with Syria on their own...

You know how the Arabs jump up-and-down and shoot sparks when the US AND the Israelis both show up to the dance...

Once (if) we jump in, best to ask the Israelis to cover the back door with Iran, rather than pour even more gasoline on the fire, unless it's absolutely necessary (unless Iran starts feeling froggy and decides to jump)...

After we pull back out again, the Israelis can bomb Syrian military convoys 24 x 7, for all I care...

What do you mean "pull back out again" ? We're not even there yet. Israel has done more bombing than we have. Fire on the flames ? It's Syria---apparently everyone wants them to burn.
"...Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria."
Yeah, but that's when the Israelis were dealing with Syria on their own...

You know how the Arabs jump up-and-down and shoot sparks when the US AND the Israelis both show up to the dance...

Once (if) we jump in, best to ask the Israelis to cover the back door with Iran, rather than pour even more gasoline on the fire, unless it's absolutely necessary (unless Iran starts feeling froggy and decides to jump)...

After we pull back out again, the Israelis can bomb Syrian military convoys 24 x 7, for all I care...

ooops I guess Israel isn't going to accept a back seat this time.

Israel says it won't stay on sidelines if Syria attacks -
"...Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria."
Yeah, but that's when the Israelis were dealing with Syria on their own...

You know how the Arabs jump up-and-down and shoot sparks when the US AND the Israelis both show up to the dance...

Once (if) we jump in, best to ask the Israelis to cover the back door with Iran, rather than pour even more gasoline on the fire, unless it's absolutely necessary (unless Iran starts feeling froggy and decides to jump)...

After we pull back out again, the Israelis can bomb Syrian military convoys 24 x 7, for all I care...

ooops I guess Israel isn't going to accept a back seat this time.

Israel says it won't stay on sidelines if Syria attacks -
Especially now that the British have backed out of supporting a joint strike with the US, it looks like Israel will indeed be a part if this operation.

Not to worry, Israeli Air Force pilots routinely fly over Assad's location and give him the finger, just for the fun of it.

Syrian Air Defense = Oxymoron.
"...Reserve my ass----they have already bombed convoys in Syria."
Yeah, but that's when the Israelis were dealing with Syria on their own...

You know how the Arabs jump up-and-down and shoot sparks when the US AND the Israelis both show up to the dance...

Once (if) we jump in, best to ask the Israelis to cover the back door with Iran, rather than pour even more gasoline on the fire, unless it's absolutely necessary (unless Iran starts feeling froggy and decides to jump)...

After we pull back out again, the Israelis can bomb Syrian military convoys 24 x 7, for all I care...

What do you mean "pull back out again" ? We're not even there yet. Israel has done more bombing than we have. Fire on the flames ? It's Syria---apparently everyone wants them to burn.
I wonder why? Massacring 100,000 of his own people using the state military, dropping chemical weapons and killing a thousand civilians at a time. What's there not to love about Assad?

Such are Israel's enemies, all angels.
"...What do you mean 'pull back out again' ? We're not even there yet..."

Oh, c'mon, now, let's not nit-pick...

The obvious assumptions are...

1. we go in

2. we do what we have to

3. we pull back out

You missed the implied (1) and (2) in my reference to (3), I guess.

I didn't say we were there yet.

But I was speculating on how things might play-out, IF we DID jump in, and found ourselves obliged to ask Israel to stay out of it.

I'm sorry if that was not clear nor patently obvious, as I may have mistakenly presumed.

"...Israel has done more bombing than we have..."

Nolo contendre... no contest... but if we DO go in, we may be obliged to ask them to stand aside and let us take over.

"...Considering that we have done none so far..."


But that is BEFORE the US jumps in.

Once we DO jump in - IF we do - we may need to ask the Israelis to restrain themselves again.

"...Fire on the flames? It's Syria---apparently everyone wants them to burn."

Yes. Indeed. Fuel on the fire.

Every time Israel clobbers Muslims or Arabs, the Muslims go bat-shit crazy and have to have a fire-hose turned on 'em.

They'll probably shut the fuck up and sit back if it's US and/or the UK and/or France hitting Syria, but, if it's ISRAEL, they might go bat-shit crazy again...

And, even though we can handle that, nobody needs that kind of shit if it can be avoided without damage to our own cause and interests.

No point in poking at the beehive with a stick (Israel) and making things more difficult than they already would be, yes?
"...ooops I guess Israel isn't going to accept a back seat this time..."

The article that you cite talks about the Israelis refusing to stay on the sidelines IF the Syrians attack Israel as a retaliatory measure against the US or The West...

Ala Saddam Hussein lobbing Scud missiles at Israel as a round-about way of getting back at the US, by trying to harm their friends, the Israelis, in 1991...

Back in 1991, the US pleaded with the Israelis NOT to hit-back at the Iraqis after taking Scud missile hits, because the Coalition of those days included Muslim troops from several Muslim countries, and the Israelis opening-fire upon the Iraqis would have made the Muslims go bat-shit crazy and shattered that Coalition before the operation accomplished its mission...

So, this time, remembering that, the Israelis are saying that if that asshole Assad attacks them like that asshole Saddam attacked them, that they're not gonna sit-back and take it this time; that they'll hit back, and US (and Western) sensibilities and preferences be damned...

Can't say as I blame the Israelis for that one...

But they're not looking to jump-in on Day One... they're just putting the US et al on notice that they aren't gonna play doormat this time, if the Bad Guys start firing on them...

There's a difference, methinks...
Muslims do a lot of bluffing with the West, and it usually casts fear and doubt in Western media.

Israelis never fall for that macho blowhard language, because they know its part of their false propaganda techniques. They just do what they have to and don't go around begging to get permission for defending themselves either.
We're holding Israel in reserve in case Iran starts making noises like they want to jump in.

If Iran jumps, we'll just whisper in Israel's ear...

Israel will say "BOO!" to the Iranians...

The Iranians will piss their pants and run back home across the border...

Gives 'em a chance to flex their muscles without being 'show-ey' about it...
And after Israel sez "BOO" I always enjoy the Arab victory parades. All that festivity.
We're holding Israel in reserve in case Iran starts making noises like they want to jump in.

If Iran jumps, we'll just whisper in Israel's ear...

Israel will say "BOO!" to the Iranians...

The Iranians will piss their pants and run back home across the border...

Gives 'em a chance to flex their muscles without being 'show-ey' about it...
And after Israel sez "BOO" I always enjoy the Arab victory parades. All that festivity.
Usually in all the rubble thats left of what used to be cities, they manage to find one or two standing streets to hold their victory parade.
"...And after Israel sez 'BOO' I always enjoy the Arab victory parades. All that festivity."

And... and... and... oh, all the colors... and the bubbles...


And when you get 'em to start goose-steppin' besides, well... :eusa_whistle: :lol:


I'm sure the Arab Victory Parade folk "just love quick-time 'harch" ...
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