Israel rejects "Hope and Change"

People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help

these would be the same 'founders" who wrote into the constitution that slavery was dandy and a black was 3/5th of a white man.
You do realize it was the slave holders that wanted to count slaves as full people to get more pro slave reps in Congress, the abolitionists didnt want to count them at all? Jesus, your schools really are terrible, given they produce total historical illiterate like yourself. It's sad. I am not even American and I know about your history more than you do.

When you say stupid shit like this, it reminds me to thank God for the waning American influence around the world. Your modern culture and society is totally shallow and empty like the inside of your head.
Joe just mad that long after America is gone from the scene, jews will still be around, and just as powerful and successful as ever.
History has and odd way of going Jews way. All their enemies lose. The Left is obsessed with being on the so called right side of history. Joe, you should really think again about being on the wrong side of the Jewish state.
Joe is an obvious Troll.........hopefully...........because if not he's demented and a Traitor to this country.

If someone like him ever won the whole election and pushed his ideals down the throats, aka dictator style.........the guns would come out of the safe and we'd pour the Tea back into the harbor again.

Like they did back then and help create the country he bashes all the time.

Yup, a bunch of rich people got a bunch of stupid people to fight a war for them....

Hey, what if we had a war and no one showed up?
History has and odd way of going Jews way. All their enemies lose. The Left is obsessed with being on the so called right side of history. Joe, you should really think again about being on the wrong side of the Jewish state.

Hey, guy, most of history Jewish folks got a pretty shitty deal, usually from Christians. Even Zionism started a plot to get rid of them.

It doesn't excuse what Israel does, however.
History has and odd way of going Jews way. All their enemies lose. The Left is obsessed with being on the so called right side of history. Joe, you should really think again about being on the wrong side of the Jewish state.

Hey, guy, most of history Jewish folks got a pretty shitty deal, usually from Christians. Even Zionism started a plot to get rid of them.

It doesn't excuse what Israel does, however.
Hey "guy", whoops, I mean Adolf, Jews have always outlasted all their persecutors. All the old empires have gone, all the enemies of the jews, whether they be the greeks, Romans, persians, Germans and many others, are in the ash bin of history. But the jews gave remained. Take heed of this and remember it when you oppose the jewish state. Like all enemies of Jews, you arent long for the world.
Hey "guy", whoops, I mean Adolf, Jews have always outlasted all their persecutors. All the old empires have gone, all the enemies of the jews, whether they be the greeks, Romans, persians, Germans and many others, are in the ash bin of history. But the jews gave remained. Take heed of this and remember it when you oppose the jewish state. Like all enemies of Jews, you arent long for the world.

None of us are long for this world, when you put it that way.

Hopefully, we will have a future where no one believes in Sky Pixies anymore.
Hey "guy", whoops, I mean Adolf, Jews have always outlasted all their persecutors. All the old empires have gone, all the enemies of the jews, whether they be the greeks, Romans, persians, Germans and many others, are in the ash bin of history. But the jews gave remained. Take heed of this and remember it when you oppose the jewish state. Like all enemies of Jews, you arent long for the world.

None of us are long for this world, when you put it that way.

Hopefully, we will have a future where no one believes in Sky Pixies anymore.
I don't care if you don't believe in G-d, you aren't a special snowflake because of it. Your humanistic/secular pride will be your downfall, it blinds you from failing to recognize historical patterns, and the fact that Jews are G-d's chosen people. Whether the gentiles are theist or atheist like yourself, they won't be able to defeat the jews or outlast them.
I don't care if you don't believe in G-d, you aren't a special snowflake because of it. Your humanistic/secular pride will be your downfall, it blinds you from failing to recognize historical patterns, and the fact that Jews are G-d's chosen people. Whether the gentiles are theist or atheist like yourself, they won't be able to defeat the jews or outlast them.

You know what, If I were God, I wouldn't let my "Chosen People" get turned into lampshades and bars of soap.
I don't care if you don't believe in G-d, you aren't a special snowflake because of it. Your humanistic/secular pride will be your downfall, it blinds you from failing to recognize historical patterns, and the fact that Jews are G-d's chosen people. Whether the gentiles are theist or atheist like yourself, they won't be able to defeat the jews or outlast them.

You know what, If I were God, I wouldn't let my "Chosen People" get turned into lampshades and bars of soap.
Newsflash, the Jews won WW2, nazis lost, like all other gentiles who opposed the Jews. You will fail to beat Jewry like Hitler failed. That is the way of life. Anyone who comes up against the Jews loses. But go ahead, try your luck and become the most recent footnote in the history books.
Newsflash, the Jews won WW2, nazis lost, like all other gentiles who opposed the Jews. You will fail to beat Jewry like Hitler failed. That is the way of life. Anyone who comes up against the Jews loses. But go ahead, try your luck and become the most recent footnote in the history books.

Okay, guy, being history's punching bag isn't being one of the winners...
Hey "guy", whoops, I mean Adolf, Jews have always outlasted all their persecutors. All the old empires have gone, all the enemies of the jews, whether they be the greeks, Romans, persians, Germans and many others, are in the ash bin of history. But the jews gave remained. Take heed of this and remember it when you oppose the jewish state. Like all enemies of Jews, you arent long for the world.

None of us are long for this world, when you put it that way.

Hopefully, we will have a future where no one believes in Sky Pixies anymore.
I don't care if you don't believe in G-d, you aren't a special snowflake because of it. Your humanistic/secular pride will be your downfall, it blinds you from failing to recognize historical patterns, and the fact that Jews are G-d's chosen people. Whether the gentiles are theist or atheist like yourself, they won't be able to defeat the jews or outlast them.

Oy ve! :blahblah: I don't believe in that. They are just people, like all of us. I just happen to like that they are pretty much the only country in that area that is not run by a dictator and does not oppress their people. I've also met a few Israeli people (not Orthodox), and they were very nice people.
Newsflash, the Jews won WW2, nazis lost, like all other gentiles who opposed the Jews. You will fail to beat Jewry like Hitler failed. That is the way of life. Anyone who comes up against the Jews loses. But go ahead, try your luck and become the most recent footnote in the history books.

Okay, guy, being history's punching bag isn't being one of the winners...
History is winner's are defined by those who live on, Jewry lives on, her enemies don't. Take it easy Adolf, you can try to punch Jews around as much as, you want, but God eliminates his people's enemies, and the Jews live on.
History is winner's are defined by those who live on, Jewry lives on, her enemies don't. Take it easy Adolf, you can try to punch Jews around as much as, you want, but God eliminates his people's enemies, and the Jews live on.

There is no God.

and, yes, beliefs in Sky Fairies rarely disappear...
G-d doesn't protect those who don't believe. People like you are a dime a dozen. Unbelieving and anti-semitic gentiles like you have been reduced to the history books, and so will you. While his chosen people will continue to live through the ages.
G-d doesn't protect those who don't believe. People like you are a dime a dozen. Unbelieving and anti-semitic gentiles like you have been reduced to the history books, and so will you. While his chosen people will continue to live through the ages.

God doesn't protect anyone because he doesn't exist.
Your pride and arrogance shows through this post. This pride and arrogance is exemplary of all the gentiles who have come up against Jews throughout history, and it will be your downfall.
Your pride and arrogance shows through this post. This pride and arrogance is exemplary of all the gentiles who have come up against Jews throughout history, and it will be your downfall.

I thought you were like anti-Jewish. Can you make up your mind?
Guess you thought you had a friend, huh Adolf? Must be disappointed.

Goes piss off to a Hamas rally where you can be with your terrorist pals.

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