Israel must be careful.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
So are you saying they should just suck it up and take it every time these people want to do this?
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
I don't think Israel is in danger of an invasion by Hezbollah. However, its occupation of Gaza is fraught with peril.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.

Easy to say, hard to do politically when your citizenry is out for revenge.
So are you saying they should just suck it up and take it every time these people want to do this?
Not at all. Israel can exact terrible retribution via bombing and shelling without risking ground troops. The thing is they won't 'eradicate' HAMAS fighters. That's a fool's errand.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.

This is why they called up the reserves BEFORE heading into Gaza.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
It is possible that hamas wants the IDF to enter Gaza. It's not easy terrain for them. And tanks make good targets. All the conventional responses they've used before don't really fit the magnitude of hamas's attack .... unless they go REALLY big, and casualties could enter the ten thousand range.

They are quite good at assassination. But that's a slow game.

I thought this was informative .... AND NON-POLITICAL.

According to CNN, the cutting off of electricity in Gaza will turn the hospitals into morgues.

I am guessing that even the most ardent supporters of Israel must have some qualms about cutting off food and water and electricity to the Gazans who have the bad fortune to be living there.

Let's all hope that the United States can (quietly) persuade Israel to seriously reconsider invading Gaza and to take instead other measures to destroy the Hamas leadership.
Nobody here has come close to seeing this Israel / US operation as a False Flag , exactly copying Project Northwood and proposed by the CIA as a means for invading Cuba with a full level of popular support .
JFK refused to endorse it .
Its nub was having some Americans killed in America , allegedly by Cubans and backed with a hysterical wall of media noise built on the basis of inducing fear and hysteria .
To manipulate opinions and behaviour . And support .

Remember it was Israel and the US that created , trained and then used Hamas as control opposition against the PLO .
And then continued to use Hamas as a tap to control Palestine . On . Off . On Off .
And now Mossad and the CIA failed to notice any sign of this allegedly huge Hamas sophisticated offensive involving thousands .
According to CNN, the cutting off of electricity in Gaza will turn the hospitals into morgues.

I am guessing that even the most ardent supporters of Israel must have some qualms about cutting off food and water and electricity to the Gazans who have the bad fortune to be living there.

Let's all hope that the United States can (quietly) persuade Israel to seriously reconsider invading Gaza and to take instead other measures to destroy the Hamas leadership.
Cutting off infrastructure is expected precursor to ground invasion. Softening them up. War is hell.
Nobody here has come close to seeing this Israel / US operation as a False Flag , exactly copying Project Northwood and proposed by the CIA as a means for invading Cuba with a full level of popular support .
JFK refused to endorse it .
Its nub was having some Americans killed in America , allegedly by Cubans and backed with a hysterical wall of media noise built on the basis of inducing fear and hysteria .
To manipulate opinions and behaviour . And support .

Remember it was Israel and the US that created , trained and then used Hamas as control opposition against the PLO .
And then continued to use Hamas as a tap to control Palestine . On . Off . On Off .
And now Mossad and the CIA failed to notice any sign of this allegedly huge Hamas sophisticated offensive involving thousands .
Guess they should have thought about that before supporting and hiding Hamas within their city
According to CNN, the cutting off of electricity in Gaza will turn the hospitals into morgues.

I am guessing that even the most ardent supporters of Israel must have some qualms about cutting off food and water and electricity to the Gazans who have the bad fortune to be living there.

Let's all hope that the United States can (quietly) persuade Israel to seriously reconsider invading Gaza and to take instead other measures to destroy the Hamas leadership.
I'm no fan of Israel's govt or its policy of expansion of its' borders ... Russian style, but not every Israeli votes for them, and even so, what is their option ... really? Hamas and even Fatah has turned down peace offers ... even when brokered by Clinton.

Even if Bibi's policies exacerbated the chances of this happening ... it happened. And, there's no equivalency between Israel and Hamas: the IDF does not have a policy of simply killing civilians to cause terror. IT's NOT a political question right now. It's about Israel's survival, and saving as many hostages as they can.

IF the Palestinian civilians begin dying in hospitals .... all Hamas has to do to restore see power food and water is .... Let the hostages go. But they won't, at least now. So, who's holding Gaza hostage? Hamas or Israel. If this was the US, and W was potus, the dems would be lining up for war. I don't think the gop is really a responsible party right now. But, I wouldn't cotton too much to anyone opposing what a potus might do if we were in Israel's position.
Aren't they planning to do so again?
When you suffer 8 or 9 9/11's in one day, wouldn't you?

What no one seems to be saying, is that Israel has been notifying the Gazan Arabs who are not Hamas to flee buildings they are legitimately destroying. When your enemy uses babies, mothers, old women and old men as human sheilds by placing their weapons and weapong making capability in buildings with civilians, you have no choice but to destroy them anyway.

No one seems to want to acknowledge that particular fact. Or the fact that Isreal is working to provide safe corridors out before going in. Or that the US, along with Egypt, are working to open an evacuation corridor into Egypt, even though the Egyptians rightly don't want 100s of thousands of Gazan Arabs in their country and cannot afford to deal with them.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
That's why they want the USA and everyone else there to help. They asked the whole world, in which makes total sense.
The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.
The problem with artillery, missiles and air strikes is that it kills many more civilians than hamas terrorists

And that turns world opinion against Israel

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