Israel is bombing Gaza... AGAIN!

It was part of the Zionist settler colonial project. Settler colonialism, by its nature, is an act of aggression.

Settler colonialism is the removal of the local population and replacing them with another people. There is no peaceful way to do that.

Migration of peoples, by whatever definition you want to slap on it, is NOT, by nature aggression. And of course migration can be done peacefully. Its done by millions of people every year all over the world.
True, but when the locals start getting removed there are problems.

When the "locals" start getting hostile there are problems. No hostility, no problems.
Of course not. They should get remove peacefully.
Of course not. They should get remove peacefully.

Ah, no. They should live next to their neighbors peacefully. They should recognize the rights and aspirations of their brothers and sisters. Like Emir Faisal said:

The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations.
Of course not. They should get remove peacefully.

Ah, no. They should live next to their neighbors peacefully. They should recognize the rights and aspirations of their brothers and sisters. Like Emir Faisal said:

The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations.
Whatta douche, a transparent douche at that. Stop posting your same dumb shit on every thread.

The topic here:

Israel is bombing Gaza... AGAIN!

It is fascinating how you defend locking people up in a concentration camp and then bombing them regularly.

Hitler didn't even do that shit.
Of course not. They should get remove peacefully.

Ah, no. They should live next to their neighbors peacefully. They should recognize the rights and aspirations of their brothers and sisters. Like Emir Faisal said:

The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations.
How can you live peacefully next to someone who is driving you out of your home at the point of a gun?
How can you live peacefully next to someone who is driving you out of your home at the point of a gun?

No one is driving the Gazans out of their homes by the point of a gun.
They already were.

As were many, many people after WWII. You can't unbreak the egg. You move on. You create justice moving forward, not moving backward. What would justice look like for the Gazan people? And for the Jewish people?
How can you live peacefully next to someone who is driving you out of your home at the point of a gun?

No one is driving the Gazans out of their homes by the point of a gun.
They already were.

As were many, many people after WWII. You can't unbreak the egg. You move on. You create justice moving forward, not moving backward. What would justice look like for the Gazan people? And for the Jewish people?
End the occupation.
Equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Right of return.
Who cast the first stone this time?

Looks like some stupid sent a rocket from Gaza into Israeli territory!

Whilst I do not condone the launching of rockets from Gaza, I also cannot condone the 'excessive' responses by Israel...

Yes, I know the argument, Israel has a right to protect itself, with which I agree, but sending F16's into Gaza and bombing is as futile as the rockets fired from Gaza!

Futile in that, yes, 'The Empire Strikes Back' but, all it achieves is a pretense for the next missiles to be fired into Israel...
Disproportionate Israeli responses to any firecracker lobbed from the Gaza Homeland into Apartheid Israel is normal.
End the Occupation, Equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel, Right of return.

Israel isn't occupied.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights, regardless of ethnicity

Palestinians are free to allow return for the entire Arab world in their own state if they chose to.
Of course not. They should get remove peacefully.

Ah, no. They should live next to their neighbors peacefully. They should recognize the rights and aspirations of their brothers and sisters. Like Emir Faisal said:

The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations.
Whatta douche, a transparent douche at that. Stop posting your same dumb shit on every thread.

The topic here:

Israel is bombing Gaza... AGAIN!

A natural response to Hamas' escalation and recklessness.
If Mexico were shooting rockets into the United States, what do you all think the response would be ? When the United States annexed Texas and other states in the region, what did Mexico do about it ? What was the story and history of the region ? Glen Beck had a great show on the subject not long ago.. Great stuff.... Now what exactly is this problem between the Jews and the Palestinians again ? We are Israel's allie, and we want peace in the area just like there should be. Why the condition of the Palestinians for so many years dating back to biblical times ? I guess we need to do a history of that also. The truth shall set us all free.
Why the condition of the Palestinians for so many years dating back to biblical times

In fact, Palestine is the Greek word for the Ancient Kingdom of Israel dating back to biblical times. At that time, Palestinians were Jews.

Since the Roman Expulsion and the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70CE, the term Palestinian meant anyone living in the region, Jew, Arab, Roman, Frank, or Turk.

That definition remained in place until the creation of the modern State of Israel until it was redefined by Yassir Arafat (who, being an Arab Egyptian was never a Palestinian) in the 1960's to its current meaning of Arabs only.
Who cast the first stone this time?

Looks like some stupid sent a rocket from Gaza into Israeli territory!

Whilst I do not condone the launching of rockets from Gaza, I also cannot condone the 'excessive' responses by Israel...

Yes, I know the argument, Israel has a right to protect itself, with which I agree, but sending F16's into Gaza and bombing is as futile as the rockets fired from Gaza!

Futile in that, yes, 'The Empire Strikes Back' but, all it achieves is a pretense for the next missiles to be fired into Israel...

It depends on what you mean by "futile". Gaza's rocket fire into Israel will never compel Israel to bring down the blockade (actually having the opposite effect), nor hand over Israel to Hamas for a one state solution (even in discussions of one or two state solutions, no one wants Gaza). So what's the point? Why do they keep doing it?

Because its working remarkably well in terms of keeping up international sympathy (which comes with $) and for the support of some Muslim groups and countries (which also comes with $) and keeps the fires of victimization going.

Israel's response to rockets will never stop the rockets. Nor will the blockade. But it is enough to keep it in check, low-level, infrequent and minimally damaging. Its enough to keep Israelis (mostly) content with the fact that a response is being made. In my opinion, it is a very minimal response and not at all excessive. But that is worthy of further discussion with people who don't exaggerate the situation to demonize Israel and use inappropriate language like genocide or slaughter etc.

Israel's options are to re-take Gaza (and I can't in any way see that as a good idea, can you?) or to stop responding (and again, I don't see that as a good option).

So, what is the solution here? How do we end Gaza's constant belligerent attacks on Israel and encourage them to live in peace? Please don't say -- just end the blockade and all will be unicorns and cheesecake. That seems entirely unrealistic to me.

Absolutely! The futility in the constant rocket fire from Gaza into Israel that will achieve nothing!

In excessive, I feel that launching multiple F16's to bomb Gaza is excessive, but that's just my opinion. I agree that there should be a response to the rockets but, as history has shown, even bombing the crap out of Gaza also doesn't stop the rockets!

Israel retaking Gaza is NOT an option, in my opinion... It would simply increase hostilities.

Lifting the blockade? Well, I have suggested that this would be an option in the past, I still believe it would help... HOWEVER, there is a condition to this... That is that Gaza be 'monitored' so that imports of weapons cannot happen! It should also be a 'monitoring' that has teeth! To bite back at Hamas should rocket launches continue after the blockade...

I really do not think it is a good idea for Israel to be involved in the 'monitoring' simply that it would demonise Israel should there be 'issues' that need sorting out!

Simply lifting the blockade IS unrealistic without putting conditions in place to stop the rockets.

There is one other condition...

Hamas to hold open elections PRIOR to lifting the blockade.... Hamas would also need to amend their 'charter' and declare their acceptance of Israel...

A tall order? Totally! Would Hamas ever do that? Would Israel every consider an option like that?

And, before the 'haters' start simply hating, how about some sensible, non belligerent alternatives to the above?
That is that Gaza be 'monitored' so that imports of weapons cannot happen! It should also be a 'monitoring' that has teeth!
The same should hold true for Israel!

Good luck with that.
Who cast the first stone this time?

Looks like some stupid sent a rocket from Gaza into Israeli territory!

Whilst I do not condone the launching of rockets from Gaza, I also cannot condone the 'excessive' responses by Israel...

Yes, I know the argument, Israel has a right to protect itself, with which I agree, but sending F16's into Gaza and bombing is as futile as the rockets fired from Gaza!

Futile in that, yes, 'The Empire Strikes Back' but, all it achieves is a pretense for the next missiles to be fired into Israel...

It depends on what you mean by "futile". Gaza's rocket fire into Israel will never compel Israel to bring down the blockade (actually having the opposite effect), nor hand over Israel to Hamas for a one state solution (even in discussions of one or two state solutions, no one wants Gaza). So what's the point? Why do they keep doing it?

Because its working remarkably well in terms of keeping up international sympathy (which comes with $) and for the support of some Muslim groups and countries (which also comes with $) and keeps the fires of victimization going.

Israel's response to rockets will never stop the rockets. Nor will the blockade. But it is enough to keep it in check, low-level, infrequent and minimally damaging. Its enough to keep Israelis (mostly) content with the fact that a response is being made. In my opinion, it is a very minimal response and not at all excessive. But that is worthy of further discussion with people who don't exaggerate the situation to demonize Israel and use inappropriate language like genocide or slaughter etc.

Israel's options are to re-take Gaza (and I can't in any way see that as a good idea, can you?) or to stop responding (and again, I don't see that as a good option).

So, what is the solution here? How do we end Gaza's constant belligerent attacks on Israel and encourage them to live in peace? Please don't say -- just end the blockade and all will be unicorns and cheesecake. That seems entirely unrealistic to me.

Absolutely! The futility in the constant rocket fire from Gaza into Israel that will achieve nothing!

In excessive, I feel that launching multiple F16's to bomb Gaza is excessive, but that's just my opinion. I agree that there should be a response to the rockets but, as history has shown, even bombing the crap out of Gaza also doesn't stop the rockets!

Israel retaking Gaza is NOT an option, in my opinion... It would simply increase hostilities.

Lifting the blockade? Well, I have suggested that this would be an option in the past, I still believe it would help... HOWEVER, there is a condition to this... That is that Gaza be 'monitored' so that imports of weapons cannot happen! It should also be a 'monitoring' that has teeth! To bite back at Hamas should rocket launches continue after the blockade...

I really do not think it is a good idea for Israel to be involved in the 'monitoring' simply that it would demonise Israel should there be 'issues' that need sorting out!

Simply lifting the blockade IS unrealistic without putting conditions in place to stop the rockets.

There is one other condition...

Hamas to hold open elections PRIOR to lifting the blockade.... Hamas would also need to amend their 'charter' and declare their acceptance of Israel...

A tall order? Totally! Would Hamas ever do that? Would Israel every consider an option like that?

And, before the 'haters' start simply hating, how about some sensible, non belligerent alternatives to the above?
. Israel needs to stop pussy footin around with an enemy, and fight a war to win it. That has been our problem since the hippie generation (i.e. the left), became so powerful in this nation during the 60's. We began light stepping with our enemies, and it got so bad that our enemies made it into our country to defeat us from within. Israel doesn't need to follow our advice, because it would be the wrong advice.
Who cast the first stone this time?

Looks like some stupid sent a rocket from Gaza into Israeli territory!

Whilst I do not condone the launching of rockets from Gaza, I also cannot condone the 'excessive' responses by Israel...

Yes, I know the argument, Israel has a right to protect itself, with which I agree, but sending F16's into Gaza and bombing is as futile as the rockets fired from Gaza!

Futile in that, yes, 'The Empire Strikes Back' but, all it achieves is a pretense for the next missiles to be fired into Israel...

It depends on what you mean by "futile". Gaza's rocket fire into Israel will never compel Israel to bring down the blockade (actually having the opposite effect), nor hand over Israel to Hamas for a one state solution (even in discussions of one or two state solutions, no one wants Gaza). So what's the point? Why do they keep doing it?

Because its working remarkably well in terms of keeping up international sympathy (which comes with $) and for the support of some Muslim groups and countries (which also comes with $) and keeps the fires of victimization going.

Israel's response to rockets will never stop the rockets. Nor will the blockade. But it is enough to keep it in check, low-level, infrequent and minimally damaging. Its enough to keep Israelis (mostly) content with the fact that a response is being made. In my opinion, it is a very minimal response and not at all excessive. But that is worthy of further discussion with people who don't exaggerate the situation to demonize Israel and use inappropriate language like genocide or slaughter etc.

Israel's options are to re-take Gaza (and I can't in any way see that as a good idea, can you?) or to stop responding (and again, I don't see that as a good option).

So, what is the solution here? How do we end Gaza's constant belligerent attacks on Israel and encourage them to live in peace? Please don't say -- just end the blockade and all will be unicorns and cheesecake. That seems entirely unrealistic to me.

Absolutely! The futility in the constant rocket fire from Gaza into Israel that will achieve nothing!

In excessive, I feel that launching multiple F16's to bomb Gaza is excessive, but that's just my opinion. I agree that there should be a response to the rockets but, as history has shown, even bombing the crap out of Gaza also doesn't stop the rockets!

Israel retaking Gaza is NOT an option, in my opinion... It would simply increase hostilities.

Lifting the blockade? Well, I have suggested that this would be an option in the past, I still believe it would help... HOWEVER, there is a condition to this... That is that Gaza be 'monitored' so that imports of weapons cannot happen! It should also be a 'monitoring' that has teeth! To bite back at Hamas should rocket launches continue after the blockade...

I really do not think it is a good idea for Israel to be involved in the 'monitoring' simply that it would demonise Israel should there be 'issues' that need sorting out!

Simply lifting the blockade IS unrealistic without putting conditions in place to stop the rockets.

There is one other condition...

Hamas to hold open elections PRIOR to lifting the blockade.... Hamas would also need to amend their 'charter' and declare their acceptance of Israel...

A tall order? Totally! Would Hamas ever do that? Would Israel every consider an option like that?

And, before the 'haters' start simply hating, how about some sensible, non belligerent alternatives to the above?

Israel needs to stop pussy footin around with an enemy, and fight a war to win it. That has been our problem since the hippie generation (i.e. the left), became so powerful in this nation during the 60's. We began light stepping with our enemies, and it got so bad that our enemies made it into our country to defeat us from within. Israel doesn't need to follow our advice, because it would be the wrong advice.

That's an issue don't you think? Israel hardly "pussyfoot around" when it comes to bombing Gaza...

Your solution is what?

"We began light stepping with our enemies"? Who's we? USA?

US used to have lots of 'imaginary' enemies, Russia, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Russia... The US decision to make 'political' decisions for countries where their ONLY interest was oil, through bombing the shit out of them, created NEW enemies!
Who cast the first stone this time?

Looks like some stupid sent a rocket from Gaza into Israeli territory!

Whilst I do not condone the launching of rockets from Gaza, I also cannot condone the 'excessive' responses by Israel...

Yes, I know the argument, Israel has a right to protect itself, with which I agree, but sending F16's into Gaza and bombing is as futile as the rockets fired from Gaza!

Futile in that, yes, 'The Empire Strikes Back' but, all it achieves is a pretense for the next missiles to be fired into Israel...

It depends on what you mean by "futile". Gaza's rocket fire into Israel will never compel Israel to bring down the blockade (actually having the opposite effect), nor hand over Israel to Hamas for a one state solution (even in discussions of one or two state solutions, no one wants Gaza). So what's the point? Why do they keep doing it?

Because its working remarkably well in terms of keeping up international sympathy (which comes with $) and for the support of some Muslim groups and countries (which also comes with $) and keeps the fires of victimization going.

Israel's response to rockets will never stop the rockets. Nor will the blockade. But it is enough to keep it in check, low-level, infrequent and minimally damaging. Its enough to keep Israelis (mostly) content with the fact that a response is being made. In my opinion, it is a very minimal response and not at all excessive. But that is worthy of further discussion with people who don't exaggerate the situation to demonize Israel and use inappropriate language like genocide or slaughter etc.

Israel's options are to re-take Gaza (and I can't in any way see that as a good idea, can you?) or to stop responding (and again, I don't see that as a good option).

So, what is the solution here? How do we end Gaza's constant belligerent attacks on Israel and encourage them to live in peace? Please don't say -- just end the blockade and all will be unicorns and cheesecake. That seems entirely unrealistic to me.

Absolutely! The futility in the constant rocket fire from Gaza into Israel that will achieve nothing!

In excessive, I feel that launching multiple F16's to bomb Gaza is excessive, but that's just my opinion. I agree that there should be a response to the rockets but, as history has shown, even bombing the crap out of Gaza also doesn't stop the rockets!

Israel retaking Gaza is NOT an option, in my opinion... It would simply increase hostilities.

Lifting the blockade? Well, I have suggested that this would be an option in the past, I still believe it would help... HOWEVER, there is a condition to this... That is that Gaza be 'monitored' so that imports of weapons cannot happen! It should also be a 'monitoring' that has teeth! To bite back at Hamas should rocket launches continue after the blockade...

I really do not think it is a good idea for Israel to be involved in the 'monitoring' simply that it would demonise Israel should there be 'issues' that need sorting out!

Simply lifting the blockade IS unrealistic without putting conditions in place to stop the rockets.

There is one other condition...

Hamas to hold open elections PRIOR to lifting the blockade.... Hamas would also need to amend their 'charter' and declare their acceptance of Israel...

A tall order? Totally! Would Hamas ever do that? Would Israel every consider an option like that?

And, before the 'haters' start simply hating, how about some sensible, non belligerent alternatives to the above?

Israel needs to stop pussy footin around with an enemy, and fight a war to win it. That has been our problem since the hippie generation (i.e. the left), became so powerful in this nation during the 60's. We began light stepping with our enemies, and it got so bad that our enemies made it into our country to defeat us from within. Israel doesn't need to follow our advice, because it would be the wrong advice.

That's an issue don't you think? Israel hardly "pussyfoot around" when it comes to bombing Gaza...

Your solution is what?

"We began light stepping with our enemies"? Who's we? USA?

US used to have lots of 'imaginary' enemies, Russia, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Russia... The US decision to make 'political' decisions for countries where their ONLY interest was oil, through bombing the shit out of them, created NEW enemies!
. Spin it, spin it.... That's all you got is spin...

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