Israel and Turkey

Iran see Erdogan as a enemy in Syria and Iraq. They are the enemy of both of us.
The constitutional republic in Turkey is so worn out that foreign relations no longer matter. Turkey was gifted to Radical Islam by the United States. Israel did not take a stand or move against this situation.

Radical Islamists are still being brought to Turkey from outside, and radical Islamism is increasing its influence day by day. Thanks to our allies who are butterfly of love!
It has prevented five military faits accomplis threatening its interests or partners: annexation of Azerbaijani territory, General Haftar’s offensive against Tripoli, Emirati subordination of Qatar, liquidation of Idlib opposition, and YPG (People’s Defense Units)/PKK control along the Syria-Turkey border. It has gained significant leverage in other disputes (eastern Mediterranean and Somalia), and become a significant strategic balancer in Ukraine, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Balkans. Turkey has also strengthened its defense export sector and its regional deterrence posture. The combination of access, tools, integration, experience, and will has enabled Turkey to exercise along and near its periphery what amounts to a geopolitical veto.

The constitutional republic in Turkey is so worn out that foreign relations no longer matter. Turkey was gifted to Radical Islam by the United States. Israel did not take a stand or move against this situation.

Radical Islamists are still being brought to Turkey from outside, and radical Islamism is increasing its influence day by day. Thanks to our allies who are butterfly of love!

Before Covid and travel-restrictions 45 million "Radical Islamists" or tourists visited Turkey a year among them around 500.000 Israelis.
You are truly an Idiot.
Erdogan knows to be very wary, because when you're dealing with Israel, you're dealing with the devil. ... :cool:

lol Israel won't even condemn Turkey's genocides and massacres, and is currently helping Turkey commit more of them in Armenia again. Erdogan is a piece of shit.
Possible improvement in relations starting.

If I understand correctly,
we went with Greece and Cyprus.

Turkey tried to pressure the previous government,
what we saw recently with the new one, I think was merely diplomatic etiquette.
If I understand correctly,
we went with Greece and Cyprus.

Turkey tried to pressure the previous government,
what we saw recently with the new one, I think was merely diplomatic etiquette.
yes we went with Greece and Cyprus. So did India.
Turkish naval construction and modernization has rendered it the largest and most potent naval force in the eastern Mediterranean, with a growing capability for naval operations further afield. The frigates have been upgraded since 2010 with new air defense, radar, gun, and combat management systems, and four specialized frigates are being built with enhanced air defense capabilities for underway forces or littoral operations. Submarines and fast attack craft have been upgraded as well. The MILGEM project produces corvettes and frigates for Turkey and foreign customers—including Indonesia, Ukraine, and Pakistan so far—an important step toward independence in national shipbuilding. Turkey has begun building its own landing ships and landing craft for amphibious warfare and will commission domestically built submarines beginning in late 2021 or early 2022.


Erdogan is a great leader who loves his country and puts it first.
He is kinda like the Pres.Trump of Turkey. ... :cool:

Israelis ganged-up with Greeks and thought they could usurp Turkish Cypriot rights in the Mediterenean as some sort of punishment.
Result? Every year Turkey is putting new corvetts, frigates, submarines into service equipped with national amunition.

2036 will also maybe the date where English ceases to be majority language of N.America (replaced with Mexican Spanish).
Time is ticking without even having mentioned China. TickTock.
We'll wait for you UAE, ISrael, Greece, UAE... Let's see what you'll do without USA being Superpower. and your new oil-rich Arab allies facing electrical car revolution.
Tiny little you, you've been a bad and nasty littly child !

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