Isn't this true of EVERY guy?


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Isn't every guy really just a "Lesbian trapped inside a male body"? :)

At the time of their marriage, Judi Howden knew Mickey had questions about his sexuality. A month into their relationship, Mickey mentioned that he used to cross-dress. Then, he said that he still cross-dressed. Finally, he told Judi he was a lesbian trapped in a man's body.


Mikayla Howden, left, had a sex-change operation after marrying Judi. The couple is raising daughter Kailynn, as well as their three other children from previous marriages. (ABC News)
-Cp said:
The couple is raising daughter Kailynn, as well as their three other children from previous marriages. (ABC News)
Yeah, and I bet none of them grow up with issues..... :rolleyes:
-Cp said:
Isn't every guy really just a "Lesbian trapped inside a male body"? :)

At the time of their marriage, Judi Howden knew Mickey had questions about his sexuality. A month into their relationship, Mickey mentioned that he used to cross-dress. Then, he said that he still cross-dressed. Finally, he told Judi he was a lesbian trapped in a man's body.


Mikayla Howden, left, had a sex-change operation after marrying Judi. The couple is raising daughter Kailynn, as well as their three other children from previous marriages. (ABC News)

:wtf: ok I'm a guy, I'm married to a women, I have a sex change so I can continue to have sex with women but as a lesbian now. :wtf: :wtf:
"At the time of their marriage, Judi Howden knew Mickey had questions about his sexuality. A month into their relationship, Mickey mentioned that he used to cross-dress. Then, he said that he still cross-dressed. Finally, he told Judi he was a lesbian trapped in a man's body."

Dysfunctional - party of 2.
GotZoom said:
"At the time of their marriage, Judi Howden knew Mickey had questions about his sexuality. A month into their relationship, Mickey mentioned that he used to cross-dress. Then, he said that he still cross-dressed. Finally, he told Judi he was a lesbian trapped in a man's body."

Dysfunctional - party of 2.

I want to thank ABC for bringing this most important news to our homes! :dunno:
dilloduck said:
I want to thank ABC for bringing this most important news to our homes! :dunno:

I heard they are going to be on Oprah next week.

And Nanny 911 the following week.
That took me a minute to sort through all that!!!!! :shocked:
What a nice man..I mean woman...whatever to raise children with!!!!
Joz said:
I'm wondering about the WOMAN. She married a he's a she?
How do you switch gears like that????

no tellin but I would advise against you tryin :funnyface
This is what most guys say, but they never go through with it like this guy did. When it comes right down to it we aren't "trapped" we actually like being guys...
WeAreLegion said:
Not really.

I mean, could YOU cut it off?

I'd miss my dick way too much.

Wouldn't this erase the capacity I mean, if you want to have sex with women anyway, why take away the "O"? Unless they can still achieve one? :dunno:

Anyway, just shows that homosexuality isn't about sex, but about identity. The guy still had his natural, heterosexual drive to mate with females, but his head was all messed up about who he was. Perhaps due to issues with his father-figure? It's psychological. Instead of "supporting" his decision, his wife should have pushed him to get some real help.
mom4 said:
Wouldn't this erase the capacity I mean, if you want to have sex with women anyway, why take away the "O"? Unless they can still achieve one? :dunno:

Anyway, just shows that homosexuality isn't about sex, but about identity. The guy still had his natural, heterosexual drive to mate with females, but his head was all messed up about who he was. Perhaps due to issues with his father-figure? It's psychological. Instead of "supporting" his decision, his wife should have pushed him to get some real help.

In a sex change, they keep the tissue from the end of the penis, and attach it/affix it to the 'inside' spot of the pouch they create. That's supposed to replicate a g-spot, iirc. frankly, I need more than the tip massaged before I can show the oh-face. :) but I bet you guys didn't need to know that, eh?

Oh - and i think it'd be better for that kid if the kid were to die, or never been born than to live in that 'family'.


Poor kid.
-=d=- said:
In a sex change, they keep the tissue from the end of the penis, and attach it/affix it to the 'inside' spot of the pouch they create. That's supposed to replicate a g-spot, iirc. frankly, I need more than the tip massaged before I can show the oh-face. :) but I bet you guys didn't need to know that, eh?


I wonder if it really works as well. I mean, they would have to lose something in unattaching/reattaching those nerves, right?

And those kids... I can't even find words for that. :(
Joz said:
You're expecting me to take the ball & to speak???
I'll keep my balls right here thank you very much! :eek2:

Doesn't sound very appealing to me... (of course, since I am not THAT screwed up in the head).
Joz said:
Does anyone know someone who's attempted this?

I do.

They have gone from female to male. But all the surgeries have not been completed. Pretty much because of the above reason.

I wonder about the woman who's attracted to /in love with a man only to find they still have female genitalia?

Would you continue the realtionship, or would you bolt?

I would bolt...there's no surer sign of somebody with mental instability, issues, etc, than if they can't deal with their feelings in more, uh, constructive ways.
Joz said:
Does anyone know someone who's attempted this?

I do.

They have gone from female to male. But all the surgeries have not been completed. Pretty much because of the above reason.

I wonder about the woman who's attracted to /in love with a man only to find they still have female genitalia?

Would you continue the realtionship, or would you bolt?

I have a friend that I have known since Kindergarten that is in the middle of "her" trasition. His/her wife is staying with him/her as well. If my wife said she wanted to become a man I would take the kids and leave...
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