Islamic Death Cultists - The Next Generation


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
How nice that the next generation of social misfits, emotionally crippled and hateful young islamo-bots is almost upon is.

Awww. They grow up and asplode' so quickly, don't they?

Suicide in the name of the islamo-Death Cult is not suicide, its "martyrdom". While Moslems have not invented the idea of suicide/mass murder, they have donated to humanity the sprawling, ideological notion of “martyrdom" defined as the wholesale slaughtering of humans who are either the "wrong kind" of moslems or those who, for other reasons, just plain deserve to die. Suicide bombings, strapping explosives on children, etc., etc., it’s all part of our history that has come to define Islam.

What lovely folks. What a lovely religion.

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

The Hamas government in Gaza celebrated the graduation on Monday of paramilitary camps geared at training high-school children “to follow in the footsteps of the suicide martyrs.”

The camps, titled “the pioneers of liberation,” are run by Hamas’s ministries of education and interior. Some 13,000 students in grades 10-12 participated in the one-week training camps this year, compared to 5,000 last year when the program was launched, Israeli sources with knowledge of the program said.
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Yea, I saw that too. Programed kids that will not have a long future if Hamas and IJ go on the way they are.

How nice that the next generation of social misfits, emotionally crippled and hateful young islamo-bots is almost upon is.

Awww. They grow up and asplode' so quickly, don't they?

Suicide in the name of the islamo-Death Cult is not suicide, its "martyrdom". While Moslems have not invented the idea of suicide/mass murder, they have donated to humanity the sprawling, ideological notion of “martyrdom" defined as the wholesale slaughtering of humans who are either the "wrong kind" of moslems or those who, for other reasons, just plain deserve to die. Suicide bombings, strapping explosives on children, etc., etc., it’s all part of our history that has come to define Islam.

What lovely folks. What a lovely religion.

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

The Hamas government in Gaza celebrated the graduation on Monday of paramilitary camps geared at training high-school children “to follow in the footsteps of the suicide martyrs.”

The camps, titled “the pioneers of liberation,” are run by Hamas’s ministries of education and interior. Some 13,000 students in grades 10-12 participated in the one-week training camps this year, compared to 5,000 last year when the program was launched, Israeli sources with knowledge of the program said.
Yea, I saw that too. Programed kids that will not have a long future if Hamas and IJ go on the way they are.

An interesting project >>> ID the kids and do follow up-----see how many
persons that group murders
I think it's wonderful that Hamas children are being trained to kill themselves as martyrs to purify themselves of Zionism. Just so long as they keep their actions within their own people.

How nice that the next generation of social misfits, emotionally crippled and hateful young islamo-bots is almost upon is.

Awww. They grow up and asplode' so quickly, don't they?

Suicide in the name of the islamo-Death Cult is not suicide, its "martyrdom". While Moslems have not invented the idea of suicide/mass murder, they have donated to humanity the sprawling, ideological notion of “martyrdom" defined as the wholesale slaughtering of humans who are either the "wrong kind" of moslems or those who, for other reasons, just plain deserve to die. Suicide bombings, strapping explosives on children, etc., etc., it’s all part of our history that has come to define Islam.

What lovely folks. What a lovely religion.

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate 'suicide martyrs' | The Times of Israel

The Hamas government in Gaza celebrated the graduation on Monday of paramilitary camps geared at training high-school children “to follow in the footsteps of the suicide martyrs.”

The camps, titled “the pioneers of liberation,” are run by Hamas’s ministries of education and interior. Some 13,000 students in grades 10-12 participated in the one-week training camps this year, compared to 5,000 last year when the program was launched, Israeli sources with knowledge of the program said.

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