ISIS is to Islam what the KKK is to Christianity


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Just as no one condemns Christianity for the perversion of it by the KKK, no one should be condemning Islam for ISIS' and others' perverting of it.
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

Actually thought about Westboro as the comparison, but they're not killing people. Yet. Knock on wood.
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV

You were saying?
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV

You were saying?
Try reading it in context. A band of Jews taking an oath, about their group.

Much like a bunch of kids on the Andy Griffith show pricking their fingers and calling themselves blood brothers.

You already know this Delta, picking and choosing Scripture is below your intellectual level.
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV

You were saying?
Try reading it in context. A band of Jews taking an oath, about their group.

Much like a bunch of kids on the Andy Griffith show pricking their fingers and calling themselves blood brothers.

You already know this Delta, picking and choosing Scripture is below your intellectual level.

Since when do people inclined to follow what their religious books say, read it in context?
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV

You were saying?
Try reading it in context. A band of Jews taking an oath, about their group.

Much like a bunch of kids on the Andy Griffith show pricking their fingers and calling themselves blood brothers.

You already know this Delta, picking and choosing Scripture is below your intellectual level.

Since when do people inclined to follow what their religious books say, read it in context?
Those who are actually seeking spiritual enlightenment, compared to those who just want moral superiority.

No offence meant to you, but, some days you seem as one, then the next day, you appear as another. You love this world, in much the same ways that I do, and that is hard to get over, yet you need to keep searching the Scriptures, and digging and trying to overcome the temptations, and battling the joys of this world, because delta, my friend, we are only here for a little while, and I believe, you, very much like me, believe there is something else. And as long as we are truly searching for that something else, with our hearts in the right condition, we will discover the answers we seek.

Ok, im done preaching for today.
That's a pretty good comparison. Though you could throw the Westboro Babtist church in there too, those people pervert Christianity, and humanity, yet call themselves Christian.

However, I don't see anywhere in my Bible, that tells me to kill all unbelievers, if they can't be converted. That would be in the Quran.

13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV

You were saying?
Try reading it in context. A band of Jews taking an oath, about their group.

Much like a bunch of kids on the Andy Griffith show pricking their fingers and calling themselves blood brothers.

You already know this Delta, picking and choosing Scripture is below your intellectual level.

Since when do people inclined to follow what their religious books say, read it in context?
Those who are actually seeking spiritual enlightenment, compared to those who just want moral superiority.

No offence meant to you, but, some days you seem as one, then the next day, you appear as another. You love this world, in much the same ways that I do, and that is hard to get over, yet you need to keep searching the Scriptures, and digging and trying to overcome the temptations, and battling the joys of this world, because delta, my friend, we are only here for a little while, and I believe, you, very much like me, believe there is something else. And as long as we are truly searching for that something else, with our hearts in the right condition, we will discover the answers we seek.

Ok, im done preaching for today.

Your intent is well-received. My thing is simple zero-tolerance for hypocrisy. To say nothing of self-destructive behaviour putting others at risk. As with picking a fight with 1.6 billion Muslims when only a few thousand are our enemy.
One religion was spread by the sword, the other was spread with hot tongs.

I don't see any value in either.
One religion was spread by the sword, the other was spread with hot tongs.

I don't see any value in either.
Yet, through my religion, I see value in you.

Perhaps, it's because I try to be good to everyone, and would see value in everyone anyways, but it's not always possible to see good and be good to everyone all the time, that is where my religion comes in. To help me to be good to people, who really deserve far less, and to be good to them even when it makes my stomach churn, just talking to them.
One religion was spread by the sword, the other was spread with hot tongs.

I don't see any value in either.
Yet, through my religion, I see value in you.

Perhaps, it's because I try to be good to everyone, and would see value in everyone anyways, but it's not always possible to see good and be good to everyone all the time, that is where my religion comes in. To help me to be good to people, who really deserve far less, and to be good to them even when it makes my stomach churn, just talking to them.

All life has value. We can't see every consequence of every life or the endless consequences of every action. Every event in the past, good or bad, has so far resulted in no nuclear war. I'm sure many wished in decades past all the Russians fell over dead, and yet those very same Russians helped achieve the no nuclear war outcome we all enjoy today.

Instead of arbitraily choosing who should live or die we should trust we can't know who's 'prunable' or not. We all play a role and due to our short lifetimes can't see the effect some of us have. Like with Hitler. If we could go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby would that be something we should do? Even if that resulted in no World War 2 there are consequences. Would we have gone to the Moon and developed satellites enabling the world to be as it is today? Would Israel exist without the Holocaust? Would we even have computers? Computers started as artillery computers. Radar came about too during WW2. Lotta things we take for granted come about during war when innovation is at its peak.

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