Is US Message Board Politically Correct?


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.
Why do you call yourself tea hypocritical bag of shit? How's that for PC?
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I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.

I saw your thread. I saw nothing wrong? I did not even know it got shut down? huh...interesting. I am pretty new.......I don't know. I don't think you did anything wrong?
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.

The picture of those poor women, this wasn't necessary and too horrible for normal brains to want to be subjected to. You could maybe have posted the link to picture and said the warning that picture barbaric, but it would give people choice to look at picture or not....rather than it just be there right in the face.
Politicial correctness is the religion of the progressive...
I am PROBABLY one of the most racist,hated,outspoken people on this forum and 95% of my posts stay up. I have had ONE closed and a few a month moved to the rubber room etc...but not only no but HELL NO to this forum being PC. Its why so many of us stick around.We can speak our minds and not really worry about being censored. Of course the majority is pro Israel/Anti Muslim but other than that its a fair range of people here and I for one enjoy it.
from the rules:

Morbid Images may be Linked, not posted, when appropriate. A Clear Warning Sign Must precede the Link. "Warning Graphic Image" Or "Warning Morbid Image"
You may not post images that show Human genitalia or Human Female aureola or nipples.
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.

The picture of those poor women, this wasn't necessary and too horrible for normal brains to want to be subjected to. You could maybe have posted the link to picture and said the warning that picture barbaric, but it would give people choice to look at picture or not....rather than it just be there right in the face.

"normal brains" why are you on USMB?
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.

I am the one who closed it and deleted the image. I thought long and hard about it but in the end I deemed the image too graphic. It violated our rules in a couple of ways as well so that made my decision a little easier. Feel free to start a new thread on the subject but provide a link to the image with the warning that it is a graphic image but do not post it here again.
I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how PC it is here but I think I'm starting to get an idea for where the strike zone is. I recently started a thread about Jews Fleeing France Due to Violence by Members of the Religion of Peace That thread was closed. It had a picture of Muslim handiwork that was also removed. The image was of two bodies of Hindu women who were hacked to pieces by Muslims. Muslims have taken a horrible toll on the Hindus of the years killing 80 to 90 million of them. The Muslim's reason was simple. Muslims are required by the teaching of Mohammad to kill anyone who won't convert to Islam and you thought Christian fundies were bad.

In the post I call for the end of Islam by whatever means necessary even if it means exterminating a large percentage of them worldwide if they don't denounce their sick beliefs.

Humanity turned a blind eye to the Nazis as the world tried to appease Hitler and as inexcusable as that was the Nazis were pussy cats compared to Muslims and there were a hell of a lot less of them. Muslims are more dangerous and more virulent than Nazis.

Some idiots use the term Moderate Muslim as a way to denying what Islam is. Liberals need to wake the fuck up about that. How would the liberals react if I were to say that most Nazis were moderate Nazis and David Duke is just misunderstood?


The strange hypocrisy is that everything Muslims are in mentality is what the American far right is e.g. theocracy, anti woman, anti gay, anti culture, anti science and against everything liberalism claims to be e.g. pro woman, pro science, freedom of religion, multi culturalism but the righties are anti Islamic while many liberals defend Islam.

Islam is an ugly thing and censoring its depravity and evil is dangerous. People need to be shocked into sense and they need to see the cold hard facts surrounding the greatest man made evil humanity has ever faced. Wake up world and see Islam for what it is and exterminate it with great prejudice.

The picture of those poor women, this wasn't necessary and too horrible for normal brains to want to be subjected to. You could maybe have posted the link to picture and said the warning that picture barbaric, but it would give people choice to look at picture or not....rather than it just be there right in the face.

"normal brains" why are you on USMB?

Are you starting trouble? :tank: :popcorn:

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