Is Ukraine the New Libya?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
If it's true Poroshenko is about to be replaced by "Yats" (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) because the former is perceived to be too "weak" to contest with Putin, does that raise the possibility of NATO or US airstrikes against Donbass this coming spring?
"Poroshenko serves at Washington’s discretion. His days may be numbered. Obama officials, Kiev hardliners and militant oligarchs may want him replaced.

"Rumors circulated last September after earlier defeats. Talk was about replacing his fumbling administration with new leadership.

"It surfaced again as junta forces faced defeat in Debaltsevo. The German publication Der Tagesspiegel discussed it.

"Saying 'in Kiev…an open power struggle (rages) between' Poroshenko and prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"When Poroshenko announced Minsk ceasefire terms, 'some of the large Ukrainian TV channels turned away.'

“'Even the 5 channel (he owns) did not show his speech.' Observers see an ongoing power struggle he may lose.

"Ultimately things will be decided in Washington.

"Obama installed Poroshenko. He’s a convenient US stooge. If no longer useful, he’s out.

"Yatsenyuk is a Washington favorite.
He’s virulently anti-Russian.
He wants Donbass freedom fighters crushed.

"Perhaps he’ll be Ukraine’s next president – tasked with waging greater than ever full-scale aggression on his own people.

"Maybe this time with US-led NATO help?

"Will Ukraine be another Libya?"

What is THE big difference between NATO strikes on Ukraine versus NATO strikes on Libya?

Thousands of Russian tactical nuclear weapons and the will to use them.

Poroshenko Wants NATO Troops in Donbass. Kiev Forces Defeated in Debaltsevo Global Research

Russia and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
NATO will allow Ukraine to be absorbed back into Russia and be done with it.
This is what will defeat Putin and the poor suckers in the separatist rebel regions
How did things turn out in Debaltseve for the IMF and Right Sector?
"Poroshenko Bloc MP Vadim Denisenko urged NATO air strikes on rebel held areas. The Alliance 'is very slow in acting,' he said."
Poroshenko Wants NATO Troops in Donbass. Kiev Forces Defeated in Debaltsevo Global Research
Putin can not be defeated on the battlefield in a conventional style war with Ukraine. That is why the administrations in the US and Europe have refuse to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons. Russia has the ability to escalate and increase it's support for the rebel forces with munitions, weapons and regular Russian troops. The Ukrainians can ask for NATO support in the form of air strikes all they want, they aren't going to get them. Ukraine is taking the hits on the battlefield. Russia is being decimated economically and the west is being given time to prepare for the coming of a renewed cold war.
That is why the administrations in the US and Europe have refuse to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons.
All governments lie, and Putin's is certainly no exception; however, Russia has claimed western weapons have already found their way into this conflict. If that allegation proves true, would it change your thinking on this matter?
NATO will allow Ukraine to be absorbed back into Russia and be done with it.
ALL of Ukraine?

Or maybe the part's that east of East Kiev?
BBC News - Ukraine crisis in maps
That is why the administrations in the US and Europe have refuse to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons.
All governments lie, and Putin's is certainly no exception; however, Russia has claimed western weapons have already found their way into this conflict. If that allegation proves true, would it change your thinking on this matter?
No, not if they are the type weapons that can be bought on the black market. What would be disturbing is if the kind of high tech weapons Kiev is asking for that are only available from Nato and the US. That kind of weaponry will not appear until after the fighting ceases for a period of time. Both sides will then rearm. Aircraft for the separatist and anti aircraft for the Ukraine. Sophisticated artillery radar and targeting systems and modern anti tank weapons.
Seriously, with all the weapons Russia has provided to the rebels, to include the "volunteer" operators of those weapons, Putin doesn't have a valid complaint if the Ukrainians have gotten their hands on some western weapons. There is no international law that stops the west from selling arms to Ukraine. Ukraine is recognized as a legitimate country and controlled by a legitimate government. Russia is the one violating international laws by equipping a rebel group without UN or any other type of international approval or understanding.
The ugly US octopus shall keep his smeary tentacles off the Ukraina.
Some day you hve to learn that the rest of the world is not your playing ground and has no reason to obey your rules.
The ugly US octopus shall keep his smeary tentacles off the Ukraina.
Some day you hve to learn that the rest of the world is not your playing ground and has no reason to obey your rules.
"February 20, 2015, marks the one-year anniversary of the heinous slaughter of protesters and police by neo-Nazi snipers who transformed a relatively peaceful protest against Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, into a violent anti-Russia coup. To this day, the illegitimate regime ruling in Kiev has done virtually nothing to bring their sniper allies to justice."
Seeking the Truth about Ukraine Global Research
Ukraine is recognized as a legitimate country and controlled by a legitimate government.
That would seem to depend on whether or not Obama's CIA and State Department were behind the "revolution" that drove Yanukovych from office one year ago. Given the US record of regime change, many people will see the current Kiev government as just another example of American "triumphalism" run amok.
Cold War Triumphalism The Misuse of History After the Fall of Communism. Foreign Affairs

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