Is Trump's lack of response in Puerto Rico really just "political payback"?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?
Things are very slowly, incrementally, finally getting better and I hope no one else will die. Maria was not Trump's fault. Everyone over there, from FEMA to the General are saying it is the worst situation they've ever had to deal with. How to you drive anything over washed out roads and bridges that are no longer there? How do you find out who needs help when there are no phones or radios working to the outlying areas? Maybe they could have done better getting fuel into the island to keep the hospitals running, get more of the gas stations up, banks, etc. But that's for a later time to analyze. Trump sent the regular amount of aid one would send to a disaster area and it wasn't enough. He couldn't know that when this started. The Trump haters are circling and taking bites out of his hide, per usual. His tweets sucked. I'll give you that. But the rest? He didn't ignore them.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and and Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?
Deanie boy lives in an alternate mental reality. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?
Good point. Everyone better vote for Republicans from now on or else you'll find a horse head in your bed.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and and Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
SAN JUAN MAYOR: Puerto Rican Statehood Like ‘A Slave Becoming a Slave Owner.’
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and and Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.

Puerto Rico could have become a state if its citizens had wanted it.
They voted against statehood every time.

One can take the horse to the the trough but can't make it drink.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and and Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.

Puerto Rico could have become a state if its citizens had wanted it.
They voted against statehood every time.

One can take the horse to the the trough but can't make it drink.
Of course, of course, the colonists love the arrangement, that must be it, the grand american illusion remains intact.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and and Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
SAN JUAN MAYOR: Puerto Rican Statehood Like ‘A Slave Becoming a Slave Owner.’
"You don't fight injustice by asking to become part of the system that committed the injustice against you in the first place," Cruz told The Guardian. "That's like a freed slave striving to become a slave owner."

Good point.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Well, until Puerto Ricans' plebiscite votes to become a state, I guess that's an open question. If the Congress is as good as their word, they will follow the will of the people. Maybe someday they'll decide to go on their own.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Well, until Puerto Ricans' plebiscite votes to become a state, I guess that's an open question. If the Congress is as good as their word, they will follow the will of the people. Maybe someday they'll decide to go on their own.
Puerto Rican status referendum, 2017 - Wikipedia
They did a few months ago. It has to be okd by congress and the president
Which i hope they dont.
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?

You still believe what CNN spoon feads you?‍♂️

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?
Things are very slowly, incrementally, finally getting better and I hope no one else will die. Maria was not Trump's fault. Everyone over there, from FEMA to the General are saying it is the worst situation they've ever had to deal with. How to you drive anything over washed out roads and bridges that are no longer there? How do you find out who needs help when there are no phones or radios working to the outlying areas? Maybe they could have done better getting fuel into the island to keep the hospitals running, get more of the gas stations up, banks, etc. But that's for a later time to analyze. Trump sent the regular amount of aid one would send to a disaster area and it wasn't enough. He couldn't know that when this started. The Trump haters are circling and taking bites out of his hide, per usual. His tweets sucked. I'll give you that. But the rest? He didn't ignore them.
Maria is Trump's fault the same way Katrina was Bush's fault and Sandy was Obama's fault.
It's not the hurricane. It's what happens after. I know you know that so I'm unsure why you would make such a statement.

I saw a report that said there were 240 helicopters and over 20,000 people in New Orleans.

But Puerto Rico had 60 and 10,000 people.

It's only getting better in the main couple of cities.

As communication is restored, the news will come out about what is going on and the massive failure of the US Government.

Ah, here it is:

General who oversaw Katrina response slams Trump on Puerto Rico

The Louisiana native said if given the command, he’d move 50,000 troops to Puerto Rico, where he said the devastation was worse than what New Orleans dealt with after Katrina.

“They need to scale up,” Honore said. “(In) Katrina, I had 20,000 federal troops. Not federal workers, federal troops.”

“I had 20 ships and over 240 helicopters,” he continued about Katrina. “And Puerto Rico is bigger than Katrina.”


See what I'm saying? There is no comparison. Those millions of American citizens have been screwed over three times. Once by Irma, twice by Maria and the third time by Trump.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Well, until Puerto Ricans' plebiscite votes to become a state, I guess that's an open question. If the Congress is as good as their word, they will follow the will of the people. Maybe someday they'll decide to go on their own.
Puerto Rican status referendum, 2017 - Wikipedia
They did a few months ago. It has to be okd by congress and the president
Which i hope they dont.
Got it, you prefer the empire retain them as a colony.
Why isn’t Trump rushing to help Puerto Rico’s U.S. citizens? Political payback

Yes, Maria is Trump’s Katrina.

He’s shown the same level of ineffectiveness as George W. Bush in responding to the devastation of black and poor New Orleans.

Nine months into his presidency, President Trump doesn’t get it: He now represents everyone — and that includes Puerto Ricans, on the mainland and on the island.

Perhaps, in the aftermath of Irma and Maria, Puerto Ricans will become climate-change refugees. They’d do well to move to Florida — and exercise their right to vote in a swing state.

Perhaps that’s the only way for Puerto Rico to obtain all that it deserves, instead of the second-class citizen status that comes with being an American colony under Trump.


His golf course went belly up in Puerto Rico.

72% voted for Hillary Clinton.

We already know how thin skinned he is.

He said Puerto Ricans are lazy and not pulling their own weight.

FEMA Administrator Disagrees With Trump: ‘I Believe the Puerto Ricans Are Pulling Their Weight’

Lt. General Russel Honore outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico and even Republicans right here on the USMB laughed at it. And he was the guy who saved New Orleans after the Katrina debacle.

I wonder how many more Puerto Rican's will die before this is over?

You still believe what CNN spoon feads you?‍♂️

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why not? You believe Fox and Brietbart and we know they're liars. And you believe Trump. And he's the worst liar of all.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Well, until Puerto Ricans' plebiscite votes to become a state, I guess that's an open question. If the Congress is as good as their word, they will follow the will of the people. Maybe someday they'll decide to go on their own.
Puerto Rican status referendum, 2017 - Wikipedia
They did a few months ago. It has to be okd by congress and the president
Which i hope they dont.
Got it, you prefer the empire retain them as a colony.
Actually Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in the general, only primaries. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the US govt., they are not represented in the electoral college and are unable to vote in US presidential elections. Even though the population is greater than 21 of the 50 states and abd Puerto Ricans are over represented in the US military. But such is life in the colonies of the empire. Those born in Ameican Samoa are not even citizens at all.
Last time I heard about it, the Puerto Rican people voted DOWN becoming a state. It's been awhile, that may have changed.
And have they also voted for the economic exploitation?

The United States acquired the islands of Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish–American War. In 1950, Congress enacted legislation (P.L. 81-600) authorizing Puerto Rico to hold a constitutional convention and in 1952, the people of Puerto Rico ratified a constitution establishing a republican form of government for the island. After being approved by Congress and the President in July 1952 and thus given force under federal law (P.L. 82-447), the new constitution went into effect on July 25, 1952.

Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and
Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.[11][12][13] Since the promulgation of the current Commonwealth constitution in 1952, further local attempts to change the island's political status took place in 1967, 1993, and 1998. An additional referendum held in 1991 sought to amend the relationship through an amendment to the Puerto Rican constitution. Each time, the results favored retaining the current status over the possible independence of Puerto Rico and statehood alternatives.

As a result of Puerto Rico's status as a
U.S. territory, the citizens of Puerto Rico do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Federal government. Instead of outright representation through Senators and House Representatives, Puerto Rico has one non-voting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not represented in the Electoral College, and thus U.S. citizens resident there are unable to vote in U.S. presidential elections. Citizens of Puerto Rico can vote in the Republican and Democratic primary elections.

Although Puerto Rico presently has a certain amount of local autonomy, according to the
U.S. Constitution ultimate governance of the island is retained by both the U.S. Congress and President.[14][15][16] Thus, results of plebiscites, whether or not authorized by Congress, while they reflect public sentiment, and thus bear some impact, can be ignored by Congress. Ultimately, the results of Puerto Rican plebiscites are opinions, although congressional resolutions have expressed support for following the will of the Puerto Rican people.
Political status of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

Is that how a US "territory" becomes a state? They just vote amongst themselves and they're in? I'm a bit surprised you play this off, but ok.
Well, until Puerto Ricans' plebiscite votes to become a state, I guess that's an open question. If the Congress is as good as their word, they will follow the will of the people. Maybe someday they'll decide to go on their own.
Puerto Rican status referendum, 2017 - Wikipedia
They did a few months ago. It has to be okd by congress and the president
Which i hope they dont.
Got it, you prefer the empire retain them as a colony.
I dont give a shit what they do, really. Just as long as it doesnt become a state.

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