Is Trump asking too much from today's American "citizen"?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.
Remember, it's so much easier to live as a standards, no expectations, no accountability, descency is not required, excuses are always provided by fellow low-life's...all you have to do is breathe oxygen and pretend to care about other low-life's...SIMPLE.
Hopefully by now you've been able to tie together a correlation.

Trump: "Let's Make America Great Again!"
The Left: "We hate old, great America"

Trump: "I will shield you REAL American's from danger and potential terrorists."
The Left: "We don't want your protection."

Trump: "Let's all get back to work and prosper."
The Left: "We don't really want to go to work...we just want to act like we do."

Trump: "Let's stop these illegals from our south from coming in here and stealing from REAL American's."
The Left: "Most of us are un-American's from the filthy south...BAD IDEA! Let's allow them to continue robbing taxpayers."

Trump: "I will put AMERICAN'S FIRST!"
The Left: "You racist nationalist!"

The point is, the resistance will not end anytime soon as the illegitimate just can't stand the thought of feeling expected to do and be better. Unfortunately this nation has become home to too many who want nothing more than to change all of what once made this country great. There's a long road to hoe ahead...enjoy the ride and laugh along the way as the whacko's continue to completely lose their shit day to day over some new fabricated bunch of bullshit...HAHAHA
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.
Remember, it's so much easier to live as a standards, no expectations, no accountability, descency is not required, excuses are always provided by fellow low-life's...all you have to do is breathe oxygen and pretend to care about other low-life's...SIMPLE.
Hopefully by now you've been able to tie together a correlation.

Trump: "Let's Make America Great Again!"
The Left: "We hate old, great America"

Trump: "I will shield you REAL American's from danger and potential terrorists."
The Left: "We don't want your protection."

Trump: "Let's all get back to work and prosper."
The Left: "We don't really want to go to work...we just want to act like we do."

Trump: "Let's stop these illegals from our south from coming in here and stealing from REAL American's."
The Left: "Most of us are un-American's from the filthy south...BAD IDEA! Let's allow them to continue robbing taxpayers."

Trump: "I will put AMERICAN'S FIRST!"
The Left: "You racist nationalist!"

The point is, the resistance will not end anytime soon as the illegitimate just can't stand the thought of feeling expected to do and be better. Unfortunately this nation has become home to too many who want nothing more than to change all of what once made this country great. There's a long road to hoe ahead...enjoy the ride and laugh along the way as the whacko's continue to completely lose their shit day to day over some new fabricated bunch of bullshit...HAHAHA

Your analogy is very valid but it is Trump who is the petulant child refusing and incapable of doing the job he was hired to do and acting like a spoiled brat.

He lies - endlessly. And when called on his lies, he doubles down and blames the media for not picking his statements.

If he wants better press, STOP LYING. Stop blaming others for your fuck ups, and DO YOUR JOB.

Trump spends 1/4 of his time golfing. He's not staffing the White House, drafting legislation or formulating policy.

It truly is time to tell Trump to pull his head out of his ass and start running the country in an efficient and professional manner.

In preparation for his upcoming visit, your allies are now trying to Trump Proof the visit and make sure it's not a PR disaster. I wish them luck.

I seriously doubt he'll get to ride to Buckingham Palace in a gold carriage with the Queen, as he requested. The British public would just laugh at the whole thing.
What sort of a person does this punk see? where you see a decent, respectable person,giving solid advice, he will probably see an unhinged person, waving his arms and screaming profanities at him, and it's probably best to call the police.
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.

OK - to the liberal arts majors out there: I've never been 100% confident in my understanding of irony. Does the above count?
Trump has no moral compass.
Legitimate American's say you're wrong...Swift "BJ" Willy Clinton definitely did not and some would say he was a hell of a POTUS
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.
Remember, it's so much easier to live as a standards, no expectations, no accountability, descency is not required, excuses are always provided by fellow low-life's...all you have to do is breathe oxygen and pretend to care about other low-life's...SIMPLE.
Hopefully by now you've been able to tie together a correlation.

Trump: "Let's Make America Great Again!"
The Left: "We hate old, great America"

Trump: "I will shield you REAL American's from danger and potential terrorists."
The Left: "We don't want your protection."

Trump: "Let's all get back to work and prosper."
The Left: "We don't really want to go to work...we just want to act like we do."

Trump: "Let's stop these illegals from our south from coming in here and stealing from REAL American's."
The Left: "Most of us are un-American's from the filthy south...BAD IDEA! Let's allow them to continue robbing taxpayers."

Trump: "I will put AMERICAN'S FIRST!"
The Left: "You racist nationalist!"

The point is, the resistance will not end anytime soon as the illegitimate just can't stand the thought of feeling expected to do and be better. Unfortunately this nation has become home to too many who want nothing more than to change all of what once made this country great. There's a long road to hoe ahead...enjoy the ride and laugh along the way as the whacko's continue to completely lose their shit day to day over some new fabricated bunch of bullshit...HAHAHA

Your analogy is very valid but it is Trump who is the petulant child refusing and incapable of doing the job he was hired to do and acting like a spoiled brat.

He lies - endlessly. And when called on his lies, he doubles down and blames the media for not picking his statements.

If he wants better press, STOP LYING. Stop blaming others for your fuck ups, and DO YOUR JOB.

Trump spends 1/4 of his time golfing. He's not staffing the White House, drafting legislation or formulating policy.

It truly is time to tell Trump to pull his head out of his ass and start running the country in an efficient and professional manner.

In preparation for his upcoming visit, your allies are now trying to Trump Proof the visit and make sure it's not a PR disaster. I wish them luck.

I seriously doubt he'll get to ride to Buckingham Palace in a gold carriage with the Queen, as he requested. The British public would just laugh at the whole thing.

You're a foreigner with no dog in this fight...your opinions are not valid and I can't take you serious.

What sort of a person does this punk see? where you see a decent, respectable person,giving solid advice, he will probably see an unhinged person, waving his arms and screaming profanities at him, and it's probably best to call the police.
Spoken like a true Liberal...the ole..."I've got it all figured out....I'm well put together...everyone else is the problem." I can't make this shit up...haha
Trump has no moral compass.
Legitimate American's say you're wrong...Swift "BJ" Willy Clinton definitely did not and some would say he was a hell of a POTUS
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.
Remember, it's so much easier to live as a standards, no expectations, no accountability, descency is not required, excuses are always provided by fellow low-life's...all you have to do is breathe oxygen and pretend to care about other low-life's...SIMPLE.
Hopefully by now you've been able to tie together a correlation.

Trump: "Let's Make America Great Again!"
The Left: "We hate old, great America"

Trump: "I will shield you REAL American's from danger and potential terrorists."
The Left: "We don't want your protection."

Trump: "Let's all get back to work and prosper."
The Left: "We don't really want to go to work...we just want to act like we do."

Trump: "Let's stop these illegals from our south from coming in here and stealing from REAL American's."
The Left: "Most of us are un-American's from the filthy south...BAD IDEA! Let's allow them to continue robbing taxpayers."

Trump: "I will put AMERICAN'S FIRST!"
The Left: "You racist nationalist!"

The point is, the resistance will not end anytime soon as the illegitimate just can't stand the thought of feeling expected to do and be better. Unfortunately this nation has become home to too many who want nothing more than to change all of what once made this country great. There's a long road to hoe ahead...enjoy the ride and laugh along the way as the whacko's continue to completely lose their shit day to day over some new fabricated bunch of bullshit...HAHAHA

Your analogy is very valid but it is Trump who is the petulant child refusing and incapable of doing the job he was hired to do and acting like a spoiled brat.

He lies - endlessly. And when called on his lies, he doubles down and blames the media for not picking his statements.

If he wants better press, STOP LYING. Stop blaming others for your fuck ups, and DO YOUR JOB.

Trump spends 1/4 of his time golfing. He's not staffing the White House, drafting legislation or formulating policy.

It truly is time to tell Trump to pull his head out of his ass and start running the country in an efficient and professional manner.

In preparation for his upcoming visit, your allies are now trying to Trump Proof the visit and make sure it's not a PR disaster. I wish them luck.

I seriously doubt he'll get to ride to Buckingham Palace in a gold carriage with the Queen, as he requested. The British public would just laugh at the whole thing.

You're a foreigner with no dog in this fight...your opinions are not valid and I can't take you serious.

What sort of a person does this punk see? where you see a decent, respectable person,giving solid advice, he will probably see an unhinged person, waving his arms and screaming profanities at him, and it's probably best to call the police.
Spoken like a true Liberal...the ole..."I've got it all figured out....I'm well put together...everyone else is the problem." I can't make this shit up...haha

Isn't that exactly what the person you describe does, when he meets this kid, in "the shit you made up"?
Have you ever had to ask an insubordinate punk kid with no moral compass, no direction and no sense of accountability to stop being such a piece of shit? If you have then you know exactly what President Trump is up against. Imagine if you told that punk kid; "starting tomorrow you will pull your head from your ass and become a legitimate human in all respects. Your retarded bullshit will no longer be tolerated...I demand better from you...PERIOD!"
Imagine the tantrum and level of resistance you'd get.
Remember, it's so much easier to live as a standards, no expectations, no accountability, descency is not required, excuses are always provided by fellow low-life's...all you have to do is breathe oxygen and pretend to care about other low-life's...SIMPLE.
Hopefully by now you've been able to tie together a correlation.

Trump: "Let's Make America Great Again!"
The Left: "We hate old, great America"

Trump: "I will shield you REAL American's from danger and potential terrorists."
The Left: "We don't want your protection."

Trump: "Let's all get back to work and prosper."
The Left: "We don't really want to go to work...we just want to act like we do."

Trump: "Let's stop these illegals from our south from coming in here and stealing from REAL American's."
The Left: "Most of us are un-American's from the filthy south...BAD IDEA! Let's allow them to continue robbing taxpayers."

Trump: "I will put AMERICAN'S FIRST!"
The Left: "You racist nationalist!"

The point is, the resistance will not end anytime soon as the illegitimate just can't stand the thought of feeling expected to do and be better. Unfortunately this nation has become home to too many who want nothing more than to change all of what once made this country great. There's a long road to hoe ahead...enjoy the ride and laugh along the way as the whacko's continue to completely lose their shit day to day over some new fabricated bunch of bullshit...HAHAHA

Stop being a piece of shit.

There; just did.
Conservatives believe these false memes because they are like chicks in a nest looking up with their gaping mouths waiting for talk radio or Faux News to vomit their 'nourishment' into their mouths.

The monicker 'real Americans' betrays this mindless following of the herd. There are no 'real Americans', if you are an American citizen you are an American.. Period. Stop with this never ending angry bitter bullshit conservatives.
Trump has no moral compass.
Legitimate American's say you're wrong...Swift "BJ" Willy Clinton definitely did not and some would say he was a hell of a POTUS

We're not talking about Billy Boy.

If Trump has a "moral compass" - enlighten us. Where is it? What is it?

Did it go south when he was groping and molesting women?
As far as I can tell, his moral compass is on an endless spin cycle.

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