Is this what caring about minorities looks like?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
A lot of minority-owned businesses were destroyed in Minneapolis last night. But to hear some liberals, those businesses, those livelihoods ruined, are disposable when it comes to the exaction of 'justice'. When Floyd's girlfriend and family called for peace and an end to the rioting, they were wholly ignored.

If you truly care about minority rights, not only should you be outraged about what happened to George Floyd, but you should also be outraged by all of the minority entrepreneurs who just had their futures go up in smoke. All of it because of people who thought what they were doing, by destroying a city and setting it on fire, was a justified response to the murder of George Floyd.

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A lot of minority-owned businesses were destroyed in Minneapolis last night. But to hear some liberals, those businesses, those livelihoods ruined, are disposable when it comes to the exaction of 'justice'. When Floyd's girlfriend and family called for peace and an end to the rioting, they were wholly ignored.

If you truly care about minority rights, not only should you be outraged about what happened to George Floyd, but you should also be outraged by all of the minority entrepreneurs who just had their futures go up in smoke. All of it because of people who thought what they were doing, by destroying a city and setting it on fire, was a justified response to the murder of George Floyd.

Last paragraph...says it all.

Unfortunately...mobs change people. They don’t think. They are fueled by the directionless unthinking violence of a mob. :(
A lot of minority-owned businesses were destroyed in Minneapolis last night. But to hear some liberals, those businesses, those livelihoods ruined, are disposable when it comes to the exaction of 'justice'. When Floyd's girlfriend and family called for peace and an end to the rioting, they were wholly ignored.

If you truly care about minority rights, not only should you be outraged about what happened to George Floyd, but you should also be outraged by all of the minority entrepreneurs who just had their futures go up in smoke. All of it because of people who thought what they were doing, by destroying a city and setting it on fire, was a justified response to the murder of George Floyd.

What people fail to realize is how long lasting the damage is from Race Riots.

The areas that are burned today are likely to revert to Urban Prairies and still be vacant land in the 2070's.

There are still many vacant lots in many cities that had stores and other buildings burned during the riots scheduled after MLK got whacked in 1968, 52 years ago.
How hard have you tried to understand the thought processes of those who are rioting?

There is no understanding senseless, emotionally-driven violence. Whether it be from a rogue cop, or from thousands of people tearing a major metropolitan area to shreds.

I don't want to understand that. I want it to stop. I want Floyd to get justice, but whatever this is, it is not justice.
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How hard have you tried to understand the thought processes of those who are rioting?

I dont try to understand the thought process of looters, criminals, idiots, private property destroyers etc. The rioters are just stupid idiots looking for an excuse to steal. Why are you so invested in emotion? You should want justice for what that officer did to floyd.
They are fueled by the directionless unthinking violence of a mob.
And the reward of a big screen TV
Nah...those are the opportunists. Same ones who steal, invade homes etc after a disaster.
What was your position on the Charlottesville protests?

Did you agree with trump that were were good people there along with the nazis and KKK?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say “good”. I don’t know that. But they weren’t all KkK/Nazi’s

The organizers of that rally however, were. What kind of person would participate in a rally with Nazi symbolism and racist symbolism blatently obvious?
"Let them Loot! It's only property." Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to the Baltimore Police during the Freddy Gray riots. The rioters and looters were burning, robbing, and looting their neighbors and fellow Black people's homes and stores. Makes sense, right? :rolleyes:
They're not liberal enough ... there's was very little looting after the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco ... it will be another 30 years before the rest of the United States catches up ... it's that hippy "bring what ya got and share" attitude ... the rest of y'all are selfish ...
The organizers of that rally however, were. What kind of person would participate in a rally with Nazi symbolism and racist symbolism blatently obvious?

Free speech is free speech, whether we agree with it or not. It stops being free speech when (in Charlottesville) a guy kills a woman by running her down with his car. Or, when, in this case, in Minneapolis, when people essentially commit acts of domestic terrorism in the name of an unjustly killed man.
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They're not liberal enough ... there's was very little looting after the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco ... it will be another 30 years before the rest of the United States catches up ... it's that hippy "bring what ya got and share" attitude ... the rest of y'all are selfish ...

Hell, in an earthquake situation, if responders can't get to you right away, you can see people taking things like food, water, medical supplies while they try to survive until help arrives.

This current situation is just a devolution into lawlessness.
Look what the bastards did in '92 in LA during the Rodney King riots.
By the time the riots ended, 63 people had been killed, 2,383 people had been injured, more than 12,000 had been arrested, and estimates of property damage were over $1 billion in 1992 dollars.
As usual these stupid animals lose everyone's sympathy when they go fucking nuts in the streets.

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