Is this what being a proud American feels like…I almost forgot.

It’s sad it’s come to this; politics spills over into our state of mind, it didn’t have to be this way, Democrats could have fought to preserve and protect America right alongside Conservatives, they could have ignored the emergence of leftism, they didn’t have to placate to the grievances of the micro percentiles.
I don't say this to draw attention or to create conflict. Nothing of the sort.

But you, ALL of you, need to listen when I tell you --

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

It’s sad it’s come to this; politics spills over into our state of mind, it didn’t have to be this way, Democrats could have fought to preserve and protect America right alongside Conservatives, they could have ignored the emergence of leftism, they didn’t have to placate to the grievances of the micro percentiles.

It can never change back , despite Trump's eloquence .

Once Mind Control was developed and the strength of using continuous Chaos fully realised , the end of the US was and is guaranteed.
However , Deep State may now have to regroup , though I suspect that later you will see that Trump is truly Trumpf and part of a deeper long tem Deep State project .
It’s sad it’s come to this; politics spills over into our state of mind, it didn’t have to be this way, Democrats could have fought to preserve and protect America right alongside Conservatives, they could have ignored the emergence of leftism, they didn’t have to placate to the grievances of the micro percentiles.
Truer words were never spoken. Funny how the "big tent" party calls those on the right deplorables and garbage but their ultimate demise was in actually letting the progressive wing take over enough of the party that it doomed the whole party. The good part is, there are still a lot out there who think the dems only lost because they weren't far left enough. So, let the doom spiral continue.
I’ve always been proud of being an American regardless if the president was somebody I voted for or not. I voted for presidents of different parties during my entire life, and if my chosen candidate didn’t win, the one that did was still my president. I think it’s a good day for the country, it was time for Biden to go. he has serious decline, no matter what liberals want to claim. Kamala should’ve never even been considered as a VP candidate let alone a presidential one in my opinion.

Is this what being a proud American feels like…I almost forgot.​

During Trump's swearing in, it brought me to tears and as they panned the crowd close up, I could see many in attendance were in tears of joy as well.
America has just witnessed a huge catharsis of a suffocating disease called Joe Biden and his administration.

I particularly enjoyed Trump speaking of act after act of actions he would take to right the ship of all that has been done to this country as the guy who did it sat just a few feet away knowing very well that he was being spoken of.
White men are a micro percentile. 36 percent.
This is not a proud day for America. Inaugurating a convicted felon to lead this country. We can no longer go around the world preaching to people about respecting the rule of law.
Now that it is official I expect much wailing and crying from the left. They have been steadily doing so since Nov 5 with many plans on how to stop Trump but all to no avail. They are still in denial.
Now that it is official I expect much wailing and crying from the left. They have been steadily doing so since Nov 5 with many plans on how to stop Trump but all to no avail. They are still in denial.
are people going to court to decertify Trump's win?

Is it MAGA 2020 again?
Hopefully it won't be as bad with the possibility of re-election eliminated. It eased up on Obama during his 2nd term as the new threat became Hillary, thus enemy sights became set on her.

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