Is this true: Democrat loot?


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
[ame=]YouTube - mon 2.wmv[/ame]

Start watching at 2:25 Beck right again
Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?
Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?
And it isnt even original .
We have been had and lied to .
If we had been taught history we would know, Who knew you had to read out of print text books to know real history?

We could have protected the nation if we knew the facts and tactics.
Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?
And it isnt even original .
We have been had and lied to .
If we had been taught history we would know, Who knew you had to read out of print text books to know real history?

We could have protected the nation if we knew the facts and tactics.

ARe you talking about the Iraq invasion AGAIN?
Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?

um, hello....i'm giving the democrats the chance to either defend this or explain how it is not true

because if it is true, this is truly disgusting and all should know about it, the dems don't care about america, they care only about themselves

if this is true, only the most partisan hacks will defend it, probably say something about elections etc....
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Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?

um, hello....i'm giving the democrats the chance to either defend this or explain how it is not true

because if it is true, this is truly disgusting and all should know about it, the dems don't care about america, they care only about themselves

if this is true, only the most partisan hacks will defend it, probably say something about elections etc....

It says it is someone's calculation. Do you know what that calculation is or what it is based upon?
Um hello, of course its true. The stimulus is just a slush fund to pay back Democrat special interests for donating to Obama's campaign and for their help in getting him elected.

You didn't think it was meant to help the economy did you?

um, hello....i'm giving the democrats the chance to either defend this or explain how it is not true

because if it is true, this is truly disgusting and all should know about it, the dems don't care about america, they care only about themselves

if this is true, only the most partisan hacks will defend it, probably say something about elections etc....

It says it is someone's calculation. Do you know what that calculation is or what it is based upon?

look at the bottom of the

amazing how you jump to defend anything that makes your precious dems look bad, yet you jump to criticize anything that makes repubs look bad

you should either disprove it, or denounce it
um, hello....i'm giving the democrats the chance to either defend this or explain how it is not true

because if it is true, this is truly disgusting and all should know about it, the dems don't care about america, they care only about themselves

if this is true, only the most partisan hacks will defend it, probably say something about elections etc....

It says it is someone's calculation. Do you know what that calculation is or what it is based upon?

look at the bottom of the

amazing how you jump to defend anything that makes your precious dems look bad, yet you jump to criticize anything that makes repubs look bad

you should either disprove it, or denounce it

I think you misunderstood my question. It is obvious that data was pulled from, however the bar graph was created using a calculation by someone else. You CAN read, right?
It says it is someone's calculation. Do you know what that calculation is or what it is based upon?

look at the bottom of the

amazing how you jump to defend anything that makes your precious dems look bad, yet you jump to criticize anything that makes repubs look bad

you should either disprove it, or denounce it

I think you misunderstood my question. It is obvious that data was pulled from, however the bar graph was created using a calculation by someone else. You CAN read, right?

you said "what it is based on"

you asked twice for the source, yet you ask me if i can read....?

why don't you stop being a hack and denounce the dem slush fund? if you could disprove it, you would have. don't worry, i won't wait for you to not be a hack
look at the bottom of the

amazing how you jump to defend anything that makes your precious dems look bad, yet you jump to criticize anything that makes repubs look bad

you should either disprove it, or denounce it

I think you misunderstood my question. It is obvious that data was pulled from, however the bar graph was created using a calculation by someone else. You CAN read, right?

you said "what it is based on"

you asked twice for the source, yet you ask me if i can read....?

why don't you stop being a hack and denounce the dem slush fund? if you could disprove it, you would have. don't worry, i won't wait for you to not be a hack

"Source: Veronique de Rugy's CALCULATION based on". I will ask one last time, what is this calculation? If you don't know, then there is no way you can understand the bar graph in your original post.
I think you misunderstood my question. It is obvious that data was pulled from, however the bar graph was created using a calculation by someone else. You CAN read, right?

you said "what it is based on"

you asked twice for the source, yet you ask me if i can read....?

why don't you stop being a hack and denounce the dem slush fund? if you could disprove it, you would have. don't worry, i won't wait for you to not be a hack

"Source: Veronique de Rugy's CALCULATION based on". I will ask one last time, what is this calculation? If you don't know, then there is no way you can understand the bar graph in your original post.

once have the source data

do your own graph if you think this one is do know what data is don't you? its funny to watch you desperately try and defend anything that paints dems bad, yet you jump all over anything that makes repubs look bad. hack.
you said "what it is based on"

you asked twice for the source, yet you ask me if i can read....?

why don't you stop being a hack and denounce the dem slush fund? if you could disprove it, you would have. don't worry, i won't wait for you to not be a hack

"Source: Veronique de Rugy's CALCULATION based on". I will ask one last time, what is this calculation? If you don't know, then there is no way you can understand the bar graph in your original post.

once have the source data

do your own graph if you think this one is do know what data is don't you? its funny to watch you desperately try and defend anything that paints dems bad, yet you jump all over anything that makes repubs look bad. hack.

Fine. You win. If you choose to blindly believe some graph made by some person using some calculation, in an attempt to push your agenda, that is your perogative.
I didn't realize that the recession hit Democrat districts twice as hard as Republican districts.
How can you say that? Democrat districts are full of democrat politicians, where are usually in dire straits. Oregon and Califoria are Deep blue states, so they have deep blue problems. Not to mention train wrecks like NYC, Detroit, Atlanta....

Democratic governance= deep fiscal trouble. QED As in DC local government, as in DC national government
YouTube - mon 2.wmv

Start watching at 2:25 Beck right again

I hope our members who haven't seen this will take the approximate 5 minutes required to watch it. It is highly constructive, and nobody will be able to dispute a word of it. Nor will anybody say that, oh Beck is just being a partisan hack.

This is important folks.

The next push from the Administration and Congress will likely be to make citizens very quickly of all the illegals in this country and use them to ensure Obama's re-election and re-election of as much of the current majority in Congress as they can. And this time there will be Republicans like Lindsay Graham and possibly John McCain and other neocons and RINOS who will help them do it.

Yes, that will be intended to take the attention off healhcare as well.

Somehow we have to find a way to keep the anger and the passion alive.
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