Is this prison justified for terrorists and violent criminals?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
The prison cell that's a fate worse than death: If convicted in the U.S., the jihadi 'Beatles' will be spared execution. But that would be a release compared with the mental torture of its most secure jail.

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Each cell has a 4in-wide slit-like window angled so as neither to provide a view of the sky nor of other cells. An inmate cannot tell where he is in the prison by peering through it but merely whether it's night or day.

An en-suite shower is on a timer, the electric light can only be switched off by guards, and a black- and-white TV — showing carefully-curated educational and religious programmes — can be watched if the inmate behaves well.

Smooth concrete walls are sound-proofed to ensure inmates cannot shout or tap messages to each other. Visitors have described the silence that pervades the place as chilling and eerie.

Prisoners eat in their cells, with meals slid through holes in the doors. The food is bland even by prison standards as nothing on the menu can allow inmates to harm themselves or create unhygienic conditions in their cell.
The prison cell that's a fate worse than death: If convicted in the U.S., the jihadi 'Beatles' will be spared execution. But that would be a release compared with the mental torture of its most secure jail.

Are you suggesting we let the British have them?
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The prison cell that's a fate worse than death: If convicted in the U.S., the jihadi 'Beatles' will be spared execution. But that would be a release compared with the mental torture of its most secure jail.

Are you suggesting we let the British have them?

No, I’m not suggesting you let the British have them.
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^ A 2014 report by Amnesty International entitled Entombed: Isolation In The U.S. Federal Prison System claimed Supermax breached international law.

Two years earlier, a class action lawsuit on behalf of mentally-ill prisoners claimed many of them 'interminably wail, scream and bang on the walls of their cells' or mutilate their bodies with whatever objects they can find.

The prison's defenders have pointed out that, at least, Supermax hasn't suffered the savage violence that has ripped through other U.S. prisons and, given the distancing of prisoners, has so far come through the coronavirus pandemic unscathed.

'George' and 'Ringo' were members of a gang who, even by the crazed standards of Isis, were vicious jailers to their terrorised Western captives. Spending the rest of their days in Supermax may be brutal but it's certainly fitting.
“If you kick a lion when it is down, God help you when it gets up.”
- Matshona Dhliwayo
Is it JUSTIFIED to imprison men who have done extreme violence and are extremely dangerous to everybody they might bump up against that isn't in complete agreement with them? Well, gee wiz, prison isn't supposed to be pleasant.

It has been said, if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

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