Is this news about religion or about ethics?

Yellow Journalism: Yellow journalism - Wikipedia

The problem is not the amount of sin, crime, murder, etc., that's occurring in the world........its all been happening since the beginning of time. The problem is the press and the entertainment industries that have taken advantage of an unlimited freedom of expression. There is nothing wrong with the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., all are the fundamental building blocks of a democratic society..........its the power and wealth associated with the 2 industries mentioned that presents the problem.

When real news takes a back seat to Gossip and Sensationalism for ratings ..........the very freedom's that once protected a free society have now become a weapon to be used like a sledge hammer by anyone with SPEICAL INTRESTS.

How would anyone know about a Homosexual Priest refusing religious service because of political reasons..........."IF" it had not been broadcast on a World Wide Web by those seeking attention? There's been gay priests since the 1st person that attempted to place a square peg into a round whole and then declare........perfect fit. Its only now.........that its a concern. That which has historically remained PRIVATE has suddenly been forced into the public arena with an oxymoronic twist......... the one's that read the news are the one's being charged with INVADING the privacy.

The world is now rotating backasswards. :abgg2q.jpg: My pap had an expression for news such as this, "Don't urinate down my back and then attempt to tell me.......relax, its only rain."
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This priest is far, far from the first member of the clergy to make a public statement on the issue or to refuse to marry a couple. These statements always have received publicity. By making his opinion known, this priest is just doing the same thing that other clergy have done before him, and they have not been censored.

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