Is this MSNBC host in the tank for Obama, or can he just not count to three?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012

Watch the panel after the second debate. Three previously undecideds say they are now definitively for Romney. And one person said she was voting for Obama now. A fourth person, according to the words that the reporter seemed to have put in the woman's mouth; was "almost" for Romney. Though, she seemed quite committed.

So he gets their opinions and then he concludes, "So here we go. Still muddled and still undecided and looking forward to another debate, but we do have two who made up their mind. One for Romney, one for Obama. But basically it was a draw Chris."

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Watch the panel after the second debate. Three previously undecideds say they are now definitively for Romney. And one person said she was voting for Obama now. A fourth person, according to the words that the reporter seemed to have put in the woman's mouth; was "almost" for Romney. Though, she seemed quite committed.

So he gets their opinions and then he concludes, "So here we go. Still muddled and still undecided and looking forward to another debate, but we do have two who made up their mind. One for Romney, one for Obama. But basically it was a draw Chris."

The reason these people are so in the tank for Obama on these networks, is mainly because of their radical social issues in which he fuels for them or stands up for them against the tide, and all for a few lousy votes, and not over the economy as most Americans are focused on right now instead. This is why they look a fool for their ignoring of the economy and it's failures now (focusing on radicalism & personal agenda's instead), just so they can somehow get this radical socialist back in office again for their own selfishness, and they do this in order to keep all that going for themselves, and also in order to further their radical agenda's that are so apart from everyone elses thoughts on what they want in the next President for the American people.

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