Is This All That's Left For Us? Where Are The Real Jobs!

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.

Really? You think so little of Americans that the goal is "unemployment benefits"? Are you sure? Do you know anyone unemployed?


You are describing yourself. Is that it? You think because you only want "benefits" and not to take care of your family or put your kids through college that it's what all Americans want?
I know plenty that were employed until Obama started his political shenanigans of 'Hope'...Of "Change"...

And they see what's going on.

Obama had better be getting a resume together.

Come on now. Be honest. These were the facts in 2007, back when you guys were pretending that the fundamentals of our economy were strong and it was just unions that were the problem. Because you didn't want to admit that GW's way failed. Because you wanted more of the same McCain to win. Remember back then? Then once you couldn't deny the economy was bad, you quickly shifted the blame to Pelosi and Reed. Now Obama. Just remember, this was in 2007.

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.
And does T really want to do what is necessary to solve the problem? One solution would be to fix our trade policies. NAFTA. But the corporations that T serves like free unregulated trade. And then T tells us that the corporations will pass on the savings to us consumers, but we see nothing has gotten any cheaper. They just give the profits to the CEO and shareholders. Not the consumers and not the employees. Meanwhile the employees are in China. Who here can afford to buy their shit when they don't employ us?

But T will say give the corporations even more tax breaks. That'll bring em back. So what if they aren't paying their fair share? T never considers TARIFFING those companies. Oh that is never even brought up. Meanwhile the entire tax burden is falling on T because now corporations pay less. Nice of T, huh?

And I'm noticing with my GOP governor a lot of new or higher "fees" for things like car registrations. What is the difference between fees and taxes. Rick Snyder isn't raising my taxes but he's raising my fees. How do Republicans feel about that?
Really? You think so little of Americans that the goal is "unemployment benefits"? Are you sure? Do you know anyone unemployed?


You are describing yourself. Is that it? You think because you only want "benefits" and not to take care of your family or put your kids through college that it's what all Americans want?
I know plenty that were employed until Obama started his political shenanigans of 'Hope'...Of "Change"...

And they see what's going on.

Obama had better be getting a resume together.

Come on now. Be honest. These were the facts in 2007, back when you guys were pretending that the fundamentals of our economy were strong and it was just unions that were the problem. Because you didn't want to admit that GW's way failed. Because you wanted more of the same McCain to win. Remember back then? Then once you couldn't deny the economy was bad, you quickly shifted the blame to Pelosi and Reed. Now Obama. Just remember, this was in 2007.

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

And Republicans have the most bizarre spin on all of those.
Prosperity through lower wages.
Health care is socialism.
Prosperity through lower wages.
People are too lazy to work.
End government programs.
Barney Frank
College is for snobs.
Women belong in the home.
Prosperity through lower wages.
And does T really want to do what is necessary to solve the problem? One solution would be to fix our trade policies. NAFTA. But the corporations that T serves like free unregulated trade. And then T tells us that the corporations will pass on the savings to us consumers, but we see nothing has gotten any cheaper. They just give the profits to the CEO and shareholders. Not the consumers and not the employees. Meanwhile the employees are in China. Who here can afford to buy their shit when they don't employ us?

But T will say give the corporations even more tax breaks. That'll bring em back. So what if they aren't paying their fair share? T never considers TARIFFING those companies. Oh that is never even brought up. Meanwhile the entire tax burden is falling on T because now corporations pay less. Nice of T, huh?

And I'm noticing with my GOP governor a lot of new or higher "fees" for things like car registrations. What is the difference between fees and taxes. Rick Snyder isn't raising my taxes but he's raising my fees. How do Republicans feel about that?
The ONLT solution possible is getting Government OUT of the equation of individual liberty...and the pandering they do for the whiners in society that have liberty...but don't know what to do with it.

Summed up for you. And YES it's that simple.
And does T really want to do what is necessary to solve the problem? One solution would be to fix our trade policies. NAFTA. But the corporations that T serves like free unregulated trade. And then T tells us that the corporations will pass on the savings to us consumers, but we see nothing has gotten any cheaper. They just give the profits to the CEO and shareholders. Not the consumers and not the employees. Meanwhile the employees are in China. Who here can afford to buy their shit when they don't employ us?

But T will say give the corporations even more tax breaks. That'll bring em back. So what if they aren't paying their fair share? T never considers TARIFFING those companies. Oh that is never even brought up. Meanwhile the entire tax burden is falling on T because now corporations pay less. Nice of T, huh?

And I'm noticing with my GOP governor a lot of new or higher "fees" for things like car registrations. What is the difference between fees and taxes. Rick Snyder isn't raising my taxes but he's raising my fees. How do Republicans feel about that?
The ONLT solution possible is getting Government OUT of the equation of individual liberty...and the pandering they do for the whiners in society that have liberty...but don't know what to do with it.

Summed up for you. And YES it's that simple.

What they don't say is that the reason they want to remove government in its protective capacity is because they can then make an enormous amount of money, and have a lot of control over people's lives, when they privatize former governmental functions. They want a power vacuum, so corporations and the rich can step in. And with no limits on the inheritability of riches after the "death tax" is ended, wealth vast enough to take over the government can emerge.

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'
Welcome to the 21st Century!

You mean welcome to the obama economy

It's like blaming the poor sucker stuck cleaning up after a wild party he wasn't even invited to for the broken furniture and the puke puddles .

Ah, not to point out the obvious here, Occupied but your analogy is a bit faulty. Barack Obama isn't some "poor sucker" who got "stuck" with the job he has...he's the totally unqualified guy who conned the electorate into believing that he had the executive skills and plans in hand to "do" the job. Barry campaigned for the job as President on a vague notion of "Change" and he's spent the three years since trying to come up with what that change is going to be. The truth is...he still doesn't have a plan to fix the economy, the deficit or high unemployment. He spends most of his time pointing fingers at the GOP, the banks, Wall Street, corporations, the Tea Party and of course George W. Bush. When he isn't doing the $5,000 a plate campaign fund raisers of course...or jetting off to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard for some R&R.

People fell for the whole "Barack is a genius" thing three years ago...but now that they've seen him in action (if one can can his "inaction" action...) for three years, the voters are going to have a much better idea what "Hope and Change" really means.

You can vote for the guy if you're willing to put up with another 4 years of non-leadership from the Oval Office. We'll keep on struggling to pass last minute emergency funding for the government because Barry's too afraid to submit an real budget to Congress...our credit rating will probably be downgraded again because he won't make any tough cuts to any government programs...and our economy will continue to flounder as he and his merry band of progressives use Executive Orders to make it harder and harder for American businesses to compete globally.

Or we could go with Romney...who actually has executive experience and a history of working across the aisle. Your choice...
And does T really want to do what is necessary to solve the problem? One solution would be to fix our trade policies. NAFTA. But the corporations that T serves like free unregulated trade. And then T tells us that the corporations will pass on the savings to us consumers, but we see nothing has gotten any cheaper. They just give the profits to the CEO and shareholders. Not the consumers and not the employees. Meanwhile the employees are in China. Who here can afford to buy their shit when they don't employ us?

But T will say give the corporations even more tax breaks. That'll bring em back. So what if they aren't paying their fair share? T never considers TARIFFING those companies. Oh that is never even brought up. Meanwhile the entire tax burden is falling on T because now corporations pay less. Nice of T, huh?

And I'm noticing with my GOP governor a lot of new or higher "fees" for things like car registrations. What is the difference between fees and taxes. Rick Snyder isn't raising my taxes but he's raising my fees. How do Republicans feel about that?
The ONLT solution possible is getting Government OUT of the equation of individual liberty...and the pandering they do for the whiners in society that have liberty...but don't know what to do with it.

Summed up for you. And YES it's that simple.

what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and building a middle class, and let the corporations decide how much to pay for labor and how to trade." This is, at best, destructive to national and international economies, and, at worst, destructive to democracy itself.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
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You mean welcome to the obama economy

It's like blaming the poor sucker stuck cleaning up after a wild party he wasn't even invited to for the broken furniture and the puke puddles .

Ah, not to point out the obvious here, Occupied but your analogy is a bit faulty. Barack Obama isn't some "poor sucker" who got "stuck" with the job he has...he's the totally unqualified guy who conned the electorate into believing that he had the executive skills and plans in hand to "do" the job. Barry campaigned for the job as President on a vague notion of "Change" and he's spent the three years since trying to come up with what that change is going to be. The truth is...he still doesn't have a plan to fix the economy, the deficit or high unemployment. He spends most of his time pointing fingers at the GOP, the banks, Wall Street, corporations, the Tea Party and of course George W. Bush. When he isn't doing the $5,000 a plate campaign fund raisers of course...or jetting off to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard for some R&R.

People fell for the whole "Barack is a genius" thing three years ago...but now that they've seen him in action (if one can can his "inaction" action...) for three years, the voters are going to have a much better idea what "Hope and Change" really means.

You can vote for the guy if you're willing to put up with another 4 years of non-leadership from the Oval Office. We'll keep on struggling to pass last minute emergency funding for the government because Barry's too afraid to submit an real budget to Congress...our credit rating will probably be downgraded again because he won't make any tough cuts to any government programs...and our economy will continue to flounder as he and his merry band of progressives use Executive Orders to make it harder and harder for American businesses to compete globally.

Or we could go with Romney...who actually has executive experience and a history of working across the aisle. Your choice...

No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
It's like blaming the poor sucker stuck cleaning up after a wild party he wasn't even invited to for the broken furniture and the puke puddles .

Ah, not to point out the obvious here, Occupied but your analogy is a bit faulty. Barack Obama isn't some "poor sucker" who got "stuck" with the job he has...he's the totally unqualified guy who conned the electorate into believing that he had the executive skills and plans in hand to "do" the job. Barry campaigned for the job as President on a vague notion of "Change" and he's spent the three years since trying to come up with what that change is going to be. The truth is...he still doesn't have a plan to fix the economy, the deficit or high unemployment. He spends most of his time pointing fingers at the GOP, the banks, Wall Street, corporations, the Tea Party and of course George W. Bush. When he isn't doing the $5,000 a plate campaign fund raisers of course...or jetting off to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard for some R&R.

People fell for the whole "Barack is a genius" thing three years ago...but now that they've seen him in action (if one can can his "inaction" action...) for three years, the voters are going to have a much better idea what "Hope and Change" really means.

You can vote for the guy if you're willing to put up with another 4 years of non-leadership from the Oval Office. We'll keep on struggling to pass last minute emergency funding for the government because Barry's too afraid to submit an real budget to Congress...our credit rating will probably be downgraded again because he won't make any tough cuts to any government programs...and our economy will continue to flounder as he and his merry band of progressives use Executive Orders to make it harder and harder for American businesses to compete globally.

Or we could go with Romney...who actually has executive experience and a history of working across the aisle. Your choice...

No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.
Ah, not to point out the obvious here, Occupied but your analogy is a bit faulty. Barack Obama isn't some "poor sucker" who got "stuck" with the job he has...he's the totally unqualified guy who conned the electorate into believing that he had the executive skills and plans in hand to "do" the job. Barry campaigned for the job as President on a vague notion of "Change" and he's spent the three years since trying to come up with what that change is going to be. The truth is...he still doesn't have a plan to fix the economy, the deficit or high unemployment. He spends most of his time pointing fingers at the GOP, the banks, Wall Street, corporations, the Tea Party and of course George W. Bush. When he isn't doing the $5,000 a plate campaign fund raisers of course...or jetting off to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard for some R&R.

People fell for the whole "Barack is a genius" thing three years ago...but now that they've seen him in action (if one can can his "inaction" action...) for three years, the voters are going to have a much better idea what "Hope and Change" really means.

You can vote for the guy if you're willing to put up with another 4 years of non-leadership from the Oval Office. We'll keep on struggling to pass last minute emergency funding for the government because Barry's too afraid to submit an real budget to Congress...our credit rating will probably be downgraded again because he won't make any tough cuts to any government programs...and our economy will continue to flounder as he and his merry band of progressives use Executive Orders to make it harder and harder for American businesses to compete globally.

Or we could go with Romney...who actually has executive experience and a history of working across the aisle. Your choice...

No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.

So Santorum and Romney are socialists? Do I have you on record admitting that?

Here is what you tea party or Ron paul people don't understand. You are RADICALS. No one is ever going to buy into your vision of America. This election is going to be a referendum on tea baggers. The Dems will take back the House too. Why is that? Is that because ALL Republicans are no better than Democrats?

This is a referendum on your attack on labor, women, non christians, unions, teachers, firefighters, police and government employees.

Have you seen Boehner and Paul Ryan and McConnell's approval numbers? Are they socialists too?
I love it that Republicans try to suggest their is little difference between Romney and Obama. Are they saying that hoping it wins over independents?

Because the difference between the GOP and the Democratic party has never been bigger. CLEARLY two different directions. If you do not believe in the Commons, vote GOP. If you think the Grand Canyon should be owned by GE, vote for Ron Paul.
I love it that Republicans try to suggest their is little difference between Romney and Obama. Are they saying that hoping it wins over independents?

Because the difference between the GOP and the Democratic party has never been bigger. CLEARLY two different directions. If you do not believe in the Commons, vote GOP. If you think the Grand Canyon should be owned by GE, vote for Ron Paul.
WHOM is arguijng ROMNEY and sympatico with the GOP other than YOU in this thread?

No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.

So Santorum and Romney are socialists? Do I have you on record admitting that?

Here is what you tea party or Ron paul people don't understand. You are RADICALS. No one is ever going to buy into your vision of America. This election is going to be a referendum on tea baggers. The Dems will take back the House too. Why is that? Is that because ALL Republicans are no better than Democrats?

This is a referendum on your attack on labor, women, non christians, unions, teachers, firefighters, police and government employees.

Have you seen Boehner and Paul Ryan and McConnell's approval numbers? Are they socialists too?

This is a referendum on your attack on labor, women, non christians, unions, teachers, firefighters, police and government employees.
My attack on what? I am labor skilled labor. What non christian have I attacked that did not deserve it? Unlike the left that also attacks women I attack sluts. Unions are lazy thugs infested scum
I love it that Republicans try to suggest their is little difference between Romney and Obama. Are they saying that hoping it wins over independents?

Because the difference between the GOP and the Democratic party has never been bigger. CLEARLY two different directions. If you do not believe in the Commons, vote GOP. If you think the Grand Canyon should be owned by GE, vote for Ron Paul.

You are a lying son of a bitch whinny ass punk.
Ah, not to point out the obvious here, Occupied but your analogy is a bit faulty. Barack Obama isn't some "poor sucker" who got "stuck" with the job he has...he's the totally unqualified guy who conned the electorate into believing that he had the executive skills and plans in hand to "do" the job. Barry campaigned for the job as President on a vague notion of "Change" and he's spent the three years since trying to come up with what that change is going to be. The truth is...he still doesn't have a plan to fix the economy, the deficit or high unemployment. He spends most of his time pointing fingers at the GOP, the banks, Wall Street, corporations, the Tea Party and of course George W. Bush. When he isn't doing the $5,000 a plate campaign fund raisers of course...or jetting off to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard for some R&R.

People fell for the whole "Barack is a genius" thing three years ago...but now that they've seen him in action (if one can can his "inaction" action...) for three years, the voters are going to have a much better idea what "Hope and Change" really means.

You can vote for the guy if you're willing to put up with another 4 years of non-leadership from the Oval Office. We'll keep on struggling to pass last minute emergency funding for the government because Barry's too afraid to submit an real budget to Congress...our credit rating will probably be downgraded again because he won't make any tough cuts to any government programs...and our economy will continue to flounder as he and his merry band of progressives use Executive Orders to make it harder and harder for American businesses to compete globally.

Or we could go with Romney...who actually has executive experience and a history of working across the aisle. Your choice...

No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.

Are you sure it isn't because the right wing has no discernible policy that makes sense. Please, explain some to me that aren't just talking points like "make better" and "do good".
No ones buying it. His poll numbers are going up. Remember how it bugged you that Clinton was so popular? Watch in November. Obama 2012!!!!
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.

Are you sure it isn't because the right wing has no discernible policy that makes sense. Please, explain some to me that aren't just talking points like "make better" and "do good".
What I am sure of is you have no common sense. You have limited brain function.
The only reason obama will win is because the GOP can't get their shit together and are running mirror images of obama against obama.

Are you sure it isn't because the right wing has no discernible policy that makes sense. Please, explain some to me that aren't just talking points like "make better" and "do good".
What I am sure of is you have no common sense. You have limited brain function.

See? You're a dumbass. You can't explain anything. All you can do is call names. And even there you're not very creative.

Want to know who's a loser?


Are you sure it isn't because the right wing has no discernible policy that makes sense. Please, explain some to me that aren't just talking points like "make better" and "do good".
What I am sure of is you have no common sense. You have limited brain function.

See? You're a dumbass. You can't explain anything. All you can do is call names. And even there you're not very creative.

Want to know who's a loser?



I did explain it. You have no common sense and you have limited brain function.
And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.

Really? You think so little of Americans that the goal is "unemployment benefits"? Are you sure? Do you know anyone unemployed?


You are describing yourself. Is that it? You think because you only want "benefits" and not to take care of your family or put your kids through college that it's what all Americans want?

I said people will vote for those that give them shit for free.

You yourself have accused poor people who vote repugnantcan of voting against their own best interests. Now why is that?

Could it be because they could get more free shit if they voted dimwitcrap?

BTW I have never been on the dole and the fucking government is making it harder for me to take care of my family not easier.
There are no good jobs for stupid Americans. Welcome to the conservative philosophy... dumb down Americans by not focusing on education and then ask that they accept lower wages. Hey, they'll have a job at least... who cares if it's for less than a previously established minimum wage and the working conditions are atrocious. All that regulation and minimum wage mumbo jumbo just prevents us from becoming the new China!

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