Is there a better Get Rich Quick with never risking a cent of your own money scheme than being a Socialist politician?

Is there a better Get Rich Quick with never risking a cent of your own money scheme than being a Socialist politician?

I can't think of any

Am I wrong?
give examples. Bernie got rich because he wrote some books. some socialist politicians are rich just like some conservative politicians are rich
Is there a better Get Rich Quick with never risking a cent of your own money scheme than being a Socialist politician?

I can't think of any

Am I wrong?
no one in life gives you anything for free. if you really care about something, if you really want something, you have to fight for it.

FDR fought for the New Deal. our generation is fighting for the Green New Deal and Medicare For All
no one in life gives you anything for free. if you really care about something, if you really want something, you have to fight for it.

FDR fought for the New Deal. our generation is fighting for the Green New Deal and Medicare For All
You have to have a rising economy for these things. At some point a rising nation like China will not need us so much for their products. We are building them into the new giant. There are consequences to what we are doing.
the only Democrat candidate for president ever who didn't release his tax returns was Mike Bloomberg, and he used to be a Republican

Trump never released his tax returns

That's stupid as fuck. Trump's net worth decreased during the time he was in office.

Donald Trump's Net Worth Fell by a Third During His Presidency, Forbes Says

If you can't post any factual information on here, just don't bother posting anything, ok?
Not from lack of trying to enrich himself. Four figure hotel rooms for the secret service? Foreign visitors taking out whole floors of his hotels. How did he make out with his pass through exemption addition to the tax code? What about the estate tax?

Nope, his net worth dropped because he is a piss poor businessman, always has been.

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