Is the Tea Party still functioning ?


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017
I don't know much about the Tea Party organization.

I have looked for activity in my area and don't know how to find a group.
The Tea Party was never a formal organization, the movement is now defunct.

I was one of the original members. We started out due to the stripping of the rights of Americans. It had some pretty high ideals. The Tea Party was similar to the ideals that founded this Nation. But it got taken over by the John Birch Society and most of us old hands left back to the Republican Party. Then the horrors of the 80s and back of the Republican Party, the JBS hijacked the Republican Party with a series of dark horses. They did it quietly, never admitting to their real beliefs and objectives like always. Then they found the ideal Presidential Candidate that they could present. Another Dark Horse who was raised from day one as a JBSer and that was Rump. What you are seeing is the very thing that the old 80s and back Republicans warned against from the days of Ike and Goldwater all the way through Reagan. As always, the JBSers burnt the Tea Party to the Ground because if it were ever to resort back to it's original ideals it would be totally against the "Party of the Rump". Much like it will end up doing to the Republican Party when "The Party of the Rump" fades into the wind.
The Tea Party was never a formal organization, the movement is now defunct.

I was one of the original members. We started out due to the stripping of the rights of Americans. It had some pretty high ideals. The Tea Party was similar to the ideals that founded this Nation. But it got taken over by the John Birch Society and most of us old hands left back to the Republican Party. Then the horrors of the 80s and back of the Republican Party, the JBS hijacked the Republican Party with a series of dark horses. They did it quietly, never admitting to their real beliefs and objectives like always. Then they found the ideal Presidential Candidate that they could present. Another Dark Horse who was raised from day one as a JBSer and that was Rump. What you are seeing is the very thing that the old 80s and back Republicans warned against from the days of Ike and Goldwater all the way through Reagan. As always, the JBSers burnt the Tea Party to the Ground because if it were ever to resort back to it's original ideals it would be totally against the "Party of the Rump". Much like it will end up doing to the Republican Party when "The Party of the Rump" fades into the wind.
Nice Fairytale.
The founders of the Tea Party became so full of themselves that when RINO Republicans infiltrated the founders of the group were so anxious to be seen with famous names that they sold their souls.

My tea party representative, Congress' own head plumber, Mark Wayne Mullin, president of his now dead daddy's company: Mullin Pluming, ran as a Tea Partier - all kinds of promises including a promise to run only 3 terms. Campaigning with his AR 15 at his side in commercial after commercial. Now he's running for his fourth - no surprise in that lie. He's on video telling constituents that he doesn't work for them, that he's a "professional politician". What he really is, is a professional sewer rat. That's all he was before being elected and it's all he is now that he's in Congress; he just moved to where the sewer is even richer in shit.

That's what happened to the Tea Party. They did what all politicians do: they suckled at the tit of power and abandoned every principle they ever thought they had.
The founders of the Tea Party became so full of themselves that when RINO Republicans infiltrated the founders of the group were so anxious to be seen with famous names that they sold their souls.

My tea party representative, Congress' own head plumber, Mark Wayne Mullin, president of his now dead daddy's company: Mullin Pluming, ran as a Tea Partier - all kinds of promises including a promise to run only 3 terms. Campaigning with his AR 15 at his side in commercial after commercial. Now he's running for his fourth - no surprise in that lie. He's on video telling constituents that he doesn't work for them, that he's a "professional politician". What he really is, is a professional sewer rat. That's all he was before being elected and it's all he is now that he's in Congress; he just moved to where the sewer is even richer in shit.

That's what happened to the Tea Party. They did what all politicians do: they suckled at the tit of power and abandoned every principle they ever thought they had.
I did have high hopes early on in the movement,,,but was quickly disappointed after watching the kool ade drinkers going back to their old ways,,,
The Tea Party was co-opted years ago by the RINO Neocon Republican Establishment and is now dead
To a certain extent that is true: "Tea Party" became a "meme" for the Mainstream Media to use and abuse at will. The original "Tea Party" went underground and changed its tactics to avoid attack by liberal establishment Jewish-owned mainstream media. I think a lot of the Tea Party was originally financed by more conservative or Orthodox Jews.

Mainstream Christians including Catholics, Mormons, SDA, and JW have tended to join the labor unions and go either hard-on Democrat or red-light district RINO. On the other hand there are a few evangelicals or Baptists who have remained in the conservative camp.
The Tea Party was never a formal organization, the movement is now defunct.

I was one of the original members. We started out due to the stripping of the rights of Americans. It had some pretty high ideals. The Tea Party was similar to the ideals that founded this Nation. But it got taken over by the John Birch Society and most of us old hands left back to the Republican Party. Then the horrors of the 80s and back of the Republican Party, the JBS hijacked the Republican Party with a series of dark horses. They did it quietly, never admitting to their real beliefs and objectives like always. Then they found the ideal Presidential Candidate that they could present. Another Dark Horse who was raised from day one as a JBSer and that was Rump. What you are seeing is the very thing that the old 80s and back Republicans warned against from the days of Ike and Goldwater all the way through Reagan. As always, the JBSers burnt the Tea Party to the Ground because if it were ever to resort back to it's original ideals it would be totally against the "Party of the Rump". Much like it will end up doing to the Republican Party when "The Party of the Rump" fades into the wind.
Nice Fairytale.
Indeed especially the comical part that Reagan cared about people or the destruction of
I see people here saying Rinos co opting the tea party which leads me to believe you guys don’t even know what a RIno Republican is
RINOs are the GOP Establishment for the most part
That's a bad problem in Alaska with the integrity of elections. The Establishment is outright Democrat in Anchorage, the largest city, but Fairbanks and Juneau are RINO and Establishment GOP.

Politicians like Sarah Palin who ran on the Republican ticket, but now she's rooting for Kamala Harris, trying to get away with that, without coming out with full-blown endorsement of Joe Biden.

It's a criminal subversion and undercutting of the Republican Party and conservative politics in general, more or less like how the NRA was destroyed by liberals who infiltrated the organization, embezzled the funds of conservative donors for liberal gun control causes with a strong emphasis on mental health, and committed wholesale waste, fraud, and abuse throughout the association.

It's City Hall in Fairbanks, Alaska. There's a Mayor of the City of Fairbanks, and another Mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough, with authority over the city mayor, but then there are other jurisdictions with independent law enforcement, including UAF, Eielson AFB, and Army Ft. Wainwright.

The military police especially have a very tight and secretive brotherhood of their own in the RINO establishment, and there's the whole Military Industrial Complex and the Democrat labor unions that work for Big Oil.
I see people here saying Rinos co opting the tea party which leads me to believe you guys don’t even know what a RIno Republican is
RINOs are the GOP Establishment for the most part
Nope.Just as I thought,you have no clue what they are as this post proves,There are very few Rinos in the can count them on one hand because Rinos are not part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,I refer to them that way because both parties are corrupt and one in the same,a one party system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Rinos are NOT part of the corrupt GOP establishment.Rino means Republican in NAME only.Lol. Ron Paul is a Rino because he is not part of the corrupt GOP establishment that Romney and Bush are and McCain was before he died and went to hell.All three of those are globalists who have all taken a lighter to the constitution.

The majority of Paul’s career he was an independent cause he started out serving in the Reagan administration,another globalist despite what so many brainwashed sheep here At USMB think,,he served in his administration and saw first hand how both parties were corrupt and got out of it wanting no part of it so he got on the independent ticket only getting back on the Republican ticket when he ran for office recently sense we all know the independent never gets elected,they don’t have a snowballs chance in hell. When he was on the Republican ticket at that time,he was a RINO.

He is not a globalist as they are. The last great Republican president we had Calvin Coolidge could be classified as a Rino I would say is safe to say.

You learned something
I see people here saying Rinos co opting the tea party which leads me to believe you guys don’t even know what a RIno Republican is
RINOs are the GOP Establishment for the most part
Nope.Just as I thought,you have no clue what they are as this post proves,There are very few Rinos in the can count them on one hand because Rinos are not part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,I refer to them that way because both parties are corrupt and one in the same,a one party system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Rinos are NOT part of the corrupt GOP establishment.Rino means Republican in NAME only.Lol. Ron Paul is a Rino because he is not part of the corrupt GOP establishment that Romney and Bush are and McCain was before he died and went to hell.All three of those are globalists who have all taken a lighter to the constitution.

The majority of Paul’s career he was an independent cause he started out serving in the Reagan administration,another globalist despite what so many brainwashed sheep here At USMB think,,he served in his administration and saw first hand how both parties were corrupt and got out of it wanting no part of it so he got on the independent ticket only getting back on the Republican ticket when he ran for office recently sense we all know the independent never gets elected,they don’t have a snowballs chance in hell. When he was on the Republican ticket at that time,he was a RINO.

He is not a globalist as they are. The last great Republican president we had Calvin Coolidge could be classified as a Rino I would say is safe to say.

You learned something
That post just landed you on ignore. :icon_rolleyes: Everyone has their own opinion and there's no reason to be fucking arrogant:dev3:
Rinos are NOT part of the corrupt GOP establishment.Rino means Republican in NAME only.
Other way around. The GOP establishment is RINO. The platform is too corrupt and influenced by entrenched Democrats in subservient non-profit and government office positions. A "republic" is the same as Reich, German for something "real".

You've got to be real. Anyone running for any office, on any platform "in name only" is a fakir.

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