Is the reported support for the Equality Act crumbling before our eyes?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: What America really thinks of the Equality Act

July 15th, 2021

In March, Gallup reported on Americans viewing LGBTQ civil rights more favorably. Another survey conducted by Hart Research for the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group, indicated 70% of Americans support the Equality Act. And, finally, a Public Religion Research Institute survey found 82% of Americans approve of “laws that would protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations and housing.”

But a recent national survey organized by Big Ocean Women, United Families International, of which I’m a board member, and feminist thinker Natasha Chart now calls into question the meaning of that widespread support.

The article goes on to point out “… there is a sizable disparity between the public’s endorsement for the perceived benefits of the Equality Act and its actual outcomes for women, girls and religious adherents should the act become law.” Of course, the public’s support for the Act is directly traceable to the love affair our mainstream media has with promoting the Act, and its failure to report the devastating consequences of the Act for women, girls and religious adherents should it become the nation’s “rule of law”.


The Equality Act attempts to exercise legislative power proposed under the “Equal Rights Amendment” which was wisely rejected by the American people, and thus, to this degree, the Act is an attempted usurpation of legislative power not granted.
The problem with these stats from polls is that whoever is conducting the surveys can get the answers/outcomes they want to very easily and then create the narrative.

I don't really trust polling.

I don't think for one minute that 82% approve new LGBTQ laws. That sounds like a clear propaganda tool.

But I also don't think the opposite would be true that most American's are fed up of LGBTQ movement either.

The real numbers are somewhere in the middle.

There's about the same amount of folk who are passionately pro-LGBTQ movement and aggressively against the LGBTQ movement - with the majority of folk probably don't care either way, who don't spend time online or on social media getting annoyed by the stuff that's out there and just don't have a strong opinion on it either way.

That's both a good and a bad thing. Good that they don't care enough about it, but also bad that they don't care enough about it because then there's no grand-scale opposition to the madness that the elites, mainstream media, politicians, big businesses and leftists try to push on everyone.
Of course transgender protections should never come at the expense of females at large.
I don't know who would approve of our girls being pushed off of sports teams and competitions
in order to appease a small handful of men that dominate due to inherent advantages gained
by being born male.

I know Joe Biden has been a fan of introducing trans "females" into athletic arena where their
very presence destroys and mocks the very notion of a level playing field.

The very notion that Americans want to protect somehow trans citizens never recognizes of takes
into account that females are being displaced and deprived of their rights, as a result.

If more people were truly informed what trans rights entail approval numbers would plummet.
The problem with these stats from polls is that whoever is conducting the surveys can get the answers/outcomes they want to very easily and then create the narrative.

I don't really trust polling.

I don't think for one minute that 82% approve new LGBTQ laws. That sounds like a clear propaganda tool.

But I also don't think the opposite would be true that most American's are fed up of LGBTQ movement either.

The real numbers are somewhere in the middle.

There's about the same amount of folk who are passionately pro-LGBTQ movement and aggressively against the LGBTQ movement - with the majority of folk probably don't care either way, who don't spend time online or on social media getting annoyed by the stuff that's out there and just don't have a strong opinion on it either way.

That's both a good and a bad thing. Good that they don't care enough about it, but also bad that they don't care enough about it because then there's no grand-scale opposition to the madness that the elites, mainstream media, politicians, big businesses and leftists try to push on everyone.

While the force of government may properly be used to allow specific sexual behaviors, expressions and proclivities in public, and prohibit criminal prosecutions for such activities, it is not the role of government in a freedom loving society to compel the public at large to accept and endure the personal behaviors, expressions and proclivities of any person.

But this is exactly what the Equality Act is about . . . cramming down the throats of the public at large the personal sexual behaviors, expressions and proclivities of some to the detriment of others, and thereby creating a privileged class with the muscle of government to force total submission and acceptance of sexual activities which may be found offensive and uncomfortable to some, religiously or otherwise.

In any event, those promoting this intrusive legislation apparently support the mantra . . . inclusiveness for me, but not for thee. There is no live and let live thinking in the "Equality Act" . . . the goal is total submission.

If the Equality Act, should ever become a federal “rule of law”, it would not only subvert the human right of American citizens to be free to mutually agree in their social and commercial activities ___ it would allow federal bureaucrats to dictate almost every aspect of the American peoples’ social and commercial activities, and compel the public at large to endure and even embrace, morally offensive sexual deviant behavior and proclivities


Fair polling questions confirm dwindling support for Equality Act​

See Poll: Voters Hate The Equality Act When They Hear What It Actually Does

JUNE 24, 2021

”While a majority of voters like the sound of the Equality Act, the same voters overwhelmingly oppose its provisions when they find out what it would do, according to a new national survey of 3,000 likely voters by United Families International and Big Ocean Women. The survey, which boasts a margin of error of less than 2 percent, was weighted to match the demographics of the 2020 presidential electorate and focused on women’s privacy and safety.”

It’s absolutely amazing to learn when poll questions are finally asked reflecting the devastating consequences which the Equality Act would have upon women and girls, support for the Act falls like a rock!

Of course transgender protections should never come at the expense of females at large.
I don't know who would approve of our girls being pushed off of sports teams and competitions
in order to appease a small handful of men that dominate due to inherent advantages gained
by being born male.

I know Joe Biden has been a fan of introducing trans "females" into athletic arena where their
very presence destroys and mocks the very notion of a level playing field.

The very notion that Americans want to protect somehow trans citizens never recognizes of takes
into account that females are being displaced and deprived of their rights, as a result.

If more people were truly informed what trans rights entail approval numbers would plummet.

And they are plummeting as the previous post shows!

One of the major problems in our country is a corrupted Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists.


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States.

Backers of the Equality Act promise it does not threaten women’s rights, but …​

With regard to female athletes, they are already suffering from the insane thinking which the Equality Act would make a “federal rule of law”.

See: Judge sides with trans athletes against girls who just want fairness

"Trans activists and their allies like Judge Chatigny are determined that trans persons won’t feel bad. That’s admirable. But “not feeling bad” isn’t a right guaranteed under law. Fairness and equality, ideals that are enshrined in law, should bar athletes with male bodies from competing against those with female bodies.

The whole edifice of American antidiscrimination law, including Title IX, rests on there being a meaningful bodily distinction between the two sexes. Remove that foundation — and the justice of antidiscrimination law crumbles."

The absurd, irrational and obnoxious thinking behind the “Equality Act” is to use man-made law in a perverted manner to overrule what nature has created . . . Adam and Eve.


The Equality Act attempts to exercise legislative power proposed under the “Equal Rights Amendment” which was wisely rejected by the American people, and thus, to this degree, the Act is an attempted usurpation of legislative power not granted.

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