Is the Mueller Witch Hunt Obstructing Govt Operations ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Despite the fact that while President Trump has been in office, and he has accomplished an amazing long list of things, there is a rather respectable school of thought that says that even much more could have been done for the benefit of the American people, if not for the Mueller probing.

To say the Mueller attempt to derail Trump's presidency is not lessening government work (especially from the White House) would be naive, if not downright silly. The job of the POTUS is a big one. It carries lot of different tasks and responsibilities. How could these ever be conducted at a 100% performance level (which the American people are entitled to), when countless meetings have to be held, to analyze all the latest charges and implications, all interrupting the normal flow of activity ?

The job of the POTUS is fundamentally laid out in the US Constitution, Article II, Sections 1,2,3. While too lengthy for this article, suffice it to say that is a lot of work, in addition to all the other activities from the White House.

How many good things have the American people have had sideswiped from them, just due to the efforts of Mueller and his Democrat-filled team of political pit bulls, in their effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency ?

Another question might be why are Democrats bothering to attack Trump this way ? Even if they succeeded to achieve their maximum result (an impeachment), their efforts would result in putting an even more conservative person in the presidency >> the current Vice President (Pence). That could wind up as more a victory for conservatism, than for liberalism.

The answer to that may be that impeachment (highly unlikely) is just a fighting word. The real motive of the witch hunters may be to try to LIMIT as much as possible, the actions coming from the White House, just as liberal judges try to stop Trump, by issuing court orders against him.
Obstructing government operations, may be and seems to be, an ongoing tactic of the left, as a next best way of achieving their goals, second to having their candidate elected president.
Despite the fact that while President Trump has been in office, and he has accomplished an amazing long list of things, there is a rather respectable school of thought that says that even much more could have been done for the benefit of the American people, if not for the Mueller probing.

To say the Mueller attempt to derail Trump's presidency is not lessening government work (especially from the White House) would be naive, if not downright silly. The job of the POTUS is a big one. It carries lot of different tasks and responsibilities. How could these ever be conducted at a 100% performance level (which the American people are entitled to), when countless meetings have to be held, to analyze all the latest charges and implications, all interrupting the normal flow of activity ?

The job of the POTUS is fundamentally laid out in the US Constitution, Article II, Sections 1,2,3. While too lengthy for this article, suffice it to say that is a lot of work, in addition to all the other activities from the White House.

How many good things have the American people have had sideswiped from them, just due to the efforts of Mueller and his Democrat-filled team of political pit bulls, in their effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency ?

Another question might be why are Democrats bothering to attack Trump this way ? Even if they succeeded to achieve their maximum result (an impeachment), their efforts would result in putting an even more conservative person in the presidency >> the current Vice President (Pence). That could wind up as more a victory for conservatism, than for liberalism.

The answer to that may be that impeachment (highly unlikely) is just a fighting word. The real motive of the witch hunters may be to try to LIMIT as much as possible, the actions coming from the White House, just as liberal judges try to stop Trump, by issuing court orders against him.
Obstructing government operations, may be and seems to be, an ongoing tactic of the left, as a next best way of achieving their goals, second to having their candidate elected president.
With all the distraction from the media and the traitors in DC, it has to be.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.
I think the rate at which Trump is bumbling through hiring and firing people is probably sucking up a lot of time that could be better spent on working these vacated... or..."new & now in training" positions.
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....

People with TDS have made America an awful place.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.

Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.

Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.

Again, what indictments? So far all you have is a few russkies playing games with ID's and some people related to Trump being accused of inconsistencies in their interviews.

It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.

Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.

Again, what indictments? So far all you have is a few russkies playing games with ID's and some people related to Trump being accused of inconsistencies in their interviews.

Yeah, “inconsistencies” about their collusion with Russia
Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.

Again, what indictments? So far all you have is a few russkies playing games with ID's and some people related to Trump being accused of inconsistencies in their interviews.

Yeah, “inconsistencies” about their collusion with Russia

What collusion?

What crime is collusion?
the real obstruction of justice is on Mueller, for ignoring the Dossier. he is obstructing finding out the truth of the actual interference into the investigation he was hired to implement. he is the obstructor
Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.

Again, what indictments? So far all you have is a few russkies playing games with ID's and some people related to Trump being accused of inconsistencies in their interviews.

Yeah, “inconsistencies” about their collusion with Russia
collusion isn't a crime. can't you get to an actual crime? shit two years almost and still no crime. I'd say our intelligence ain't to intelligent. especially when a Dossier exists and they ignore the facts.
Despite the fact that while President Trump has been in office, and he has accomplished an amazing long list of things, there is a rather respectable school of thought that says that even much more could have been done for the benefit of the American people, if not for the Mueller probing.

To say the Mueller attempt to derail Trump's presidency is not lessening government work (especially from the White House) would be naive, if not downright silly. The job of the POTUS is a big one. It carries lot of different tasks and responsibilities. How could these ever be conducted at a 100% performance level (which the American people are entitled to), when countless meetings have to be held, to analyze all the latest charges and implications, all interrupting the normal flow of activity ?

The job of the POTUS is fundamentally laid out in the US Constitution, Article II, Sections 1,2,3. While too lengthy for this article, suffice it to say that is a lot of work, in addition to all the other activities from the White House.

How many good things have the American people have had sideswiped from them, just due to the efforts of Mueller and his Democrat-filled team of political pit bulls, in their effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency ?

Another question might be why are Democrats bothering to attack Trump this way ? Even if they succeeded to achieve their maximum result (an impeachment), their efforts would result in putting an even more conservative person in the presidency >> the current Vice President (Pence). That could wind up as more a victory for conservatism, than for liberalism.

The answer to that may be that impeachment (highly unlikely) is just a fighting word. The real motive of the witch hunters may be to try to LIMIT as much as possible, the actions coming from the White House, just as liberal judges try to stop Trump, by issuing court orders against him.
Obstructing government operations, may be and seems to be, an ongoing tactic of the left, as a next best way of achieving their goals, second to having their candidate elected president.

I guess this is really going to eat into his golf time. No?
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.

Again, what indictments? So far all you have is a few russkies playing games with ID's and some people related to Trump being accused of inconsistencies in their interviews.

Yeah, “inconsistencies” about their collusion with Russia

What collusion?

What crime is collusion?
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.

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