
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.
Trump and Barr have formed a Secret Police. Does that make you feel good? Not in this country. This isn't the Soviet Union.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.
NANCY PELOSI went on TV blasting the national guard and other emergency protective groups while asking for who in the chain of command ordered them?

IT SEEMS TO WORK to chase Antifa back to their dungeons and dragons basements.
So why is Pelosi and DC mayor chasing the national guard out of their hotel hating on law and order fighting back on terrorist groups like Antifa? Perhaps it's because shes one of the chain of command on that other side?
During her speach she flashed a symbol using her back hand facing the audience, she flashed a four finger V which was quite long and obvious a signal sign so I looked it up and sure enough that symbol:
The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand. It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.
Does anyone know if Antifa or Resist terrorists uses this sign as well?
Discuss, but behave please.
Trump and Barr have formed a Secret Police. Does that make you feel good? Not in this country. This isn't the Soviet Union.
you pissed cause if they did they are copying the left?

god DAMN so many of you fuckheads are so simplistic i'm surprised you don't come with a warning label to remind you to breathe.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.
Two fat fucks are are going fascist right before your very eyes but you refuse to say it's happening.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.
Is the right always going to give pigs a blank check to kill anyone they deem unworthy of living?

Violent threats need to be neutralized. Where and how does the Left feel entitled to throw rocks, bricks, bottles, and liquids at law Enforcement??
Is the right always going to give pigs a blank check to kill anyone they deem unworthy of living?
But what you did there is prejudice by blaming all for the acts of a few which is what you protest when people use race in the same manner in seeing the whole for the acts of a few.
You have become what you hate, as did the protesters. =irony
YOU CAN NOT GET WHAT YOU YOURSELF IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE, the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong as an individual not a group.
A police officer in Philly who represented the FOP lodge I belonged to said it best when he said why are you taking out on us in Philly what occured across country by a few clowns in MN?
The answer of course is that same irrational blame for a group you call racism is done to police that we call prejudice against cops. 2 wrongs do not make a right, and until perps get it then they can cry innocence in handcuffs all they want that white people don't get it, but that in itself is a racist statement and deflection of their own prejudices and blanket misstrust. Hate and violence begets hate and violence, you want better police officers then become better perps. Notice love got love back and violence got violence back, it's that simple.
- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along with an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.

Why do Trump supporters thrive on BIG LIES and continue to support Authoritarianism? Our country is the longest lasting democracy in world history, and Trumpism is the greatest threat to our existence since Lincoln was President.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure...

this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

- Because Pelosi is a crazed, diseased pustule intent upon having the "fundamental change" of the new Communism take root in America.

- Because Bowser (woof!) is of the same ilk, and realizes that 70% of her constituency know no more than her that housing by contract out-of-district NG in a private hotel has nothing to do with the forced occupation prohibited under the 3rd Amendment.

Once again a stupid hateful thread on a Democrat. The one truth in every one of these threads is this, they know Donald Trump is beyond redemption, and the deplorable will continued to dominate this message board with outrageous character assassinations of Democrats.

Why is the question. Do they hate democracy, have they been so brainwashed the cannot see the reality of how Trumpism is a manifestation of fascism?

See: fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History
what is beyond redemption is the measures the left will try to justify to overthrow an elected official.

the rest of you dumbasses are just being emotional puppets.

Well now, another ludicrous example ^^^ of an Idiot-Gram. This time a new iteration, a run on sentence along with an absurd ad hominem wrapped in dissonance created by reality. Denial doesn't always appear with such anger as expressed in this idiot-gram.

Why do Trump supporters thrive on BIG LIES and continue to support Authoritarianism? Our country is the longest lasting democracy in world history, and Trumpism is the greatest threat to our existence since Lincoln was President.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure...

this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Nice deflection, that's your only strategy?
Had the increase in law enforcement never happened Nancy Pelosi would be giving tearful speeches about how Trump's lack of leadership led to a loss of control.

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