Is the Democrat Party poised to dump 32 Million Illegitimate Ballots at the 12th Hour to Steal The Election

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.

The DemNazi Brownshirt-Blackshirts are promising weeks of violence and rioting and their lawyers are promising to stretch out the election clear in to 2021.

Y'all better get out and vote and you better make sure you have plenty of Ammo.
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.

The DemNazi Brownshirt-Blackshirts are promising weeks of violence and rioting and their lawyers are promising to stretch out the election clear in to 2021.

Y'all better get out and vote and you better make sure you have plenty of Ammo.

Much more than 32M.

Add that to the fake voting locations we sat up.... Game on!
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.
You cry babies already know Tramp is going to lose and you are now making your excuses.
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.
You cry babies already know Tramp is going to lose and you are now making your excuses.
Nope. We are warning people to watch all their polling stations like their lives depend on it.

Take your cell phones, pull shifts and monitor every polling station especially in DemNazi, BLM, Antifa areas.

Besides, only Democrats catch Corona in large cities, so the GOP is going to VOTE at the polls in RECORD NUMBERS!
Given what they have already been snagged doing? They are going to try stealing the election and not even bothering to hide it---------

then they are going to drag this out in the courts.......and by street riots.
They have it all lined up, just like they paid for, set up, and lined up Russian Collusion, Moscow Mueller, Quid Pro Joe, and The Shampeachment, and imo, The Election Infection they, China and The Who attacked America with to interfere in our election.

It was a Marxist Commie Bio Weapons attack on America to damage our economy, and next they will try to TEAR down Our Democracy.

They want to make this election like Gore V. Bush.
Given what they have already been snagged doing? They are going to try stealing the election and not even bothering to hide it---------

then they are going to drag this out in the courts.......and by street riots.

If we do it right, there won't be any court action afterword.... Wise up.
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.

The DemNazi Brownshirt-Blackshirts are promising weeks of violence and rioting and their lawyers are promising to stretch out the election clear in to 2021.

Y'all better get out and vote and you better make sure you have plenty of Ammo.
When you're gonna lose, you have to come up with pretexts 2 days before.
Before this election...ballots were kept under lock & key...they needed 3 witnesses to access a single ballot.

Now there could be 100 million ballots in democrat garages. Nobody will know where they came from but a leftist judge will rule they must be counted.
Before this election...ballots were kept under lock & key...they needed 3 witnesses to access a single ballot.

Now there could be 100 million ballots in democrat garages. Nobody will know where they came from but a leftist judge will rule they must be counted.

Or in Republican garages.... don't blame Democrats for your laziness. LOL
The GOP has deployed lawyers to every state especially Pennsylvania which has particularly "lax" late ballot laws. The need for this is obvious. If on election night, the Democrats are losing PA by 50,000 votes and they have 3 DAYS after election day to process new ballots, guess what they are going to do? "Oh look, another truck load of "late ballots and wuntchaknow they are 98% for Biden!!"
I just watched Trump play a compilation video of Biden at his last rally of the day in Florida.

I couldn't stop laughing at Biden The Blithering Idiot's Blunders.

The Democrats are going to need to flood the ballot box with those votes from 200 Million People Joe Biden said died in America.

Voter Fraud is what they do. So it remains to be seen if they can overcome GOP turn out.

Trump is up 8% in Iowa, and is already leading in Florida by an ever increasing margin.

But we'll see how many dirty tricks Dems have starting Tuesday.
Democrats know they lost the election. All they have left is fraud.
There must be 50,000 people at this Florida Rally. Biden went to sleep 6 hours ago.

This President just never runs out of energy.

Biden will still looking for corn pop when he wakes up at noon to run against for The Senate, while The President will be half way to another 5 rallies.
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.
You cry babies already know Tramp is going to lose and you are now making your excuses.
Nope. We are warning people to watch all their polling stations like their lives depend on it.

Take your cell phones, pull shifts and monitor every polling station especially in DemNazi, BLM, Antifa areas.

Besides, only Democrats catch Corona in large cities, so the GOP is going to VOTE at the polls in RECORD NUMBERS!
STUPIDEST post yet!
Just heard on the news 32 Million Ballots have not been returned.

I believe The DemNazi Party is sitting on 32 Million Mail in Ballots that have not been turned in. They have rigged laws in their favor in some states where post marks aren't required, signatures do not have to match, and counting of the ballots are extended as far as a week.
You cry babies already know Tramp is going to lose and you are now making your excuses.
Nope. We are warning people to watch all their polling stations like their lives depend on it.

Take your cell phones, pull shifts and monitor every polling station especially in DemNazi, BLM, Antifa areas.

Besides, only Democrats catch Corona in large cities, so the GOP is going to VOTE at the polls in RECORD NUMBERS!
STUPIDEST post yet!
Because we know how the lying, Satan Worshiping, Kid Fondling, America hating, Jew hating, Christian hating, Israel hating, Baby killing DemNazi party works.

The President does too, and we have an army of poll watchers and lawyers watching you.

All we have to do is hope we have enough of them to keep most of your fraudulent votes out of the system.

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