is ted cruz eligible to run ??

Unlike Obama, I never said Obama was not born in Hawaii. I also didn't spawn an idiotic birther movement among the intellectually stunted portion of our society who weren't already liberals
And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama ever said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.

And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama never said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves.

And who said the bio's are written by the authors themselves?

Any author in the publishing industry
Unlike Obama, I never said Obama was not born in Hawaii. I also didn't spawn an idiotic birther movement among the intellectually stunted portion of our society who weren't already liberals
And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama ever said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.

And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama never said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves. It's like asking you to prove you are not a Nazi is a completely different then asking you to prove you are not a Nazi when there is a Swastika on your car.

Also, you don't just claim it's not proven he wrote it, you positively state he did not
Hey, look at that? More lies from the forum's pathological liar. Anyone else surprised?

Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

Where did he say that?
1,125 posts, and still not a SINGLE PERSON has posted a non-photoshopped copy of Ted Cruz's birth certificate!!! :mad:


Why is that funny since no one is saying Cruz was not born in Canada?

Well, again... you're speaking truthfully, as an honest broker.

Your opposition is speaking dishonestly, thus are dishonest brokers.

They feel that because you have made claims which discredit their guy, they're morally justified to make claims about your guy.

That your claims are rooted in honesty, is irrelevant and their irrelevant because your opposition are Relativists; thus they've no respect for 'truth'... and that is without equivocation, they axiomatically reject your truth. And that is how they see things. You have your truth, they have theirs. And the winner will be the one who convinces the most people to believe their truth.

In short you're dealing with little more than old testament evil.

The good news is that old testament evil rises and falls, in never ending cycles... meaning it never wins, because nature will not allow it to do so.
1,125 posts, and still not a SINGLE PERSON has posted a non-photoshopped copy of Ted Cruz's birth certificate!!! :mad:


Why is that funny since no one is saying Cruz was not born in Canada?
Let's see his mother's birth certificate. Make sure she was American. What's he hiding?
see this is a good example of a liberal acting all birther and shit... sorry faun..i really thought you were a girl.

Faun is a female... she may believe that she's an inner male, but there's not a trace of testosterone in anything she's ever said, here. Her reasoning is DOWN THE MIDDLE: irrational female. With claims to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

They hire an unknown author to write a book he ends up not writing and they push him aside and tell him we got this, we'll write your bio for you, you don't need to write it down and we won't ask you any questions.

I'd ask how gullible you are, but since you voted for the guy for President when he still couldn't fill a one page resume, we already know...
Unlike Obama, I never said Obama was not born in Hawaii. I also didn't spawn an idiotic birther movement among the intellectually stunted portion of our society who weren't already liberals
And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama ever said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.

And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama never said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves. It's like asking you to prove you are not a Nazi is a completely different then asking you to prove you are not a Nazi when there is a Swastika on your car.

Also, you don't just claim it's not proven he wrote it, you positively state he did not
Hey, look at that? More lies from the forum's pathological liar. Anyone else surprised?

Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

LOL! What does that even mean?

The fact is that a biography is a report on the subject individual's history. And from where is the history of that information culled?


It's taken from the subject... either from interviews of the subject, family, friends and acquaintances or public information.

And from where is public information gather... either from the subject, family, friends and acquaintances.

So, the publisher got the information that obama was born in kenya, most likely from obama, obama's family, obama's friends or from public records pertaining to obama.

And since a big part of obama's relevant history at the time was his academic record, it follows that obama's birthplace was listed as "Kenya", in a copy in some file at one of his schools; Harvard or Columbia, which would not have been locked at that time.

She didn't just guess that he was born in Kenya... she was told that he was born in Kenya by obama, his family or friends, or it was listed as such on some record.

Biographers do not 'write' a bio.... they gather the information, organize it and convey it through the biography.

So... enough of the nonsense that a BIOGRAPHER... Made a mistake and got someone birthplace wrong. And that is not to say that biographers don't make mistakes. But we're not talking about "He was born in Lubbock, Texas" when in truth "He as born in Wolfforth, Texas, 5 miles west of Lubbock."

And that's not something that cause someone to re-write a bio... because it's meaningless to anyone fro Lubbock and anyone not from Lubbock wouldn't know the difference.

We're talking about "He was Born in Lubbock", when in truth "He was born in Nairobi... ."

THAT is something that IS cause for re-writing and something that NO REASONABLE PERSON WOULD ALLOW TO STAND.

Yet... it stood for YEARS!

That also doesn't explain why his Illinois Senate Website also listed Kenya as his birthplace.

Notice that NO ONE is questioning where Cruz was born... notice that Cruz is not 'denying' where he was born.

Neither is Cruz spending a cent to prevent anyone from finding out where he was born, or paying lawyers to contest actions taken to see his birth certificate.
And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama ever said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.

And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama never said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves.

And who said the bio's are written by the authors themselves?

Any author in the publishing industry

So in other words, you are just making it up.
And as been thoroughly established in this thread, you completely and utterly failed to prove Obama never said that.

So now you're lying to claim you're not lying.

The pattern of the pathological liar.
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves.

And who said the bio's are written by the authors themselves?

Any author in the publishing industry

So in other words, you are just making it up.

No, Obama made it up. He was born in Hawaii, he lied. You know, like when he said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor? Like when he said he learned about fast and furious on the news then used executive privilege to cover it up when that would have required him to know before hand, like he said the White House wasn't involved in withholding back military support in Benghazi, like he said he was against the wars in the Middle East and would bring our troops home then finished W's timeline in Iraq and expanded Afghanistan, like he said he'd close Gitmo, like he said he was AGAINST a health care mandate when he ran against Hillary.

He's legitimately President, but he's a liar, that is well documented.
1,125 posts, and still not a SINGLE PERSON has posted a non-photoshopped copy of Ted Cruz's birth certificate!!! :mad:


Why is that funny since no one is saying Cruz was not born in Canada?
Let's see his mother's birth certificate. Make sure she was American. What's he hiding?
see this is a good example of a liberal acting all birther and shit... sorry faun..i really thought you were a girl.

Faun is a female... she may believe that she's an inner male, but there's not a trace of testosterone in anything she's ever said, here. Her reasoning is DOWN THE MIDDLE: irrational female. With claims to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Chalk this up to yet more you know nothing about.
If the man from Kenya can run than so can Cruz...

And therein resides the trap door.

The Left running and electing an illegitimate candidate... only proves that the Left has no kinship with the Principles that define America and the constitution that sustains it.

Allowing the ignorant precedent they set, stand, by running an illegitimate candidate... serves no legitimate end.

If Ted Cruz turned out to be George Washington, Abe Lincoln and Ronandus Magnus all rolled into one... serving two of the most successful Administrations in US History... completely revolutionizing the American culture, revitalizing the recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the Principles that define America, sending the US Economy into the stratosphere, with full employment for 6 of his 8 years.

When he left office... anyone could move to the US become a naturalized citizen and this without regard to whether or not they had any loyalty to the defining principles of America or the constitution that requires the US be governed by those principles.

In truth, while a fine man and a great American, Ted Cruz is simply not eligible to be President of the United States.
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Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

They hire an unknown author to write a book he ends up not writing and they push him aside and tell him we got this, we'll write your bio for you, you don't need to write it down and we won't ask you any questions.

I'd ask how gullible you are, but since you voted for the guy for President when he still couldn't fill a one page resume, we already know...
Your bitterness aside, you got caught lying yet again. Regardless how gullible you imagine I am, you still made the claim that Obama wrote his own bio. Yet another one of your claims you can't prove. And one of the owners of the company which published that pamphlet said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios. So good luck proving you didn't lie yet again. :mm:
I don't have to prove a negative.

You, on the other hand, have asserted Obama actually did convey to Aston & Dystel that he was born in Kenya -- and then miserably failed to prove it.

Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves.

And who said the bio's are written by the authors themselves?

Any author in the publishing industry

So in other words, you are just making it up.

No, Obama made it up. He was born in Hawaii, he lied.

So in other words, once again- you are just making it up.
If the man from Kenya can run than so can Cruz...

And therein resides the trap door.

The Left running and electing an illegitimate candidate... only proves that the Left has no kinship with the Principles that define America and the constitution that sustains it.

The obvious problem with your reasoning being that Obama was perfectly eligibile to run for president, as he was born in the US. And is thus a natural born citizen. As natural born status follows place of birth.

Says who?

Says the Supreme Court in Wong Kim Ark v US.

Says the Dictionary.

Says Black's Law Dictionary.

Says Historical Precedent (President Chester Arthur)

Says English Common law.

Any one of which is an infinitely better source than you.
Actually it isn't proving a negative since Obama's original publisher distributed the bio and bios are written by the authors themselves.

And who said the bio's are written by the authors themselves?

Any author in the publishing industry

So in other words, you are just making it up.

No, Obama made it up. He was born in Hawaii, he lied.

So in other words, once again- you are just making it up.

This shit again? Kaz has shot his wad on this issue. And all he had was speculation and innuendo.
Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

They hire an unknown author to write a book he ends up not writing and they push him aside and tell him we got this, we'll write your bio for you, you don't need to write it down and we won't ask you any questions.

I'd ask how gullible you are, but since you voted for the guy for President when he still couldn't fill a one page resume, we already know...
Your bitterness aside, you got caught lying yet again. Regardless how gullible you imagine I am, you still made the claim that Obama wrote his own bio. Yet another one of your claims you can't prove. And one of the owners of the company which published that pamphlet said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios. So good luck proving you didn't lie yet again. :mm:

Since you don't know what the definition of the word "lie" is, you should probably Google that. Skip past the definition that involves being in a horizontal position.

How exactly would a publisher who hires an unknown author who hasn't yet written a book write a bio without either the author writing it or their interviewing the author? How is that even possible? You seriously have no ability to question what Democrats tell you, do you?

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