is ted cruz eligible to run ??

This shit again? Kaz has shot his wad on this issue. And all he had was speculation and innuendo.

LOL, when liberals start up the birther crap again, you're good with that. But when you get a reply, what this shit again? LOL. What a tool.

That you simpletons think a publisher wrote a bio for an unknown author who hasn't written anything for them without the author writing it or their interviewing the author is just comic. Geniuses you are not
Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

They hire an unknown author to write a book he ends up not writing and they push him aside and tell him we got this, we'll write your bio for you, you don't need to write it down and we won't ask you any questions.

I'd ask how gullible you are, but since you voted for the guy for President when he still couldn't fill a one page resume, we already know...
Your bitterness aside, you got caught lying yet again. Regardless how gullible you imagine I am, you still made the claim that Obama wrote his own bio. Yet another one of your claims you can't prove. And one of the owners of the company which published that pamphlet said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios. So good luck proving you didn't lie yet again. :mm:

Since you don't know what the definition of the word "lie" is, you should probably Google that. Skip past the definition that involves being in a horizontal position.

How exactly would a publisher who hires an unknown author who hasn't yet written a book write a bio without either the author writing it or their interviewing the author? How is that even possible? You seriously have no ability to question what Democrats tell you, do you?

Why do you keep making up crap- and then expect us to provide some alternative theories?

You make up the claim that Obama wrote his bio- even though all of the actual evidence shows that he did not.
You make up the claim that that is what all authors do, even though the owner of the company said that most don't.
You make up the claim that Obama is the first Birther, even though by your own definition of a Birther, he is not a Birther

You just keep making crap up- and then call Obama the liar?

Now that is chutzpah.
If the man from Kenya can run than so can Cruz...

And therein resides the trap door.

The Left running and electing an illegitimate candidate... only proves that the Left has no kinship with the Principles that define America and the constitution that sustains it.

The obvious problem with your reasoning being that Obama was perfectly eligibile to run for president, as he was born in the US. And is thus a natural born citizen. As natural born status follows place of birth.

Says who?

Says the Supreme Court in Wong Kim Ark v US.

Says the Dictionary.

Says Black's Law Dictionary.

Says Historical Precedent (President Chester Arthur)

Says English Common law.

Any one of which is an infinitely better source than you.

You left out:

The American voters

The Electoral College


Chief Justice Roberts
Chalk this up to yet more you know nothing about.

Anyone get anything "Male" out of that?

My wife regularly informs me I know nothing
She already sounds smarter than you. :wink:

That may be true, but what's comic is you don't know what we are talking about. Have you ever been on a date with a woman before? I mean one you aren't related to
Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but of course I know what you're talking about. And yes, I've dated plenty of women. And to clarify since you actually are as immature as you sound, none of them were relatives. I even made one my wife and the mother of my children.
Jay Acton, of Acton & Dystel, said almost nobody wrote their own bios.

They hire an unknown author to write a book he ends up not writing and they push him aside and tell him we got this, we'll write your bio for you, you don't need to write it down and we won't ask you any questions.

I'd ask how gullible you are, but since you voted for the guy for President when he still couldn't fill a one page resume, we already know...
Your bitterness aside, you got caught lying yet again. Regardless how gullible you imagine I am, you still made the claim that Obama wrote his own bio. Yet another one of your claims you can't prove. And one of the owners of the company which published that pamphlet said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios. So good luck proving you didn't lie yet again. :mm:

Since you don't know what the definition of the word "lie" is, you should probably Google that. Skip past the definition that involves being in a horizontal position.

How exactly would a publisher who hires an unknown author who hasn't yet written a book write a bio without either the author writing it or their interviewing the author? How is that even possible? You seriously have no ability to question what Democrats tell you, do you?
I'm not aware that Jay Acton is a Democrat? You have any proof of that either or did you make that up too?

And he didn't have to write a book in order for there to have been much publicized about him previously. Much of which any publisher could have attained.

And as always (and this will never change), your speculation does not constitute proof. It merely constitutes an ODS sufferer's delusions.
You make up the claim that Obama wrote his bio- even though all of the actual evidence shows that he did not.
You make up the claim that that is what all authors do, even though the owner of the company said that most don't.
There is no evidence he did not. Everything he points to is that he did either write it or say it. Again, how would a publisher possibly write a bio for someone who is an unknown and hasn't written anything for them? Think about trying to do that. You would either take a draft from them or you would sit down with them and have then tell you the key things they did

You make up the claim that Obama is the first Birther, even though by your own definition of a Birther, he is not a Birther
He was Patient zero, the implication of it hadn't emerged yet.

You just keep making crap up- and then call Obama the liar?

Now that is chutzpah.
Even if somehow someone did make up he was born in Kenya and wasn't involved in that, he's still a liar. That is well documented and I just gave you a bunch of his lies. But he did make up he was born in Kenya too. Your story is:

1) Someone decided to write a bio for an unknown author who had written nothing without consulting them

2) Somehow they decided he was born in Kenya even though they didn't know anything about him, I guess he had to be born somewhere. Randomly it turned out to be where his father was actually born

3) This person who makes up facts turned it over to the firm's professional fact checker, Miriam

4) Meriam, the firm's professional fact checker, somehow couldn't check the 12 facts in the blurb and OK'd it. Not sure if she was hung over or what.

5) The bio was used for 17 more years, including for Obama's autobiography

6) When asked, Miriam already had a statement, which was intentionally vague that Obama had not told her or some unknown "us" persons he was born in Kenya. It was a "fact checking" error. She did not say who actually did write it, why they wrote it or why she did not do her job and fact check it.

Yeah, that's clearly most likely what happened...
Chalk this up to yet more you know nothing about.

Anyone get anything "Male" out of that?

My wife regularly informs me I know nothing
She already sounds smarter than you. :wink:

That may be true, but what's comic is you don't know what we are talking about. Have you ever been on a date with a woman before? I mean one you aren't related to
Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but of course I know what you're talking about. And yes, I've dated plenty of women. And to clarify since you actually are as immature as you sound, none of them were relatives. I even made one my wife and the mother of my children.

And yet you don't know that women like to tell us how clueless we are? That's why the bull shit siren is blaring on your claims
I'm not aware that Jay Acton is a Democrat? You have any proof of that either or did you make that up too?

I was referring to the Democratic party, simpleton

And he didn't have to write a book in order for there to have been much publicized about him previously. Much of which any publisher could have attained.
Without asking him? What schools he went to, what he did there, where he was born... The publishers are most likely to just go out and research them instead of you know, asking them? You are so full of shit. If you actually believe that, you have serious issues

And as always (and this will never change), your speculation does not constitute proof. It merely constitutes an ODS sufferer's delusions.

All you have is a ridiculous, convoluted, contorted story that would have had to happen for him to have not told them that
Anyone get anything "Male" out of that?

My wife regularly informs me I know nothing
She already sounds smarter than you. :wink:

That may be true, but what's comic is you don't know what we are talking about. Have you ever been on a date with a woman before? I mean one you aren't related to
Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but of course I know what you're talking about. And yes, I've dated plenty of women. And to clarify since you actually are as immature as you sound, none of them were relatives. I even made one my wife and the mother of my children.

And yet you don't know that women like to tell us how clueless we are? That's why the bull shit siren is blaring on your claims
Huh? Men don't call others "clueless?"

I guess you're not a man then ... :dunno:

"You are clueless." - kaz
I'm not aware that Jay Acton is a Democrat? You have any proof of that either or did you make that up too?

I was referring to the Democratic party, simpleton

And he didn't have to write a book in order for there to have been much publicized about him previously. Much of which any publisher could have attained.
Without asking him? What schools he went to, what he did there, where he was born... The publishers are most likely to just go out and research them instead of you know, asking them? You are so full of shit. If you actually believe that, you have serious issues

And as always (and this will never change), your speculation does not constitute proof. It merely constitutes an ODS sufferer's delusions.

All you have is a ridiculous, convoluted, contorted story that would have had to happen for him to have not told them that
No, you putz. In response to me saying clients of Acton & Dystel rarely wrote their own bios, you suggested I stop listening to Democrats. Except I told you I got that information from Jay Dystel. I take it your bluff is in lieu of evidence that Jay Dystel is a Democrat? :dunno:

The rest of your post is yet more uncorroborated nonsense the forum has become expected you to spew in lieu of facts.
You make up the claim that Obama wrote his bio- even though all of the actual evidence shows that he did not.
You make up the claim that that is what all authors do, even though the owner of the company said that most don't.
There is no evidence he did not. Everything he points to is that he did either write it or say it.

Nope. Acton confirmed that almost none of the authors wrote their own bios. That makes the odds of your account being accurate 'almost none'.

Worse, Miriam Goderich already confirmed that Obama never communicated that he was born in Kenya and the fact checking error was hers. And she's an expert eye witness, explicitly contradict your entire conspiracy.

That you ignore her and Acton entirely doesn't magically make them disappear. Nor does it change the fact that you have nothing to back your batshit conspiracy but innuendo and speculation. Or that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Again, how would a publisher possibly write a bio for someone who is an unknown and hasn't written anything for them?

Easy: rehash bio information from news articles and other sources.

Virtually every detail about Obama in the pamphlet bio is rehashed elements of the bios in the NY Times, Chicago Tribune, or LA Times. The only element that Miriam Goderich got wrong was Obama's place of birth. And these very articles included sentences like 'Barack Obama was born in Kenya', referring to Obama's father. Who shares the same first, middle and last name as his son.

Making a simple fact checking error not only plausible, but overwhelmingly likely. And backed with overwhelming evidence.

While your silly little conspiracy remains contradicted by overwhelming evidence and backed by exactly jack shit.

So what else have you got?
I'm not aware that Jay Acton is a Democrat? You have any proof of that either or did you make that up too?

I was referring to the Democratic party, simpleton

And he didn't have to write a book in order for there to have been much publicized about him previously. Much of which any publisher could have attained.
Without asking him? What schools he went to, what he did there, where he was born... The publishers are most likely to just go out and research them instead of you know, asking them? You are so full of shit. If you actually believe that, you have serious issues

And as always (and this will never change), your speculation does not constitute proof. It merely constitutes an ODS sufferer's delusions.

All you have is a ridiculous, convoluted, contorted story that would have had to happen for him to have not told them that
No, you putz. In response to me saying clients of Acton & Dystel rarely wrote their own bios, you suggested I stop listening to Democrats. Except I told you I got that information from Jay Dystel. I take it your bluff is in lieu of evidence that Jay Dystel is a Democrat? :dunno:

The rest of your post is yet more uncorroborated nonsense the forum has become expected you to spew in lieu of facts.

Kaz did what every conspiracy theorist does: any source that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes PART of the conspiracy. Its a conspiracy theorist staple.

Miriam Goderich contradicts Kaz's little pile of speculative batshit? She must be in on the conspiracy, lying for Obama. Acton contradicts Kaz? Well, we shouldn't listen to democrats.

Back in reality, Goderich is the world's leading authority on that pamphlet. And her account is evidence.

Kaz knows jack shit about the pamphlet, had nothing to do with its creation, and is offering us nothing but innuendo and speculation. Which is an excuse for evidence.
You make up the claim that Obama wrote his bio- even though all of the actual evidence shows that he did not.
You make up the claim that that is what all authors do, even though the owner of the company said that most don't.
There is no evidence he did not. Everything he points to is that he did either write it or say it. ..

Virtually nothing points to the fantasy that you have created in your head.

The evidence is that Barack Obama never told Miriam that he was born in Kenya.

Everything else is just your usual collection of lies, speculation and innuendo.
Your story is:

1) Someone decided to write a bio for an unknown author who had written nothing without consulting them

2) Somehow they decided he was born in Kenya even though they didn't know anything about him, I guess he had to be born somewhere. Randomly it turned out to be where his father was actually born

3) This person who makes up facts turned it over to the firm's professional fact checker, Miriam

4) Meriam, the firm's professional fact checker, somehow couldn't check the 12 facts in the blurb and OK'd it. Not sure if she was hung over or what.

5) The bio was used for 17 more years, including for Obama's autobiography

6) When asked, Miriam already had a statement, which was intentionally vague that Obama had not told her or some unknown "us" persons he was born in Kenya. It was a "fact checking" error. She did not say who actually did write it, why they wrote it or why she did not do her job and fact check it.

Yeah, that's clearly most likely what happened...

Man- you must write a lot of 'fan' fiction.

Because once again you are just fantasizing about what you think that 'my story' is.

Here is my story: You have consistently lied in this thread.

You lied when you first called Barack Obama the first birther when you acknowledge yourself that is merely your conjecture.

And now you lie about what I have said.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever told anyone that he was born in Kenya.

Everytime you make that claim you are just lying again.
Nope. Acton confirmed that almost none of the authors wrote their own bios. That makes the odds of your account being accurate 'almost none'.

Worse, Miriam Goderich already confirmed that Obama never communicated that he was born in Kenya and the fact checking error was hers.

LOL! Yes... but you're also the person that claims that a 180 degree deviation from the human physiological sexual standard, in no way deviates from that standard...

Ya also said that the phrase Natural Born Citizen, when used in the context of an exclusive higher standard for the office of the President of the United States, is the same context in determining simple citizenship.

Ya also said that there is a RIGHT to take innocent human life, on the basis of CONVENIENCE.

Ya also said that paying people to not work will encourage a person to seek employment...

None of which serve reason on any level.

SOOooooo ... here ya are claiming that a biographer 'made an error' by fabricating information about a client of her employer.

Which, like your other 'feelings' is simply irrational.

And that you expect reasonable people to believe... is also, irrational.

But hey... that's just ONE of the downsides to Relativism.
You make up the claim that Obama wrote his bio- even though all of the actual evidence shows that he did not.
You make up the claim that that is what all authors do, even though the owner of the company said that most don't.
There is no evidence he did not. Everything he points to is that he did either write it or say it. ..

Virtually nothing points to the fantasy that you have created in your head.

Nothing except the fact that biographers do not just make up fundamental facts about their subjects.

Meaning that if they get to the line where they need to convey the nationality of the subject and they KNOW, because they've been TOLD by someone who they recognize as being worthy of trust... they just write it on it. And besides, if the information is wrong, then surely the proof reader who checks the salient facts, would catch an error.

What's more, subjects do not allow their biographies to claim that they're foreign nationals... unless they're foreign nationals... or they want people to BELIEVE that they're foreign nationals.

This is known as the predictable behavior common to human behavior.

It's the whole 'normality' and the threshold of reasonable deviation from that standard.

Evidence which determines that your feelings on the issue to be foolish... meaning that you're a fool.

BUT! In fairness to you... all relativists are.

See how that works?
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Reactions: kaz
Kaz did what every conspiracy theorist does...


> KAZ < is a 'conspiracy' theorist?

YOU are the one who claimed that a professional Biographer FABRICATED the birth nation of her employer's client, then INTENTIONALLY PUBLISHED THAT FABRICATION and the CLIENT, you claim could NOT have NOT KNOWN about it, the MOMENT IT WAS PUBLISHED and did NOT KNOW ABOUT THE BIOGRAPHY STEMMING FROM THE PUBLICATIONS OF HIS OWN BOOKS, CLAIMED THAT HE WAS A FOREIGN NATIONAL... and NONE of his FAMILY, FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES, WHO MUST ALSO HAVE KNOWN HE WAS NOT A FOREIGN NATIONAL READ HIS BIOGRAPHY... thus were never able to pick up the phone, make a call and have this INCREDIBLE "ERROR", corrected.

Did the same 'biographer' write the bio on his Illinois Senate Website, too? Because that also stated that he was "Kenyan Born".


Provin' once again that you can NOT hide the idiots...
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So it's settled then... Like obama, Cruz is not eligible for the Presidency.

And unlike obama, Cruz is a great American.

Good stuff... . I'm glad we had a chance to flesh this out.
My wife regularly informs me I know nothing
She already sounds smarter than you. :wink:

That may be true, but what's comic is you don't know what we are talking about. Have you ever been on a date with a woman before? I mean one you aren't related to
Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but of course I know what you're talking about. And yes, I've dated plenty of women. And to clarify since you actually are as immature as you sound, none of them were relatives. I even made one my wife and the mother of my children.

And yet you don't know that women like to tell us how clueless we are? That's why the bull shit siren is blaring on your claims
Huh? Men don't call others "clueless?"

I guess you're not a man then ... :dunno:

"You are clueless." - kaz

You don't know how to have a guy conversation

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