Is TDS Morphing into Something Worse?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
TDS is the mental illness folks are afflicted with who hate President Trump. TDS victims thought the possible cure would be that the fake Russian Hoax would be real. It wasn't, obviously. So what is next for TDS victims? TDS politicians, TDS Hollywood celebrities, ridiculous TDS MSM and TDS morons from academia have been encouraging violence against American citizens who support President Trump since day one. At a minimum legislation must be passed to recognize TDS as a serious mental illness so no TDS victims are able to purchase firearms and or ammunition. Of course TDS victims should also be prohibited from purchasing knives, brass knuckles, etc.
That's what we need, political partisans to decide what is mental illness.

I don't think that's how it works.
That's what we need, political partisans to decide what is mental illness.

I don't think that's how it works.

You control freaks want to control the climate of the planet, that's mental illness. :cuckoo:

Actually I think the idea is that humans would stop influencing the climate, but you go with whatever crazy shit flies out of your mouth.
HappyJoy, I agree that 3rd world countries should have massive sterilization programs. Not sure if their sewage has an impact on weather, but it definitely fucks up rivers and streams.

TDS is the mental illness folks are afflicted with who hate President Trump. TDS victims thought the possible cure would be that the fake Russian Hoax would be real. It wasn't, obviously. So what is next for TDS victims? TDS politicians, TDS Hollywood celebrities, ridiculous TDS MSM and TDS morons from academia have been encouraging violence against American citizens who support President Trump since day one. At a minimum legislation must be passed to recognize TDS as a serious mental illness so no TDS victims are able to purchase firearms and or ammunition. Of course TDS victims should also be prohibited from purchasing knives, brass knuckles, etc.

We're at a certain mile marker past the lefts very successful long march

Gettin ready for spicy time ? tick tock

Jim has an opinion

Red Guards and Cultural Revolution
Three years ago, after World War Trans, people said, “OK, one more unconditional and total capitulation by the right, and then we will be able to live in peace.

But today we have red guards and a cultural revolution.

And that is what everyone says, after each capitulation, starting with the denial of King George’s divorce. “The left has today become so crazy, so extreme, it cannot get any crazier, and there is going to be a blacklash.” (Or, in the case of King George, a holash. And after King George’s divorce was denied, there was indeed a holash against wives who fuck around, but it did not stop things from rapidly getting worse, and the attack upon the family from endlessly escalating, and the total fertility rate from endlessly falling, with a temporary remission from the early thirties to the early sixties, between first wave and second wave feminism.)

Now it is apparent that the next big thing is Red Guards and the Cultural Revolution. Whiteness is today being erased from our past, and tomorrow we will be erased from our present. After whitness, maleness, starting with fathers and husbands.

A left singularity is usually terminated, as by a Stalin or a Cromwell. One leftist grabs all power and absolute power, and then stops things from getting worse, lest he be devoured in his turn. But until then, it just goes on getting ever more extreme. It does not stop quietly of its own accord, merely because it has become sufficiently extreme to sate people’s appetite for destruction. It is only going to stop if someone stops it.

Read it all @
Red Guards and Cultural Revolution « Jim's Blog
They should definitely be quarantined, but mostly deportation is required. the world needs Social Justice Warriors, and America should freely share ours, whether they want to volunteer or not. Somalia or Pakistan and North Korea in particular need these Warriors, and should receive the first waves of them on their borders ASAP. I can't imagine any would object, since they regale us here daily with their alleged moral superiority and expertise.

Hope And Change!!! is just a deportation order away.

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