According to CNN Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Is REAL


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
....and over a year after he has left office leftists clinically obsessed with Donal Trump prove there is no cure.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”

This is demonstrated all over the leftist fake news media and on discussion boards such as this one every day.

  1. “In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect’s every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world.”
  2. “The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim’s vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole.”
  3. “As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.”
Scientists continue to investigate this malady to determine if it could be terminal.

The fact that leftists are obsessed with Donal Trump, unable to go one day without ranting about him, is abnormal doe to the man no longer having any impact on their daily lives.

For instance, one board member created a post complaining about Donald Trump's opinion of Vladimir Putin. REALLY? Personally I could care as little about Trump's opinion of anything as I care what Hillary Clinton or George Bush does. They, like Trump, are gone, no longer factors.

This fact, sadly, has no impact on TDS or those who suffer from it.
That's because most of CNN are outpatients of this place. ;)

Glad CNN is following the science and discussing this very real medical condition. Mind you I believe you have to have a mental health issue before you can fall victim to this, typical cult like dembot mind

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