Is Rachael Maddow Out of Control?

How do you see Miss Maddow's Behavior Lately?

  • Nothing is wrong with it, she's just fine.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • She does seem a little more aggressive these days.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She is really destroying conservatives in a vendetta it seems.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • She does appear to be bullying so others won't stand up to her agenda.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
Settle down folks. I'm not on MSNBC. Maddow is. The poll is read to vote on now.

so you refuse to comment on your partys cheating?

I'm a registered democrat and have voted democratic for decades now; probably before you were born.

Don't get me wrong here. I generally think Maddow is a good journalist. She is covering important stuff like fracking, nuclear plant issues, voter suppression by the GOP and women's reproductive rights. Though on that last bit I'm more in the camp of "after 3 months, no, no abortion unless the mother's life is at risk".

She's an asset to the journalist world until she starts getting manic with the gay stuff. Then her character changes. She seems panicky almost, or manic, like I said. And frankly, I'm worried for her since during her "get conservatives!" phase, a sitting Pope has been dethroned, a governor, other politicians and she now is going after Chris Christie who is one of the GOP favorites. She used to sing his praises in fact when he and Obama were chumming around after Hurricane Sandy. Though lately I think someone has "spoken" to her about the Christie thing because after three or four nights of going manic on him, she's toned it down a bit.

It's just that when you help lop off the heads of really big and powerful men, they don't just sit back and take it. She would do a much greater service to the democratic party by recognizing and paying attention to the Duck Dynasty & Chic Fil a numbers instead of constantly weaving in gay crap into the democratic platform. Her stories on environmental stuff is the pulitzer gold ring. She should aim for that instead. Especially fracking. Those brittle well casings are ultra vulnerable to lateral shear earthquakes. If the fracking is causing earthquakes, like in Texas now, then say goodbye to fresh drinking water forever. Once that toxic stew is down there, it's there forever and will percolate around from capillary action and pressures with our drinking and agriculture waters. Fracking is going to be seen, next to boiling water for turbines with radiation [nuclear] one of the worst mistakes of modern humanity for it's long-range repurcussions..

:lmao::lmao::lmao::funny face: I fucking love it. TM beat at her own game, Diarrhea of the mouth before she even knew who she was addressing. :clap2:
MSNBC Tops Fox News in Primetime Demo

By Jordan Chariton on January 10, 2014 5:11 PM


MSNBC drew a victory in primetime last night, beating Fox News in the A25-54 demographic by 37,000 viewers, the network’s first primetime demo win in over a year. MSNBC had 348,000 viewers in the demo compared to Fox News’ 311,000. CNN and HLN followed with 250,000 and 141,000 demo viewers, respectively.

You're delusional...

Fox News was still far out front in total viewers for primetime, beating MSNBC by over a million viewers (2,157,000 vs. 1,143,000).

How am I delusional? I said MSNBC won in the most important demographic.

Show me where I'm wrong.

the network’s first primetime demo win in over a year.
That is really impressive to a retard.
Kelly has more total viewership, Syn is simply cherry picking 1 demographic.
I'm picking the only demographic that advertisers care about, therefore the only demographic that matters.

As I said from the beginning.

And the million hits on "boycott A&E" on Facebook in mere hours after the page was set up to protest suspending Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? The lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil A's across the country?

Do you pay attention to those demographics?
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There is no hell worse than being in the same room with a 'Bull Dyke' on the rag! That would be Madcow.
Anyway she doesn't have long before the owners of MSNBC notice they can be making more money running re-runs of the 'Littlest Hobo' than having Madcow on the air.
After the GOP takes back the Senate this year and Bobo becomes as useful as a pop-corn fart MSNBC will do a complete make-over and all the LIB wackos will be shown the door.
They can go to Sorros and plead with him to front a new cable network just for them. He won't. In a couple of years Madcow will be working in a 'hair removal' salon specializing in the 'vulva wax'.
Sorry not a mangina like you. I actually have pride.
You take pride that you cannot accept information from a woman you don't find attractive? Odd what passes for virtue these days!

I can only watch swimsuit models! Any other woman must be suspect due to her appearance!

And you take pride in that? I'm guessing that you would be easily distracted by bright shiny things.
Does that in any way surprise you? It shouldn't. FOX knows their clientele very well.

You mean the majority of those watching cable news in the USA?
Anytime Republicans get a taste of their own medicine, and tactics, they go all victim.

If Rachel is uncovering criminality, those careers do not deserve saving.

No, what the republicans did was simply smear Wendy in Texas in an equally devastating way.

Who loses in all this are the People. Both Christie and Wendy Davis are good people who as all people do, come with flaws. But their basic character as anyone would admit if they thought about it long enough, is gritty, determined and expressive of their inner convictions. What person could make it in politics without fudging a little? What person could make it in politics without a little roughing up here and there? What person could make it in politics without throwing a bone here or there in exchange for a favor or two?

Think about it. Do you suppose Maddow made it where she is by not stepping on anyone? By not throwing a favor or two to someone in exchange for something she may not have otherwise been entitled to? Maybe she's fudged on her resume' once or twice in her life? Maybe not. Maybe she's as pure as the driven snow and made it all the way to where she is by always being kind, always being honest, always being forthright...

This country needs its Wendy Davis and Chris Christie and their ilk to be interested in and go for politics. They are a rare breed. Another person with the zeal, grit and dedication to what he believes in but who also was nitpicked for being male was Anthony Weiner. Another, Bill Clinton.

Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, Wendy Davis and Chris Christie all have that uncommon edge; that devotion to this country and its viability into the future as a whole nation, sane, sober, reasonable. They are passionate about what they believe and stand up to opposition. You have to admire them because they have a spine and the tenacity to back it up. Another one that comes to mind is Rand Paul. Even if you don't like what they are for, you have to admire that they come with true grit. And every time one of them is drummed out of a career by some holier-than-thou media witch hunt, the American public and our country's integrity in fact, go out the door.

If you have a top-notch engineer working for your company, you don't let his extramarital affair or his fudging a little on his resume' or his having gotten some perks in exchange for giving them to others or if he was showing his whanger to a gal he liked on the internet, interfere with his good and productive work at your firm. You can warn him to shape up, but if you drum him out and others like him one after the other, pretty soon human beings will stop applying for your "talented engineer wanted" ads you have to run in the papers every 4-6 years.

Extreme agendas on both sides of the spectrum are the ones doing the worst damage in this way. People subscribing to extreme beliefs are almost always irrational and can't see the greater good of anything beyond their cause. So they mow down good people who even hint at disagreeing with their stance and accept collateral damage like Wendy Davis' career ruined, all because in their mind they have rationalized that "anything is worth getting what I want". We've seen characters like that in history. And with very few exceptions, our recollections of them have not been warm and fuzzy.

What are we really losing in all this?
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There is no hell worse than being in the same room with a 'Bull Dyke' on the rag! That would be Madcow.
Anyway she doesn't have long before the owners of MSNBC notice they can be making more money running re-runs of the 'Littlest Hobo' than having Madcow on the air.
After the GOP takes back the Senate this year and Bobo becomes as useful as a pop-corn fart MSNBC will do a complete make-over and all the LIB wackos will be shown the door.
They can go to Sorros and plead with him to front a new cable network just for them. He won't. In a couple of years Madcow will be working in a 'hair removal' salon specializing in the 'vulva wax'.

Ah, another one who has been beaten out in life, love, work, etc by a woman...or perhaps several women.

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