Is Officer Wilson Expendable?

CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Um, shouldn't it be on Wilson to prove he did have a fracture, and not CNN to prove he didn't?

On a similar note if the gun went off in the car, and presumably this was not one of the SIX shot that hit Brown, shouldn't we have pictures of damage inside the police car to back that up?
If they have a trial.

I wonder why the grand jury hasn't announced their findings yet?

Because the State asked for a they can finish their planning for controlling the riots that will result. FACT. I have a source.
CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Um, shouldn't it be on Wilson to prove he did have a fracture, and not CNN to prove he didn't?

On a similar note if the gun went off in the car, and presumably this was not one of the SIX shot that hit Brown, shouldn't we have pictures of damage inside the police car to back that up?
If they have a trial.

I wonder why the grand jury hasn't announced their findings yet?

Because the State asked for a they can finish their planning for controlling the riots that will result. FACT. I have a source.
I figured as much...
CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Um, shouldn't it be on Wilson to prove he did have a fracture, and not CNN to prove he didn't?

On a similar note if the gun went off in the car, and presumably this was not one of the SIX shot that hit Brown, shouldn't we have pictures of damage inside the police car to back that up?
If they have a trial.

I wonder why the grand jury hasn't announced their findings yet?

Probably cause they are mulling info like this.

Lawyer Audio shows pause in fire in Ferguson -

The FBI has questioned a man who says he recorded audio of gunfire at the time Brown was shot by Ferguson police on August 9, the man's attorney told CNN.
In the recording, a quick series of shots can be heard, followed by a pause and then another quick succession of shots.
Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed the recording and said he detected at least 10 gunshots -- a cluster of six, followed by four.
He should be happy he took a violent criminal off the street.

Really who was more likely to harm someone, the cop or the criminal that already showed a penchant for violence?

Number of people killed by Officer Wilson -1
Number of people killed by Brown - 0

Sorry, pushing some asshole clerk is hardly a penchant for violence.

He didn't get himself killed because he stole cigars or shoved a clerk. And it's funny how you don't think the fucking criminal who stole someone else's property is the asshole.

Did he steal it. It looks like he's giving money to someone behind the counter. Maybe it was a argument over price.

Keep in mind, the store did NOT report a robbery.
He should be happy he took a violent criminal off the street.

Really who was more likely to harm someone, the cop or the criminal that already showed a penchant for violence?

Number of people killed by Officer Wilson -1
Number of people killed by Brown - 0

Sorry, pushing some asshole clerk is hardly a penchant for violence.

He didn't get himself killed because he stole cigars or shoved a clerk. And it's funny how you don't think the fucking criminal who stole someone else's property is the asshole.

Did he steal it. It looks like he's giving money to someone behind the counter. Maybe it was a argument over price.

Keep in mind, the store did NOT report a robbery.
That must be what the shoving was about.

Michael Brown was negotiating a better charge.

Thank You

Have a nice day
He should be happy he took a violent criminal off the street.

Really who was more likely to harm someone, the cop or the criminal that already showed a penchant for violence?

Number of people killed by Officer Wilson -1
Number of people killed by Brown - 0

Sorry, pushing some asshole clerk is hardly a penchant for violence.

He didn't get himself killed because he stole cigars or shoved a clerk. And it's funny how you don't think the fucking criminal who stole someone else's property is the asshole.

Did he steal it. It looks like he's giving money to someone behind the counter. Maybe it was a argument over price.

Keep in mind, the store did NOT report a robbery.
That's why they forgot to count how many cigars he grabbed. He was throwing money at least them without reaching into his pockets. Must be why the clerk tried to lock the door. He wanted to thank MB for his generosity and MB pushed him into a rack saying "I do not require thanks good sir"

What a nice kid
He should be happy he took a violent criminal off the street.

Really who was more likely to harm someone, the cop or the criminal that already showed a penchant for violence?

Number of people killed by Officer Wilson -1
Number of people killed by Brown - 0

Sorry, pushing some asshole clerk is hardly a penchant for violence.

He didn't get himself killed because he stole cigars or shoved a clerk. And it's funny how you don't think the fucking criminal who stole someone else's property is the asshole.

Did he steal it. It looks like he's giving money to someone behind the counter. Maybe it was a argument over price.

Keep in mind, the store did NOT report a robbery.
The depths you will stoop to in order to defend a criminal are truly astounding
That's why they forgot to count how many cigars he grabbed. He was throwing money at least them without reaching into his pockets. Must be why the clerk tried to lock the door. He wanted to thank MB for his generosity and MB pushed him into a rack saying "I do not require thanks good sir"

What a nice kid

Why did the clerk not report a robbery?

Why did the store tell the cops, "Don't get us in the middle of this!" ?

This was taking a tape out of context to try to cover for a murdering cop.
I think you have to look at the numbers here. The story as it has been clarified over the past few weeks shows a big, "black" bully - sometime criminal - with a chip on his shoulder assaulting a police officer who was doing his job, then basically daring the officer to shoot him. With lethal consequences.

All bullshit aside, there are at least 4 times as many white people as black people with an interest in how this story plays out. Unless some new, credible, information comes out that puts Wilson in a bad light, he has committed NO CRIME whatsoever, and a hundred million "white" people are going to be PISSED if he gets railroaded.

The likely outcome is that neither the DA nor the U.S. Attorney will prosecute him, because there simply isn't any CREDIBLE evidence that he committed a state or federal crime. The "black" population will just have to deal with it.

Of course, these developments will be followed by a wrongful-death lawsuit by the "victim's" family (lower burden of proof than a criminal trial), which could provide a little more entertainment. Ultimately, some insurance company will pay Brown's heirs a couple million dollars to go away and the whole thing will be forgotten, as the race pimps move on to the next episode of imaginary police victimization.

What you're not taking into account is how politics actually works.Special interests care a LOT about their specific interests and most of the rest of us don't really give much of a damn and this allows the special interests to ram their agendas on the rest of us.

Blacks are focused on this like a laser beam, most white people have lives to live. Black solidarity is well known and on the other side about 40% of whites side with blacks in the Democratic party.

Whites don't yet outrightly acknowledge racial identity because this is seen as uncouth and low class, so I doubt there would be white reaction to a railroading. There wasn't a white reaction to Zimmerman, his being an honorary white and all.
Liberal Democrats have white guilt and hate all White police. So yes, they want to throw him under the bus. Can you believe these cocksuckers have one house of Congress and the presidency?
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?

To the question of Wilson, no it's still too early in the revolution for the Party of the Perpetually Aggrieved to call for lowered standards.

However, look at what is happening on college campuses with the issue of regret "rape." Standards are being lowered, young college men are being "convicted" and suspended, and all the rules of jurisprudence are thrown out in these Kangaroo Courts in order to bring about DESIRED OUTCOMES, high conviction rates.

Women have the voting power to corrupt fair practices in order to achieve high conviction rates. The same dynamic will play out with minority groups once they achieve majority status. The care about outcomes, not fair process.
The depths you will stoop to in order to defend a criminal are truly astounding

Well, I'd say that fact you'd put the value of Cigars above a young man's life to be astounding, but we've already established you're a selfish asshole.

You tell young black men their lives have no value, you develop a generation of nihilists.
I don't care what color a criminal's skin is.

Face it Brown was a criminal. he stole, he assaulted a man half his size then he assaulted a cop. And those are only the crimes we know about. A person who will do those things has committed crimes before and would have committed more crimes in the future

He and he alone is responsible for getting himself dead.
That must be what the shoving was about.

Michael Brown was negotiating a better charge.

Thank You

Have a nice day

Or maybe he was just being rude. These immigrant store owners go into these neighborhoods and treat the local folks with contempt.

Oh, and why hasn't the FPD Charged Brown's accomplices yet?
Yeah, and Republicans are really conducting a war on women?

You libs are so gullible.

Explain how treating your customers with contempt helps your business?

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