Is now the time to buy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?
I thought you were talking about toilet paper. My bad.
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?

I’m not convinced we’ve seen the bottom yet, but one never really knows. You’ll probably see a bounce tomorrow because of the president’s press conference today, but come Wednesday it could plummet again.
I will keep my money invested in Star Wars action figures and Pokemon cards if you don't mind. Those are investments I can count on.
I was in the market in 2008. Lost almost everything. That was the end of my investing experience.
Okay, just for fun, if I were to invest a modest amount of money, what would you suggest? Large caps, small caps, Nasdag, Dow, everyday products? Medical supplies? I'm think medical supplies, especially companies that make/sell masks.
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?
/——/ I was caught 50% in cash. I want to be 100% cash and trade nothing but option spreads. As my holdings recover, I’ll sell. But I’m 68 with a different strategy.
An awful lot depends on your age and goals. Are you old enough that you plan to invest now to have a good retirement. If you are you can definitely get into the stock market now with some good buys. Hold those stocks for twenty or so years it will probably pay off handsomely. If you are hoping to buy now and sell in a year or so in the hopes of making a quick killing then probably not a good time to buy.
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?

Not yet. Not until trump shuts his mouth and stops giving mixed messages. Or maybe I'll hold on to my liquid assets until Jan. 20th, 2021
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?

I bought 200 shares of American Airlines on the Monday swoon, thinking it would probably turn around in six to eight months, but it was up today (Tuesday) so I sold for a 15% profit. Just a small speculation with funds I don't need in the near future, but it's nice to hit a winner like that once in a while.
Now that the market has fallen 20% from it high in February, is this the time to buy? I hear that question often and my answer is, It all depends. How about you, are you buying?

I bought 200 shares of American Airlines on the Monday swoon, thinking it would probably turn around in six to eight months, but it was up today (Tuesday) so I sold for a 15% profit. Just a small speculation with funds I don't need in the near future, but it's nice to hit a winner like that once in a while.
/----/ Good call. Airlines' greatest expense is oil, followed by labor. Oil slumps- the airlines spike.
I'm not. If you do, make your buys small and average your way back in.
Someone ask me the other day if it was time to buy and I hedged by saying it depends, but really it does depend. If you're a long term investor which means your goal is out a decade or more and you dollar cost average, you should just continue if you can. If you are looking to start a nest egg, then now is the time to start dollar cost average, investing the same amount with every major fall in the market and as it rises continue with periodic investments of the same amount. If you are intent on buying at the bottom, I suggest you consult your Ouija Board because it's just as accurate as anything else at picking the bottom.

One tip that has worked for me over the years is don't try to buy the market as it rises, nor try buy it at the very bottom. Buy it as it goes down. If you try and wait until the market has clearly hit bottom you will probably not buy at all because bottoms in the market now days occur very rapidly often followed by thousand point rises. You will probably be waiting for the right time to buy when it hits a new all time high.
I'm not. If you do, make your buys small and average your way back in.
Someone ask me the other day if it was time to buy and I hedged by saying it depends, but really it does depend. If you're a long term investor which means your goal is out a decade or more and you dollar cost average, you should just continue if you can. If you are looking to start a nest egg, then now is the time to start dollar cost average, investing the same amount with every major fall in the market and as it rises continue with periodic investments of the same amount. If you are intent on buying at the bottom, I suggest you consult your Ouija Board because it's just as accurate as anything else at picking the bottom.

One tip that has worked for me over the years is don't try to buy the market as it rises, nor try buy it at the very bottom. Buy it as it goes down. If you try and wait until the market has clearly hit bottom you will probably not buy at all because bottoms in the market now days occur very rapidly often followed by thousand point rises. You will probably be waiting for the right time to buy when it hits a new all time high.
Agreed. If the big guys can't pick the bottom it's not likely Mom and Pop investor are going to do any better.

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